Sun God Marvel

Chapter 948

This is how the two great demons who have accumulated years reached an agreement. And from some perspectives, this is not a good thing for the entire United Kingdom. With strength of oneself alone, Mephisto can turn Japan, which is more populous than the United Kingdom, into a human ghost. Now with the help of these demons and gods, his methods must be more brutal.

However, who would take these people’s life and death seriously? At the very least, none of these ferocious Old Demons cares about the life and death of these mortals.

However, they don’t care, it doesn’t mean that others don’t care either. In fact, with the few remaining cabinet officials in Japan escorting the Japanese Imperial Family orphans who may not even be regarded as a symbol, they fled to a nearby country for help. The temporary multinational conference that had been caused by a sudden attack by Ganata immediately became more lively as if it had exploded.

When the Prime Minister of United Kingdom heard the news, he almost had a heart attack and passed out. Although he himself is temporarily out of the United Kingdom due to a state visit, this is a very lucky thing. But in a blink of an eye, the entire United Kingdom will become a ghost like Japan, and his prime minister will not only be an empty commander, but he may also bear a humiliating reputation in the history of mankind. If you think about it carefully, you can’t really say that you are lucky.

Of course, everything must be compared. Compared with Japan, where the country is now ruined, although the situation in United Kingdom is said to be dangerous, there is no bad news. So there is more or less room for reversal and hope. However, the United Kingdom prime minister’s psychological endurance is really too bad. He scared himself oneself before he even thought about remedial work, and fainted oneself forcibly.

This made Tony a little disappointed. After all, Britain and the United States are very close until now. Even the upper class of United States still retains a considerable part of the habits of United Kingdom aristocrats. They can be regarded as breaking the relationship between the bones and the tendons, and this relationship also makes them help each other in many positions, especially politically.

And now, the prime minister of this generation of United Kingdom is so unbearable. This makes him, a collaborator, naturally impossible and happy.

However, this is a trivial matter after all. Except for Zhou Yi and Ganata, which are no longer visible, the only major events for this plan are those that happened in Japan and the United Kingdom. And what to do? Should I let go of that first? This is already the focus of discussion by everyone present.

Among them, the crying of the Japanese widows and children who finally escaped seemed particularly harsh.

“My lord, our Japan is really miserable. Together with that heavy fog, there are demons and ghosts everywhere. People walk in the fog, and before they take two steps, they are removed from the fog. The monster that threw out was dragged away. The guards of the cabinet went to see that there was nothing left except the blood in one place. They wanted to look for it again, but even the guards disappeared. The cabinet ministers, the prime minister, are so absent. It fell. Not only that, but the same is true of the Emperor’s Mansion. I tried my best to rush to the Emperor, only to find that the Emperor Your Majesty was only half of him. All the members of the Imperial Family, except hiding in the cabinet The princes inside and outside the princes of Kako and Yourhito are all finished, all finished. Lords, you must call the shots for us.”

The Japanese cabinet is normally even qualified for the appearance. A middle-level official who didn’t. But now, he is the highest remaining guy in the Japanese cabinet. Of course, if according to his wishes, he could even bear the name of a Minister Tuogu. But at this time, simply no one cares about him.

Because according to his statement, both the Japanese Cabinet and the Imperial Family are completely dead. If this is the case, who are they going to rescue? Moreover, compared with the dead officials of the Imperial Family, shouldn’t you care more about oneself’s remaining citizens? In this regard, you can’t even get any reliable information. How can you expect others to help you!

Since ancient times, it is by no means a minority that he is on the verge of desperate situation and then moves to rescue soldiers. But moving rescue soldiers is obviously also a science. What you should say and what you shouldn’t say are all exquisite. And this person who claims to be the Minister of Tuogu just blindly talked about the misery of the cabinet and the Imperial Family, and wanted to play the emotional card to let others reach out. This road is obviously unworkable.

After all, the Japanese cabinet and the Imperial Family do not have much contact with everyone present. They are not Japanese, impossible have any special feelings for the cabinet or the Japanese Imperial Family. It’s an irresistible relationship in itself, but you want to take unnecessary risks because of your own words. No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible.

But this Minister Tuogu didn’t understand this, he was still crying blindly. If it wasn’t because he was here in person, Tony would have the urge to pinch his signal.

And I have listened a lot, not just him, even some other people are also upset. This kind of a nobody who will not talk is almost impossible to communicate with them face to face in the past. It was just after the catastrophe that Japan appeared in, that made him qualified. But being qualified is one thing, and whether you can show the ability to meet this qualification is another thing. Obviously, his ability is insufficient. So some people don’t want to listen to him crying like this anymore.

“Guard, come and send him to the Medical Room. This person is psychologically traumatized and needs medical treatment. Don’t let him in here until he is well.”

When someone ordered it, no one stopped it. Naturally, this person who claimed to be the Minister of Tuogu was directly kicked out in a reluctant state. Only at this time, no one gave a tray of what they really wanted to discuss.

“What do we do next, really want to abandon Japan?”

“The embassy in Japan, also part of the staff abroad, all lost contact. This is also It means that the situation that the idiot just said is far more than just in the cabinet. It’s the same in all places in Japan that are shrouded in dense fog. If the situation is really that bad, imagine the worst. , I am afraid that there are not many people alive in Japan. Since there is already a dead place, what if you don’t give it up?”

One of the giants decided this matter. Such a tone, and after listening to his words, those who were still in the spirit of humanitarian aid immediately quietly suppressed this idea. Although this kind of performance is a bit cold-blooded, it has to be said that this is the most realistic and most appropriate method now. After all, nothing is clear about the current situation. As leaders of a country, they should not only consider these issues, but also consider the safety of oneself citizens.

In this world, there is no reason for own citizens to rush into unknown and dangerous places to die in order to save other countries. Of course, the situation in United Kingdom is different.

Clearing his own throat, Tony took the draft that oneself had already worked out, and started to talk with these people. The Prime Minister of United Kingdom can’t count on it now. In that case, he is the only Boss brother from the English-speaking area to support the scene.

“Japan can give up, but United Kingdom can’t. Now that United Kingdom has not fallen, our embassy in United Kingdom can still keep in touch with us. The omnics are also operating normally. Although the report As mentioned above, the current damage ratio of the omnic is a bit extraordinary, almost reaching the level of Japan. But this at least means that there are still people protecting the United Kingdom. There are still people who need to be saved by us. So this At that time, we should shift our focus to United Kingdom as it should be, and before United Kingdom repeats Japan’s disaster, try to save the people inside as much as possible.”

From the point of view of truth and justice, There is no big problem. But when he said these words, a group of Europeans around began to look at each other in blank dismay, and some didn’t know how to continue.

United Kingdom is an island country, and it has no borders with anyone. The closest ones are naturally those countries in Europe. If it is really said to send troops to rescue United Kingdom. Then other countries will have special formations at most, and they have to mobilize their troops.

And just like the previous one, although the situation in United Kingdom is much better than that in Japan. But letting the own citizens go to death in the past is really not something a qualified politician can do. Although these guys in Europe are usually muddleheaded, it is not so easy for them to open their mouths when it comes to this kind of major matter related to national life. And this also made Tony’s previous remarks completely like stand-up comedy, just talking about himself.

This situation is obviously not something Tony wants to see, so he immediately changed his tone, and directly escalated from the original persuasion to a threat.

“I know what you are thinking about. It’s nothing more than worrying that oneself’s soldiers will be in danger in United Kingdom. But I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, if we don’t save United Kingdom today, then We are impossible to figure out why all this is in the end. And if we don’t know this, then naturally we also impossible to have any way to deal with this. And if what happened here today spreads out and spreads to your country, then when the What are you going to do with time comes?”

This is obvious. Even if you are not for the United Kingdom, you should contribute to this matter for the sake of oneself’s future safety. Otherwise, hum, who can tell the future?

Europe is strong, but it depends on the whole. With so many small countries pulling their legs behind, in fact, Europe is just like that. So soon, they were frightened by Tony’s words. Then began to discuss specific actions. And just when they arranged the army and prepared to rescue the United Kingdom, some other people who had the same idea as them had already entered the territory of the United Kingdom.

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