Sun God Marvel

Chapter 950

General Ross’s judgment comes from his caution about the current situation. And this caution is not unreasonable, or it is very useful. Because just as he just finished saying these words, a dark shadow suddenly jumped from in the sky and fell.

This time, most people can see clearly what the attacker looks like. It was a snake-like monster with wings, with black scales and huge body, with a stench of bad wind in its movements, and its movements were extremely quick. In almost an instant, this flying snake-like monster threw down two or three agents in a group, and then opened his mouth and spit out a puff of black smoke on them.

And this spit immediately seemed to pour tons of aqua regia and sulfuric acid on them. There was almost no room for screaming. These agents were directly Was melted into a pool of pus by this black smoke. The situation was terrifying for a while, but the flying snake who did all this was a little proud. Even at this time, it is still spreading wings like bats, opening its mouth to other people is a roar, and it means that it doesn’t look at them at all. But before he completely roared the lung qi in his chest, a red silhouette had already rushed towards it.

This is how the extremely angry General Ross directly transformed into a giant take action, and when he took action, he immediately threw the flying snake in front of him to the ground, and then directly waved The big hand grabbed its wing, and under the sudden force, it immediately tore off that wing.

Such a violent act immediately made Flying Snake roar up loudly in pain, and it subconsciously wanted to turn around and bite General Ross. But as soon as it turned its head, General Ross already stretched out his big hand, pressed its head and knocked its head to the ground.

Flying snake head is restrained, so he can only twitch and twist his body desperately, trying to drive General Ross from his body. But this kind of action simply cannot help the violent giant. General Ross just sat on its seven inches like this, and then swung a fist the size of a millstone, and hit its head with punch after punch like a drum.

Even though this flying snake has Steel Muscles Iron Bones, how could it be comparable to the majestic power that General Ross got from Hulk. So after a few hits, the flying snake was already bleeding from its snout and nose, and its skull was deformed. But even in this way, General Ross obviously didn’t mean to give up. On the one hand, because of anger, his power was gained from Hulk anyway, so naturally he would be affected somewhat emotionally. It’s just that this impact is not as serious as Hulk that’s all. On the other hand, it is because of the current morale.

One after another has been attacked so many times, not to mention ordinary soldiers, even his commander has a little bit of pressure in his heart. He can still rely on the power of own to keep oneself somewhat calm. But ordinary agents can’t. If you don’t do something and so on, you only need to come twice, then I’m afraid these people will collapse. Therefore, he must behave a little bit violently, and this naturally caused the flying snake to fall down with blood mold.

Obviously at first, General Ross had already beaten the soul flew away and scattered with three fists and two kicks. After he died, didn’t expect to be lashed to the corpse. General Ross took action ruthlessly, his fists banged like a thunderbolt. Between the crackles, the entire head of the flying snake was completely smashed into a pool of flesh. At this time, I don’t know if General Ross smashed something like a poison sac. As the flying snake’s head shattered, a puff of black smoke suddenly erupted from the mud.

Although General Ross turned around in time, there was still something like this stuck on his arm. This shocked many people, so that the agents immediately asked him with concern.

“General, you have nothing to do.”

“It’s okay, this thing can’t hurt me!” waving a huge palm, blowing away the dangerous black smoke. General Ross replied calmly. And seeing him safe and sound, the surrounding agents immediately cheered in a low voice.

There is a saying in China that a general is the courage of a soldier. As a commander, General Ross is able to kill the enemy bravely. This naturally makes those who obey orders under his hand boil with blood. So naturally, those fears and horrors that were born out of various accidents before have disappeared.

This is a good thing, at least on the surface. But for General Ross, a somewhat scheming man, this was not the case, because he had already heard some movement. That was the movement that occurred after the strange snake was hammered to death by him. It came from the sky, one after another, and it was clear that many such strange snakes gathered together to make a sound. Although he could not understand the meaning of these strange snakes roar, he could feel the current anger of these strange snakes just by feeling.

I think it was the act of killing the snake just now that angered them, making them stare at the group of oneself thoroughly. And the reason why there is no movement now is probably because of fear of own power that’s all.

General Ross thought clearly, so he immediately commanded the people around him.

“It’s not safe in the fog. Let’s go to the supermarket to rectify as planned. Everyone, set off immediately without any stop in between. Go, go, go!”

This At that time, almost no one dared not listen to what he said, so immediately everyone set off. And there was General Ross sitting behind. Soon, they entered the predetermined meeting point without risk and risk.

However, upon entering the supermarket, everyone immediately noticed a problem. That is, there are people in this supermarket, and there is more than one person. A whole number of people crowded in this two-story supermarket, staring at the agents and avengers who rushed in with their own eyes. Especially when General Ross walked in, there was a sudden burst of exclamation and shouting among these people. Obviously, they are already shocked, and there is not much reason to speak of.

This situation is somewhat beyond General Ross’s expectation. He thought it was an empty place, isolated from the fog, which was good for assembly. At the same time, even if the monsters entered, they could give it as soon as possible. Fight back. But they never thought that there would be so many civilians here. This is not a good thing, because these people are totally a burden when they perform missions. And to put it bluntly, if there is a battle here, then how many of his subordinates will be killed by these civilians.

But, anyway, he is a soldier. The soldier must protect the people, so he could only pinch his nose to recognize this terrible situation, and then began to stretch out his hand to put everything under control.

“Listen, everyone, we are agents of the Skyhammer Bureau, and we are ordered to carry out the mission here. During this period, you will be temporarily protected by us. We will find ways to contact the outside world and talk about you Send it out safely. But before that, I want to clarify the words. This is a special time. In this case, you all persons will be monitored by military regulations. I will not discuss unnecessary issues with you. You are not qualified to ask us for anything. In short, you must obey our arrangements. Otherwise, we will not have any guarantee for your life and death. Do you understand what I mean?”

Military and civilian fish and water conditions, this kind of thing has some unrealistic illusions. From ancient times to the present, with the exception of a few extreme cases, most of the facts are that soldiers and civilians are two subjects that can’t stay together at all. When soldiers execute orders, they will inevitably violate the interests of the people. For the benefit of their own people, sometimes they will find ways to add chaos to the soldiers. This kind of thing is especially obvious in the country of freedom and cooking, and United Kingdom is a typical example. It’s like now.

General Ross thought that even if this remark said by oneself couldn’t get these British responses, he could still rely on the power of the oneself group to overwhelm this group of people obediently and honestly accept their management. But in fact, this is not the case, because just after he finished speaking, someone took the lead and shouted at them.

“Get out, you running dogs of the government. If it weren’t for you, how could there be such a devilish fog?”

As soon as I shouted out this sentence, including General Ross The first reaction of everyone in it was “what the hell?”, and before they could figure it out, or explain things clearly, a strange woman had already walked out of the crowd. Came out.

This is a woman who looks rather old-fashioned. The complexion is gloomy and blunt. At first glance, he looks like the kind of conservative conservative. He wears a thick long skirt and a shawl around his body to wrap oneself tightly. And most importantly, she also held a bead chain with a cross in her hand. Such a person is a troublesome religious person at first sight, and the moment he sees such a person, General Ross feels bad in his heart.

And the facts also proved that his feeling was right, because at this moment, this woman dressed as a religious believer is already rubbing the bead chain, and she came up with a gloomy look. Said to the entire group of General Ross.

“You running dogs of the government, you do not believe in God, you believe in Evil God. Now it has attracted the anger of God and Penalty. At this time, you still want to deceive us, what exactly are you like? Intent!”

This is simply unreasonable to General Ross. For one thing, he knows what kind of guy the most widespread belief in the world is, and secondly, he is nothing at all. Believer of God. He is a soldier, and weapons and strength are his beliefs. So he almost immediately retorted to the mad woman who was talking about God and God.

“Madam, do you want to know what you are talking about? Now is not the time to promote some cult thoughts to you!”

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