Sun God Marvel

Chapter 951

His in a low, muffled voice, coupled with a huge body shape and a somewhat terrifying appearance, will naturally make people feel stressful. And this is exactly what General Ross meant. He originally wanted to use this to scare the mad woman in front of him, and let her say a little less about this kind of nagging and unrealistic things. However, he really underestimated the courage of this woman, or the madness and stupidity of a fanatic.

Because at this moment, this woman simply didn’t fear his terrifying appearance, but took a step forward, pointed her finger at him, and said to the group of ordinary persons behind her.

“Everyone, everybody. Look at what this guy looks like, look at his abomination color. This is the color of the devil, this is the face of being Abomination by God. This is the first guy like this. Just and honorable ran to the people of God and told us that he was an official of the government. What does this mean? This means that our government has been controlled by the devil, which means that they have abandoned God. And this Everything is God’s Penalty to them. We, God’s people, are all affected by these damn demons. We are suffering Penalty because of their mistakes. Everyone, it’s time. , Do we still have to submit to humiliation? The time has come, should we let these guys lead us to death and let us all be burned to ashes by the wrath of God?”

I have to say that although this woman is talking about her gods and gods, she doesn’t have the rationality that a normal person should have in her words. She is a religious fanatic. But she really has some talent in demonstrating people’s hearts. Because these words of her completely knocked on the weakness in the hearts of these panicked civilians.

Be aware that although Protestantism prevails in United Kingdom, it is essentially one of the countries that worships God. Although because of Zhou Yi, the name of God has dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and it is becoming less and less accepted by the younger generation. But the historical atmosphere and social environment are there, and without the accumulation of hundreds of years, the influence of God’s teaching will not fade so easily.

So naturally, this group of people will easily be agitated by these divine talks about God. They were completely ignorant of everything here, and suddenly a heavy fog made their lives changed by Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Danger, horror, and death, these things force everyone to panic and feel completely lost about the future. In this kind of confusion, it is religion that is most likely to arouse people’s approval and pin their feelings on it.

Zhou Yi this god is actually a failure, because he is clearly the only true God in this world, and he is also the most powerful one. But in fact, he is in this world not at all. Although Lilith used his and own names to create a religious model before, it was only something that spread among the dark races. Among human beings, not at all a complete framework system exists. And this also made it clear that it was his defeated, and now Jehovah, who has no courage to appear in the world, the religion he left behind has a greater influence than Zhou Yi.

And it is precisely because of this that some guys who have been brainwashed since childhood have the ability to jump out and stir the rain at this time. Just like now, because of the instigation of a bishop fanatic, a group of guys who were already panicked immediately began to grow angry, and the evil came from their hearts and approached the group of General Ross.

“Get out of here, don’t bring your disaster to us!”

“God Penalty, you are enough, don’t let us in too!”

“Damn government running dogs, you took our taxpayers’ money, did you cheat us like this?”

Although they don’t have any weapons in their hands, these civilians are also copying I picked up things like hammer wrenches, shovel chainsaws and the like. It made it clear that I would use military force to intimidate General Ross and the others and let them get out of here. Seeing this situation, General Ross suddenly sneered.

After being a general for so many years, he has encountered many idiots, but it was the first time he saw him who was a top grade guy who came forward to death when he was inspired. And watching these idiots dared to force them up with the broken copper and iron, and the own subordinates obviously had guns in their hands but they had some refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and they didn’t dare to move. He immediately commanded in a fierce heart.

“Everyone, load their weapons and prepare for the attack. Once someone dared to rush in, they should be killed directly in accordance with the wartime management regulations.”

This order is sincere. Still deliberately intimidating. Everyone can’t make up his mind. But after all, soldiers are bound to obey orders, so even if this order sounds a bit outrageous, these agents dutifully raised the guns in oneself’s hands and aimed them at the approaching civilians.

And this naturally frightened these civilians. Before, they rushed up with their brains hot, and they didn’t even imagine the consequences. And now facing the muzzle, the vague things in their minds immediately retreated almost. Fate is own, not of God. Said it is for God, but that is just nothing serious. Only fools will dedicate their lives for this kind of ghost stuff, and how many of those present are fools?

So immediately, these guys who just yelled to fight or kill stopped their own footsteps and confronted these agents with oneself’s pile of broken copper and iron. It’s not that they don’t want to retreat, but that oneself just said something like that, and now it retreats like this, then it doesn’t mean to slap own face. People want faces and trees want skins. In this situation where there is no step for you to go down, they can only maintain the status quo and stand in a stalemate with the group of General Ross.

This situation made General Ross a little angry. He originally wanted to scare off these idiots who couldn’t tell good from bad, but he didn’t expect them to be so strong. This made him wonder, is it because watching football makes trouble every day, he is not afraid of the brutal methods of law enforcement agencies?

He is not satisfied with this situation, nor is the crazy woman who agitated these people. In fact, no one knows what her motive is for doing this. It is estimated that she herself does not know why oneself did it. But she has such a feeling, or something that has been completely rooted in her mind in normally is driving her, and she has to do it.

She wants to maintain the authority of God in oneself’s heart, and to maintain the authority of God, oneself must have sufficient prestige so that the words of own can be valued and even driven by others. The current situation is obviously contrary to what she thought in her heart. If she wants to achieve her own goal, she must reverse the current situation. In order to achieve this goal, she immediately rushed up, stood in front of everyone, and said to them against the guns of the agents.

“What are you afraid of, what are you afraid of. Is your appearance worthy of God’s grace? Based on your performance, can God save you from the crime? Ah!”

She was aggressive, and she was speechless for a while to run the ordinary persons who had been counseled. However, always taking God out to speak, it is impossible to keep them subdued. After all, this is the era of human rights in the 21st century, not the dark Middle Ages where God is supreme. So some of the people who had recollected it immediately began to mumble.

“You speak lightly, and God will not appear to help you block bullets. This is a life-threatening thing, who can be so stupid that you don’t even want to own your life!”

“Who Who said this, stand up!”

Clearly a staid and indifferent woman, she roared like a lion when someone violated oneself’s beliefs. Her imposing manner is full, and there is a kind of almost crazy emotion in her manner, which makes people can’t help but develop fear and avoidance of her. And this naturally made the person who just muttered shut his mouth, and didn’t dare to provoke such a mold again.

And seeing this situation, this woman’s imposing manner is even better. This time she no longer targeted the lambs of God behind oneself, but began to target the devil’s minions in front of oneself. In order to highlight the greatness of God and the fearlessness of owning, it took out the cross carried by oneself, took a step forward, and approached it only a few steps away from the muzzle, and then shouted at everyone.

“I am a servant of God and an apostle of Jehovah. There is nothing in this world that can hurt me. You devil’s minions, looking at the glory of God, you will be burned to ashes. God. Will bless all his lambs, you will never hurt us!”

The performance of this woman can no longer be described as crazy, so that many agents face this kind of unreasonable card game The guys are a little afraid. It’s true that they are nervous, but they are not yet ready to shoot the people. In order not to make any accidents happen, some of them have quietly put down their weapons.

In the eyes of some people, this means something different. Some people think that this is a manifestation of the guilty conscience of those soldiers. It was just a scary move. All the strength of holding things in their hands has increased a bit. And some people think that this is the mad woman who has been protected by God, making these devil’s apostles feel fear and dare not move. So they were also a little restless.

No matter what the situation is, it is not a good situation for General Ross, so he immediately made up his mind and said to the people around him.

“Gather crowds to riot, resist law enforcement, and attack soldiers. What are you afraid of having such a crime? Don’t open for me and shoot this crazy woman!”

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