Sun God Marvel

Chapter 952

As soon as General Ross’s order was issued, not only his agents, but even the Avengers’ companions felt inappropriate.

It’s just scary. If you shoot, the nature will be different. And most importantly, this is not in United States, but in United Kingdom. He, the former general of United States, ordered a British to be shot and killed. If this kind of thing is really serious, it can almost rise to the point of international disputes.

And the most important thing is that his companions are also impossible to let him go on such nonsense. Superhero is Superhero because they can keep the own bottom line. The bottom line is the protection of the innocent. If they are beginning to lose even this bottom line and become targets of persecution against the innocent, then they will not be able to pass the own level alone.

So immediately, good old people like Dr. Banner stood up and persuaded against General Ross.

“General Ross, is it inappropriate to do this. What is the relationship between our mission and these ordinary person not at all? You do it a bit beyond your power.”

He is a reminder, but also a warning. After all, General Ross was considered a guilty person before, so he needs to pay more attention to his actions. But for his warning, General Ross had no intention of buying it.

“This is a very moment. Our mission is to save more people, not to be blocked by such a stupid woman who takes a statue as a belief. We don’t have much time to waste here. You should be clear about one thing.”

General Ross made Dr. Banner speechless with a few words. He also knows what kind of dangerous situation is now. Under this situation, General Ross’s actions cannot only be said to be wrong, but also very correct. Even if he is put on any military court for judgment, he will probably not be charged with any crime. However, there are some things that can’t be explained simply by legal principles.

This is an issue related to life, persistence, and life values. And when this kind of problem is placed in front of many Superhero and let them make a choice, they will all fall into a dilemma. For example, now, it is difficult for Dr. Banner to determine which side oneself should be on. Should it follow the axioms, or follow oneself’s inner justice? These are all difficult questions.

However, this problem does not exist with that crazy fanatic. She looked at everything in front of her, especially the dispute between General Ross and Banner, but immediately let out a bad laugh.

“You ugly demons, do you want to use this method to cover up your cowardice? It’s ridiculous, too ridiculous. God has given me the eyes of wisdom, and your crude performances can’t cover your heart Tremble, in front of God’s messenger. confess your sins, in front of God’s wrath. You will eventually be reduced to ashes, and you can only be forgiven if you repent!”

These are a bit ridiculous, like She said the same words in a drama performance as righteous words. And under her hard work, an agent didn’t know if his hands were shaking, or if he really wanted to confess, he actually threw down oneself’s gun. At this time, everyone focused their eyes on him, and even he himself felt that the behavior of own was a big mistake, so he didn’t dare to move there. And this happened to be in the arms of the crazy woman.

She almost screamed, pointed her finger at the agent who made the mistake, and then, like a Great General, gave orders to the people behind oneself.

“Look, a demon’s minions have already felt fear and trepidation. Under the glory of God, these demon minions can no longer pose any threat to us. Lambs of God, you still What are you waiting for. Do you have to wait until God’s rage torch you burn to ashes, do you know how cherished this opportunity of atonement is? Drive them away and let them accept God’s Penalty. This is God’s will, you You must obey!”

As she said, she took the lead and moved forward. And with her actions like this, some guys who lacked mind’s eye started clamoring to rush to fight with these agents. Seeing that the situation was about to develop in the worst direction, suddenly, a gunshot suddenly came from the crowd.

Only an instant, the crowd suddenly quieted down. Those people before, whether they were restless, begin to stir, or were sitting on the sidelines and staying out of the way, at this time there was no sound at all, and they all focused on the source of the gunfire. In fact, not only them, but also the agents and the Avengers.

All their eyes were focused on Natasha, as if she couldn’t believe that this amazing woman could do such a move.

In fact, she did so, and she was very simple, without hesitation or flinching. This spear hit the crazy woman’s heart directly, causing all her words, thoughts and ambitions to become a disappeared ending at this moment.

For her, this is simply the disillusionment of everything. But for others, it may not be a good result. But although that is the case, not everyone thinks that way. Just like now, when he saw that the person who shot was Natasha, and the person who was shot is definitely mortal, Dr. Banner immediately yelled at her in disbelief.

“Natasha, what are you doing? Why are you killing her?”

“If you don’t kill her, she will mess up the situation here. Don’t you I don’t know what is going on outside. If there is chaos here, then maybe the monsters outside will rush in and take advantage of the fishermen. At that time, the dead will not be one or two. Yes. I just kept the situation within the best possible range. So…”

She acted carelessly, not even speaking completely. However, everyone knew what she meant, and it was precisely because they knew how ruthless this woman was. Not everyone can be ruthless to shoot at this time. This requires not only the consciousness of killing, but also a considerable degree of courage. And just this point, Natasha’s performance has surpassed many people.

And it is precisely because of this that Natasha’s behavior has ushered in criticism from Dr. Banner. He has never been able to accept this kind of action to kill people in order to achieve the goal, especially if this kind of action is done by a partner who has won his approval. So he was still aggrieved and complained to Natasha.

“Do you want to control the situation, must kill her? Subduing her and controlling her can’t solve the problem?”

“I didn’t think that many, I’m not in the mood to think about that many!”

From the implementation of this mission at first, Natasha was so indifferent and replied. And this kind of cold-blooded answer would obviously anger such good old people as Dr. Banner even more.

“A life, you actually said that you are not in the mood to think about that many? Natasha. Romanoff, is your blood cold? You are a person, not a killing machine. Killing casually like this, is it? Is it good for you?”

Dr. Banner’s tone was severe, and his breathing began to intensify. This made the people around him immediately wake up, but they all knew what kind of monster this guy would become when he was angry. So subconsciously, they stay away from this dangerous guy. However, for now, he has not yet reached that level. Up to now, he has only stayed at the point where he wants to be reasonable. And since you can still make sense, then it means you lose your sense also so far away.

Banner’s words have attracted the approval of many people, especially some Avengers. None of them think that killing is the only way to solve the problem. Although feasible, it is a bit too extreme. But this is their opinion, not Natasha’s opinion. In fact, at this moment, Natasha, who has been worrying about another Zhou Yi in his heart, does not have the leisure to care about their senseless justice.

Is she who? As a KGB spy, killing people is just commonplace for her. And even if she joined an organization like The Avengers, she might not kill fewer people. It has never been a problem to be able to solve a problem with murder, and it has always been the same for her. Therefore, even these companions want to condemn her, but she still does her own way and doesn’t mean to take their words seriously. Even the refutation is too lazy to refute.

This kind of attitude can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. So naturally, some people immediately want to increase the own volume to make the complaint more intense. But at this time, General Ross, as the principal, could not tolerate them to continue like this. The mission has not been completed yet, what do you mean by fighting in the nest? With such thoughts in mind, he directly separated these people, and then said sternly.

“Enough, let this matter go. This is to act in accordance with the order, there is nothing to blame. Don’t use your moral standards to define a qualified soldier. Mission is mission. There is nothing more to say.”

Speaking of which, he waved his hand, wanting to let his subordinates disperse the group of almost brainwashed civilians. But at this time, Natasha, who had been out of wandering things, suddenly stopped his movements and warned them all.

“Wait a minute, things are not right. We are in trouble!”

“What do you mean, what are you talking about?”

I heard Natasha’s words , General Ross immediately cheered up. He looked around all around, and after not finding any abnormalities, he immediately asked Natasha.

At this time, Natasha reached out his hand and said to them with a very serious expression.

“Did you not find out? That woman is alive again!”

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