Sun God Marvel

Chapter 953

Is that woman alive again? This is a very outrageous statement.

Because everyone present can see that Natasha’s shot completely hit the heart. You know, what she has in her hand is the huge might gun equipped by the Skyhammer Bureau, not the bauble used by the police. With one shot, the entire heart will be torn to pieces by the kinetic energy of the bullet. Even if your heart is crooked, it is hard to escape a dead person after all.

Moreover, all the professionals present could see clearly. The woman stopped breathing on the spot, and her pupils spread. This is already a testament to Death, how could it be impossible to have a situation that can be alleviated at this time. But this kind of impossible thing happened now.

The chest of the woman who had already been lost suddenly began to rise and fall, which is a manifestation of her breathing. And with this performance, her body, which was already lying on the ground, began to stand up little by little. However, this is not the appearance of a normal person standing on the motion of the limb joints, but the appearance of standing upright as if the body is being pulled by a string.

This appearance was completely impossible to appear on a human body, so immediately, the guns of everyone present were aimed at her. However, before they could take any further action, the civilians around had already rushed up and surrounded the woman who had returned from the Abyss of Death.

This situation is so maddening that even with the restraint of General Ross, he can’t help but swear.

“You idiots, what are you doing? Didn’t you see that there is a problem? Don’t give me a hurry to get out of here!”

He thought oneself could scream this The group estimated that oneself didn’t know that oneself was doing some and so on idiots, but he didn’t expect that this time, no one would listen to them. Because at this moment, due to an unknown reason, these people’s thoughts are all bewitched.

“This is the power of God. God has brought his followers back to life. You demons, don’t want to hurt her again!”

“God has appeared, God has appeared !”

“My benevolent Lord, forgive my sins, I am willing to dedicate everything I have to you!”

“God Old Master bless my family safe and secure Ah!”

The group of people yelled like crazy, almost completely ignored the words of General Ross. It even said that even the muzzles blocked in front of them were impossible to shake them. They called out, and the imposing manner was enough. After that, let alone blocked the muzzle. They all meant to stick their faces to those agents.

This makes the agents present feel angry and anxious. On the one hand, because of these people’s unreasonable making troubles, the feeling that the whole person is posted is really unbearable. They can’t give one bullet to solve the problem.

On the other hand, it is because of the crisis of the situation. They can all see that the dead and resurrected woman is floating out of thin air at this moment, very mysterious. And this almost shows that the situation will become more complicated and dangerous. If this momentum cannot be pushed down, then no one knows what will happen next. And it is very likely that everyone present will suffer.

Even if it is not for the crazy believers, even if it is only for oneself. These agents can’t watch such a dead man continue to develop in this weird direction. However, they have no way at this moment. And in such a short period of time, the change of this woman has reached the extreme.

She was completely suspended in the air. Although she was indoors, she was exposed to extremely dazzling radiance dropping from the sky. Her hair began to turn into dazzling golden, and the conservative dress on her body turned into a white robe. Several pairs of huge white wings suddenly stretched out from behind her, and a golden halo also hovered over her head, making a complete conclusion of her identity.

Angels, but also extraordinary angels. Because at least the average little angel is impossible to have that many pairs of wings. Most Westerners have read the Bible, so naturally they have a similar understanding in this regard. And as the woman opened her mouth to speak, this judgment was more and more confirmed.

“I am Gabriel, the sword bearer of my lord, my majestic Guardian. I have come to the world to clean up all sins for my lord. People, confess your sins, I pray that you can receive my lord’s forgiveness!”

Non-male, non-female, as if the voice of heaven came from this angel’s mouth, plus her holy face from widowhood Hole and temperament. It is indeed very powerful to deceive people. And this also caused a group of people to kneel down in a crash-bang, and almost all of them started talking eloquently.

This scene makes people feel helpless, and General Ross feels even more tricky. He didn’t expect that at this time, a ghost such as an angel would pop up, and looking at the expressions of the subordinates around Oneself, they were clearly shaken.

“General, what should we do?”

At this time, someone said to General Ross, obviously hoping that he would stand up and preside over the overall situation. Whether it’s an offense or a surrender, someone must take the lead.

And General Ross obviously meant he did not want to surrender. First, he is a general and there is no need to surrender to this kind of strange things. Second, this is also his consideration for his subordinates. You know, although the number of their entire group is small, there are only dozens of people. But they are all elites of the Sky Hammer Bureau. And since it is an elite, then it must not be compromised in such a place. Because no one can say whether one of them will play an important role in this mission. And if there is such a situation, then the number of people they can save will be tens of millions. The lives and deaths of tens of millions of people are here, and naturally there is nothing bigger than it.

But once surrendered. Then it’s all over. The loser is impossible to have autonomous rights. Especially in the hands of these madmen and the angel who didn’t know where they came from. Which is more important, General Ross is very clear in his heart. So he immediately gave orders to the own agents.

“Leave these guys alone, shoot. Kill this bullshit. Our mission is important. This is an order. I will execute it immediately!”

With his order At the beginning, these agents understood what oneself should do. Almost immediately, they pulled the trigger in their hands and shot the bullet at the angel who claimed to be Gabriel without any hesitation. Facing such an attack, Gabriel’s face suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

Not only is he smiling, but the person behind him is also smiling. There is no doubt that at this time, he can appear behind him, and there is only one person who remotely controls all this. That is the old God, God, the Lord who was beaten by Zhou Yi so that he did not even dare to show his head.

The Lord suffered a great loss in the battle against King Ming, who was incarnation of Zhou Yi. Not only was his power of God collapsed a lot, but the heaven on which he was the foundation was beaten in half and became Lilith’s possession. It can be said that if he does not act by chance and runs fast enough. Then maybe even he himself will become history.

This is lucky because he is still alive. This is also unfortunate, because as the god of the past, the most widely believed God among mankind, he is now not only sweeping the ground with majesty, but also living a pitiful life like a street mouse. With Zhou Yi in this world, he didn’t even dare to come out and make trouble. Because he was afraid that oneself would be completely annihilated by this increasingly terrifying guy.

However, this does not mean that he has no ambitions in his heart. In fact, because the glory he has enjoyed in the past is too dazzling, he is simply impossible to abandon everything he had in the past. Although it is an argument for a strong man to behead his arm, there is no such a reason for a strong man to behead his head.

So he has also been planning, secretly doing own hands and feet, thinking that one day the glory of own can be displayed on this World again. It is not easy, but he has this patience and strength. While he was waiting, an opportunity was finally placed in front of him.

Zhou Yi left this World, he can feel very clearly. Because he was too jealous of Zhou Yi’s power, even if it was a turbulent change, he knew it well.

In addition, this World is undergoing tremendous changes. He can clearly perceive what Mephisto did in Japan. The churches in Japan are his eyes, and he can see the tragedy of millions of people falling into hell under the magic of Mephisto. Of course, this has nothing to do with him not at all. Rather than saying that he and Mephisto are dead, it is better to say that he and Mephisto are partners with special status. The devil and God are originally two inseparable parts of the Bible.

He has no idea to stop Mephisto, nor does he have the ability. But through what he did, he could perceive that this is the best opportunity for oneself to come back. Using panic and the ignorance of the human heart, as long as he can accumulate enough faith, he may not be able to reshape the broken power of oneself. And once that powerful power has been shaped back, then he will naturally be the God who used to be, Infinity Glory!

I have to say that he is playing a big game while taking advantage of the current situation. With his current strength and influence, each step requires careful thinking and careful preparation. And now, it is time for him to put down oneself’s most important piece.

Archangel Gabriel is the most important power in his hands. And what he planned was to rely on Gabriel’s power to re-establish his prestige and faith on this World. So at this moment, he will never allow anyone to offend him, no matter who it is!

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