Sun God Marvel

Chapter 956

Gabriel’s brilliant divine might ended up in a bleak way.

This is what Natasha saw with his own eyes, who had been watching to the end. She saw an indescribable huge existence quietly poking a head out of the clouds. The horrible and majestic imposing manner made Gabriel a shivering ridiculous quail in front of it.

And when the existence swallows Gabriel, which is unlikely to even be linked in a freehand way, into his mouth, the kind of sacredness that Gabriel had desperately molded before. And majesty immediately became a great joke, and people couldn’t help but produce a sense of absurdity in mind’s eye.

Of course, this is Natasha’s feeling. Not those of fanatical believers. When they saw the angel that oneself admired was eaten directly by a huge monster that showed its head. What they face is undoubtedly the despair and madness of the collapse of faith.

Such a group of people who are crying and laughing, who have almost lost their minds are impossible to save. Looking at their ridiculous performance, Natasha turned around resolutely and never looked at them again.

She knows very well that these people are now impossible and saved by oneself. If oneself overestimate one’s capabilities does this kind of thing, then the most likely thing to happen is that oneself will be dragged into the abyss of Death by these people. She didn’t have this plan, nor did she have this idea. So she chose to give up, and as quickly as possible, caught up with the previous troops who had left earlier.

At this time, under the leadership of Little Spider, the group has evacuated to an underground parking lot. In such an environment, everyone held their own breath, as if they were afraid that this might disturb the huge existence in the sky. Everyone raised their heads at this time, listening to the sound of in the sky with their ears sideways. And this is not without effect, because the huge existence in the sky does make shocking noises when it moves.

It’s booming like a thunderbolt, and dull like a mountain moving in the sky. When this weird, shocking sound from the bottom of my heart went away a little bit, everyone crouched here let out a long breath. At this time, General Ross, who had been relieved of his anger, immediately asked the little spider holding his own.

“What the hell is that, why does such a thing exist. Didn’t you go to hunt down the attacker? Why did you attract such a guy?”

“Neither do I Know.” shook the head, the little spider started to briefly talk about what oneself knew. “What we were hunting was a huge snake. Following its smell, we chased it into a river. After spending a lot of effort to kill the snake, I didn’t know it was and so on. This huge monster Stared at us, and kept chasing us to this place. If it hadn’t been the thing with wings that attracted its attention, I’m afraid we would be finished now.”

Speaking of which, There was a lingering color on Little Spider’s face. The other two guys showed the same expression, nodded. Not only them, but everyone who has seen the kind of terrifying existence has this idea. Some of them even started to mutter to themselves.

“What the hell is that? The ancient snake?”

“That is the dragon, the dragon of the east. I can see clearly that such features and strength are indeed that The object of worship by the people on the side.”

Natasha who walked in finally said. Looking at her, Dr. Banner asked immediately.

“Why are you alone, the civilians? Why didn’t they come with you?”

“They won’t come!” They are not even willing to cover up , Natasha replied to him in the most direct way. “Gabriel was eaten by the dragon. Do you think they will have the most basic sense after seeing this situation?”

“So you gave them up?”

Dr. Banner showed an unbelievable appearance. Obviously, he simply couldn’t accept Natasha’s move. Regarding his accusation, Natasha only picked her eyes and said calmly.

“I can’t help them. In fact, in this situation, no one can help them. And since they like to believe in God so much, let God find a way to survive. Anyway, I don’t have the ability.”


When conflicts and contradictions were about to erupt, General Ross immediately yelled. , Stopped these two guys who had their own opinions.

“Enough, now is not the time to tell you this. We don’t have time to discuss who is right and who is wrong. Don’t forget our mission!”

mission? Thinking of the mission they shouldered, everyone’s face showed an expression of not optimism. Even the shadow of mission didn’t touch it, and they encountered such things, which made them impossible in their hearts. With such an emotion, Little Spider couldn’t help asking.

“What should we do? I mean this mission. Now we have encountered so many terrifying existences without knowing anything. If we continue, what will we do? We really Does he have the ability to change all this?”

The answer to everything he asked is very obvious. It’s just that no one wants to say the answer. They can only look at General Ross, the nominal commander of this operation, hoping to get any possible useful method from his mouth. Although, even they oneself don’t have much hope for this.

General Ross is indeed in a dilemma now, and he also recognizes the complexity and horror of the situation today. This is no longer a problem that their ability can solve. Although very reluctant to admit it, under this sudden change in strength, they really don’t have the ability to achieve the goal of oneself at first.

Not to mention saving everyone in this country, even if they can leave here safely, I am afraid it will be a problem. But General Ross is a soldier after all, mission is the most important thing for him, so he gritted his teeth and still ordered to the people around him.

“Take a break, we are ready to go. Go to London!”

“Where to go? Are we capable of doing something?”

This time , Not everyone is willing to trust him unconditionally. For example, Hawkeye just choked and questioned him, and when he questioned like this, the Mutants also stood silently behind him, showing an invisible support to him.

Obviously, they did not approve of this move by General Ross. For them, this action is no different from sacrifice. And sacrifice for a mission that has no prospects at all, this is really not something they can accept.

General Ross understands their ideas. Although he has the ability to force them to follow his own order, he knows that it is not the most appropriate solution. This will only make them, a group that is already scared, at the risk of disintegration in the next shock. In such an environment, once they split due to internal contradictions, the final result must be that each of them must stay on this land forever.

Although he is very confident in own power, General Ross does not mean blindly optimistic at all. Through everything that happened before, he already knew very well that the power he possessed here might not be considered anything. Naturally, leaving the group, each of their lives will not be under the control of the owner.

He must not only consider his own safety, but also the young men around oneself. This kind of unnecessary sacrifice is really not the fate that these good young men should have. So he stretched out his hand and suppressed what Hawkeye wanted to say next, and at the same time first said that own was going to be said.

“Listen to me first! Let’s go to London and occupy a huge ferry. Then we will find a way to evacuate some innocent people as much as possible. After eight hours, we will take the ferry from United Kingdom evacuate. At this point in the mission, we all know that it is impossible to achieve the set goal of at first. But leaving like this is obviously impossible. You probably don’t want to go to the military court. And do nothing, I’m afraid it’s not. What you can accept. So I want to do something as best as we can. At least this is an explanation to others and oneself to us. How about your opinion?”

General Ross made a pertinent suggestion. As for this suggestion, everyone present began to whisper. Both the agents and the Avengers seemed to be able to accept his approach. So soon, almost everyone expressed their agreement. In this, there is only one exception.

“I object! What do you mean by this? Only rescue a small group of people, and then watch the remaining tens of millions of people die like this? Is this your choice?”

Dr. Banner asked angrily. Obviously, such a statement has exceeded the limit he can accept.

In the face of such a banner, General Ross did not make a tit-for-tat retort with him uncharacteristically, but spoke to him earnest and well-meant advised.

“You should know that our abilities are already impossible here. The situation here is beyond our imagination and scope, and we can only do what we can do. Banner, at this time you can’t be arrogant!”

“This is not arrogant, this is a matter of life and death!” Pushing the General Ross in front of him, Banner strode outside. “Since you think so, then I will go alone. I am going to save those innocent people. At the very least, I’m impossible to watch them and die so unexplainably!”

“Then have you ever thought about how Betty feels? You might die because of it!”

General Ross gave oneself one of the most reluctant excuses, and wanted to use this to call Banner down . However, Banner only took a physical stop, and then moved on without the slightest hesitation.

“Betty will understand me. Ross, if I die. Tell Betty, let her live well!”

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