Sun God Marvel

Chapter 957

The mankind’s advance forces have fallen into a split situation before they have done anything. Bruce Banner chose to leave directly because of the difference of ideas. And the little spider who had the same philosophy as him, after a while hesitated and regretted, embarked on the same path as him.

Almost the two most powerful people left this already weak team, making the challenges they face more severe. Of course, for some people, all this is not at all too big a relationship.

Whether it is to the gods and demons who have joined hands, or to Smith Zhou who arranged all this, they are just insignificant small roles. No matter what they do, it is impossible for these people to change their plans.

However, watching oneself suddenly broke into such a group of small characters in everything arranged by oneself, which more or less brought some special interest to Smith Zhou. So that at the moment, he asked Alexia next to oneself.

“The idiots of the Avengers seem to have broken into it too. How likely do you think they can get out alive safely?”

“If they are lucky enough If they are smart enough, I think they have a 50% chance of going out alive. If they meet those monsters outside, I’m afraid they only have a 20% chance to survive at most.”

As Smith As for the people around Zhou, Alexia obviously has a clear and intuitive understanding of the entire Avengers’ interior. She would say that, it is a practical probability data that has been combined with all their previous performances. Perhaps others may need to use machines to get a rough answer. But for her who was specially made by biological cultivation technology and had already got a few PhDs when she was 12 years old, this is just a small problem of mental calculation.

In response to her answer, Smith Zhou just smiled and replied inconclusively.

“Perhaps, their luck has always been good. But now, their fate should take into account the opinions of others, especially mine.”

” Do you want to deal with them yourself?” Looking at the man in a wheelchair who was being pushed by oneself, Alexia couldn’t help asking her in surprise. “Forgive me to speak bluntly, sir. Your current physical condition is already very reluctant. Maybe you may have power that I don’t know, and this power is stronger than I thought. But your body is probably no longer You are allowed to do such extraordinary things.”

“I know, that’s why I brought you here! Don’t you always want to know what my arrangement is? The answer to everything is In this place.”

With a slight smile, Smith Zhou pointed to own up ahead. And following the direction he was pointing, Alexia could clearly see that the dense fog was quickly escaping, and from the dense fog, an old building little by little appeared.

From the outside, this place looks almost the same as any old-fashioned United Kingdom manor. Apart from the Akarim Psychiatric Hospital written on the door, there is nothing strange about this place. which performed. At the very least, Alexia didn’t see anything worthy of oneself’s suspicion from here. So she directly asked Smith Zhou.

“Where is this place? Why do you want to bring me here?”

“This is a box, and inside is my biggest trump card. It is also what I have The key to changing the future. As for why I brought you here, because I need you to witness how a human future was born in my hands. How about, would you like it?”

Smith Zhou smiled and stretched out a hand to Alexia, and to this, Alexia immediately replied with a bright smile, then pulled and supported him to stand up, and said to him in the most sincere tone. .

“It’s my honor, sir. I will always be by your side.”

“Very good!” Nodded with satisfaction, Smith Zhou brought Ah Lexia walked towards the inside of the psychiatric hospital with some faltering steps. “Then I’ll take you to take a look at the beginning and end of all this.”

Alexia is pleased to see Smith Zhou’s actions. However, when she followed Smith Zhou step by step into this old manor, she suddenly discovered that everything in it was not at all oneself as magical as imagined.

Everything is ordinary. There is neither the kind of scene full of unpredictable mysterious power she imagined, nor the slightest high-tech hidden under that ordinary appearance. Everything looks like a normal mental sanatorium. Except for the emptiness here.

There is no one in a huge nursing home. Alexia didn’t know that this was because the people who worked inside started to avoid because of the thick fog outside. It’s because Smith Zhou at first didn’t arrange manpower here. In short, everything here makes her feel curious, and she has no small doubts. Of course, as a smart woman, she knows one thing very well, that is, the things inside are secrets. If she should know, Smith Zhou will naturally tell her the answer. And if he doesn’t need to know, then it’s useless to ask.

This is the performance of a clever woman, and it is precisely because of this cleverness that Smith Zhou admires this woman especially. At this level, he did not hesitate to provide some necessary explanations. So he said to her as he walked.

“What you see is the real situation here. This mental sanatorium was acquired by me several decades ago. On the surface, it is a mental sanatorium, but it is actually a mental sanatorium. . But the business here is not very good, all the staff have been laid off one after another. Of course, just like you think, these all are my hands and feet. And the reason I want to do this is because I need to use This place is here to store an existence that will never be noticed by others.”

I walked through the flowerbed, entered the living room, and then walked through the long corridor. Smith Zhou took Alexia to a locked door.

There is a heavy lock hanging on the door, and the lock surface is already covered with dust. Obviously, no one has come to visit here for a long time. But what surprised Alexia was that she found that there was an unusually obvious breathing sound behind the locked door. Exhale and inhale, relax and forcefully. Shows the extremely strong life force of the person inside. And this is what makes her feel strange.

She can’t hear it wrong, because she is not an ordinary person herself. In terms of five senses, she is definitely a superhuman existence. So this is absolutely no problem. And she will not be wrong. The thick door lock that has been rusted, and also there is almost half an inch of dust in front of the door, indicating that at least there has been no one here for more than ten years. In a place where no one cares about it for more than ten years, it is also unreasonable to be able to live healthy alone. But when he glanced at the man next to oneself, Alexia was relieved immediately.

For her, the man beside oneself is not only the most special existence in her heart, but also a man with great wisdom and power. Since this is his arrangement, no matter what the situation is, it should be reasonable. There is no need to doubt oneself. Even said that if she doubted it, then it shouldn’t be something.

Watching Alexia opened her mouth and closed it again. Smith Zhou not at all explained something to her immediately. Instead, he pointed to the big lock in front of him and said to her.

“Can you do me a favor? I can’t find the key to a lock I casually used more than ten years ago. And even if I find it out, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

A lock like this must be unlocked with a key. But this is not a problem for Alexia. Although she looks slender, when she stretches out to take action, she squeezes the entire metal lock into a lump like a piece of plasticine. You will understand what kind of power is contained in such a slender body.

There is no doubt that this is a fearsome existence. But for Smith Zhou, as long as it works.

Without the shackles of the lock, the heavy door was pushed open directly. Perhaps it was the reason why no one patronized it for too long. This action immediately caused the dust in the entire room to scatter.

There was a choking smell in the room, which made the two people who walked in had to cover their own noses and mouths. However, they don’t at all complain about anything, because at this moment their eyes are all attracted by the existence in front of them.

It was an adult male sitting on the ground. Even if the majestic body is shrouded in a large medical gown, you can still see the stiff, organized structure like marble. The blond hair draped over his shoulders. Although there was no care, it seemed to have the majesty of a lion. And his face is also a very distinctive appearance. Although he doesn’t have that fascinating temperament, the angular curves also fill him with a tough guy temperament.

There is no other presence in the room, which makes Alexia immediately realize that this is the trump card Smith Zhou said. But looking at this man dumbly, there was hardly any wise eyes at all, Alexia really couldn’t believe that such a guy would have the ability to change the future of mankind, as Smith Zhou said.

What kind of existence is this? She couldn’t help but have such curiosity in her heart. And seeming to understand the doubt in her heart, Smith Zhou immediately broke away from her support, walked forward, touched the man’s head like a pet, and then said to her with a smile.

“This is what I call the key to the future. By the way, he has a name, Robert Bob Reynolds.”

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