Sun God Marvel

Chapter 958

Robert Bob Reynolds. Such a name is too unfamiliar to Alexia, or she is pretty sure that oneself has never heard of this name. And she can also say with certainty that not just her, the overwhelming majority in the world will probably not know such a guy.

He is neither a star nor a Superhero who blatantly reveals his identity. It is normal not to know him, but strange to know him. Of course, what makes her most strange is why Smith Zhou used this method to introduce such a little-known commodity.

Smith Zhou introduced such a guy for his reasons, and this reason starts with this name.

“Robert is a drug addict! A very serious drug addict. It can be said that this guy can do anything to smoke that thing.”

I heard this. At that time, even Alexia’s trust in Smith Zhou had some meaning to shake. Because judging from the lion-like appearance of this guy named Robert, he really doesn’t look like a drug addict.

If it is a human being, it is impossible to grow so strong if it is contaminated with that terrible thing. Drug addiction consumes people’s will and corrodes people’s bodies. It is almost impossible for anyone to maintain their own health despite being addicted to drugs. Their bodies will only become continuously weak and skinny. Finally until Death.

So, if this guy is really an addict, then he will only be a superhuman existence. But this doesn’t make sense, because once the physical fitness reaches the superhuman level, then it is absolutely impossible to be distorted by the twisted drugs. Any drug will not work for such a person, and even the most basic hallucinogenic ability may be lost.

There must be a problem with Yan. And the one who can explain this problem is probably only Smith Zhou oneself. Perhaps after thinking of today, the story about this person no longer makes any sense. Perhaps considering that there is also ample time for storytelling. When Smith Zhou sat cross-legged, he assumed the appearance of a story.

“This story probably started 20 years ago. At that time, I was still thinking of ways to purge the own power. And by any possible means, to enhance the overall strength of the own. Then, A ridiculous thing happened.”

“It was a talented scientist. He developed a potion that he could not even understand oneself. According to his own research, he guessed this bottle The potion may cause unpredictable changes in the organism, connecting to an unknown universe. This is a very special invention. I even suspect that the creator did not even figure out the principle. And if it is according to my imagination, then Obviously, this potion may be the only one in this world. Therefore, I sent a powerful hand to seek it. However, I did not expect that I would be cut off one day.”

Here, the head of Robert next to Smith Zhou Patted is so clear that Alexia has shown who the man who cut him is.

“I’m such a confused guy, I don’t know how good luck it is. I actually touched oneself Teacher’s laboratory because of a drug addiction, and then used my The subordinate took away the bottle of potion at such a speed. In other words, this brave guy actually drank the bottle of potion directly.”

“No one can imagine what this will produce. Such consequences. Whether it is the lucky professor who developed this thing or me, the guy who covets it secretly, I can’t imagine what kind of result this will have. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s on the life form. Changes, or ideological changes, we can’t guess about these. Do you know what the result of this guy drinking the potion is?”

Alexia is directly concerned with such a problem shook the head. Under this variable premise, even her super IQ is difficult to get a specific result. In response, Smith Zhou grinned immediately and laughed loudly.

“That is a result you can never imagine. Just because of drinking this bottle of always impossible and predictable potion, this guy has become a superhuman existence. You know why I treat me Wouldn’t the son’s power be surprised at all? Not only is his power brought to him by me, but also because I have seen such power a long time ago.”

“You are Say?” Hearing what Smith Zhou said, Alexia immediately gaped, showing an expression of disbelief. And this expression is obviously what Smith Zhou wants to see.

“Yes, that’s what you think. This guy, he is the first time I have seen that kind of power. Just because he drank that bottle of potion, he had 1,000,000 suns The power of the explosion at the same time. Doesn’t it sound incredible? Does it feel like fate is making a huge joke with you!”

Even with some psychological preparation, I heard Smith Zhou When he said this, Alexia still couldn’t help but stunned secretly. But she was very sensible, because the guy with a million powers in front of her was like a harmless little lamb in front of the owner. It does not show that it belongs to his own formidable power at all. This allows her not to worry at all, nor to worry. Naturally, in this case, she has room to think. As soon as she thought about it, she immediately discovered some logically unreasonable points.

“I don’t quite understand. If he really has that terrifying power like you said, why is he here. I mean, compare with our power, you It seems that there is no possibility at all, let him be imprisoned here for so many years with you like this. This seems a little unreasonable!”

“You are right, it is unreasonable! “Nodded, Smith Zhou gave a positive attitude to Alexia’s question. But soon, he pulled the corners of his mouth and showed an indescribable smile. “But sometimes common sense doesn’t work. Just like in Robert’s body, you can never guess what a stupid decision such a guy will make.”

“Did he make a stupid decision?” Alexia heard this remark, thought about it, and asked with a dumb voice. With her wisdom, she can clearly distinguish the meaning of Smith Zhou’s words. It must be this guy who made a huge mistake before it fell into his hands. However, she couldn’t figure out what kind of mistake it would be that would turn a person with such power into such a poor appearance. Almost even the own personality is lost, which is simply incredible.

“Yes, a very wrong decision.”

Suddenly grabbed Robert’s hair next to him, and carried him to the owner like a doll. Then he looked at his ignorant eyes that didn’t even have a trace of the most basic wisdom. Smith Zhou immediately laughed hehe.

“After all, this guy is also a very heroic character. It’s just a pity that he doesn’t have that life.”

“Strength and mentality, this is a very interesting dialectic Topic. Some people are kind by nature and strong-willed. So when they suddenly gain an unimaginable power, they can stabilize their own mentality. But after all, such people are a minority. Overwhelming majority people at this time will lose their own mind. Nature.”

“It’s like a vagrant who suddenly won the first prize in Powerball and became a rich man with a net worth of over 100 million. You think he will live an ordinary person in peace. A carefree and happy life, or will you enjoy the extravagance and wealth with your hands?”

“In theory, the latter account for the majority. Vagrant doesn’t know how to plan. They I will only squander and enjoy what oneself used to only enjoy in dreams.”

Alexia replied, and looked towards Robert who Smith Zhou was holding. She has guessed something.

“You mean that this guy’s heart started to swell after he got such a powerful force? Want to do anything wrong? But it doesn’t seem to explain why he fell to such a fate. After all, the mind And power should be calculated separately. Even if he has the mentality of a nouveau riche, it will not have any influence on his power.”

“You are right, But this guy’s fault was that he didn’t completely fall back to one side. It was not his fault that he was weak-willed, and it was not his fault that desires grew in his heart. His fault was that he had power and not. Dare to let go of oneself completely. Want to conquer everything with strength, but self-restraint because of cowardice. This is a nobody’s most typical struggling thought. And his struggling is so intense that in his There are actually two personalities in my body.”

“A heroic personality, and a Demon King-like personality. These two personalities continue to squeeze, fight, you die and I live, until you give me an extremely rare opportunity.”


“Yes, opportunity. This sad guy wants to make oneself, the dark personality that even he fears, completely out of the world Disappeared. But he did not dare to commit suicide, but he chose an extremely stupid way. That is, he actually wanted to use his own power to forcibly clean the memory of the entire world. Let those who know him and those who don’t know him It’s always impossible to have any impression of him.”

Released the hand holding Robert’s hair, pointed at oneself, Smith Zhou replied like this.

“He underestimated the human beings in this world. Although he is indeed very strong, it does not mean that his mind is also strong. At least for me, his mind is Not as indestructible as his power. Especially when he himself opens his mind.”

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