Sun God Marvel

Chapter 959

Speaking of the wonderful moment when oneself surrendered this man with 1,000,000 suns bursting power at the same time, Smith Zhou’s face suddenly became bright.

“Twenty years ago, in this world, although it is far from being as dangerous as it is now, there are terrifying and immeasurably powerful guys everywhere. But at that time, the world was definitely not as pitiful. As Robert imagined, he can be allowed to do anything wrong with everyone’s spiritual world. At least, two people are absolutely impossible to let him do this.”

Speaking of which, Smith Zhou He raised two fingers, and then slowly bend one of them.

“One of them is Professor Charles. This Mutant, who claims to have the strongest Psychic Power, is indeed a well-deserved psychic giant. Robert wants to use his own power to change his memory, which is simply striking a stone with an egg. However, I have to say that his luck is really good. At that time, Professor Charles was experiencing the darkest moment of his own person’s life. From a normal person to a handicapped person, coupled with the abandonment of oneself friend, all these He was immersed in the anesthesia of alcohol and special medicine all day long. Even if he noticed something, he did not have the ability to do something about these changes in the outside world. Even more how, at that time he simply didn’t notice these.”

“And the second person who can stop him is naturally me. However, I have no reason to stop him from doing so.”

Tighten all fingers He became a fist, and then opened his own chest as if standing on a stage. Smith. On Monday, against the kind of refined demeanor that oneself had shown in the past, the whole person became public and arbitrary.

“Opening the hearts of all humans on Earth and changing their memories is a huge project. This project must be a huge load. Robert confidently overdone it, so I put this work in him Halfway through, I used all my strength to forcefully cut into his spiritual world. And there, I fought a special battle with him.”

The story ends here, Obviously it has entered a special climax stage. As for Alexia, who belongs to the same camp and the same stand as Smith Zhoufen, naturally, it is inevitable to feel a little worried for him. Although she already knew the outcome of this struggle from everything in front of her, it did not prevent her from wanting to know more of the truth.

And the truth is, naturally, Smith Zhou is very happy to tell.

“The world of the mind is really wonderful. Because in this World, all external factors will become unimportant. Here, only you yourself can really play a role. The only thing that can be done is oneself that’s all. A person’s experience, experience, and will play the most critical role in this level of confrontation. And Robert, who is essentially just a drug addict, is fundamental Impossible is my opponent. However, I have to admit that in this kind of plot against, I also made some common sense mistakes. I underestimated Robert, or I underestimated another personality in his heart.”

“The personality he called the emptiness is indeed a powerful guy. Crazy, tyrannical, without any bottom line, such a guy can still stir up trouble even in the world of the mind Rain. However, he ultimately lost to his own experience. As a guy born after having power, this guy is a little harder to deal with than Robert’s original personality. But without the support of experience and wisdom, he is actually not good enough. It’s just a wild beast with nothing but brute force. Although wild beast is fierce, but after all, it is not a wise person. Although it has paid some price. But it can get rid of all hidden dangers, is it a very good result?”

Patted the shoulders of Robert next to him forcefully. As a result, because of the excessive movements, the owner’s breathing suddenly became uncomfortable. This made Smith Zhou couldn’t help coughing, and naturally, his thin body began to tremble.

This feeling of weakness and pain can make people feel irritable in their hearts, but for this feeling, Smith Zhou does not at all feel any impatient feelings. Because this is a symbol of him, a symbol of his great price. He is an arrogant person and will not deny any merits of owning. So naturally, he would only feel proud of this state of oneself body, and would not have any other feelings.

Of course, since it is an explanation, then the necessary things must be explained clearly. Therefore, he quickly explained all this.

“Aren’t you curious about one thing? Why do I have such an identity, but above the rebirth of this life, I am a weak, sick ghost who can’t even walk for a long time? This is the reason. In order to tame the key to this future, I spent too much effort and energy in the battle with his soul. Although this effort made my body weak, it was not even as good as an ordinary person, but From a future perspective, all this is worthwhile. Isn’t it?”

Is the result worth it? For Smith Zhou, this may be an affirmative answer, but for Alexia, this is an unlikely answer.

She idolizes Smith Zhou from the bottom of her heart, because of his wisdom and boldness. To make a woman like her completely fall in love with him, everything Smith Zhou showed can be said to be a temporary choice. And this is why Alexia is willing to regard him as oneself home and master. It can be said that Alexia is almost completely satisfied with such a choice. However, it is inevitable that there will be a small amount of flaws, such as physical weakness, which is an unavoidable problem.

Between men and women, there will always be some special needs. And this is exactly where the problem lies between them, because compared to Alexia’s powerful body, Smith Zhou’s body is too fragile. They are so fragile that they are almost impossible to have that kind of relationship. If this is a congenital cause, then Alexia has nothing to say. But now, if the change is caused by this oneself choice, then she will inevitably have some opinions in her heart.

It seemed that she could see the psychological changes from the expression on her face, Smith Zhou laughed, and said to her.

“I know what you are worried about, don’t worry, this situation won’t last long. I said that soon a new future will begin. And as the one who is leading this future I, naturally, will have extraordinary changes.”

The implication is that those special things can naturally be solved. And Alexia, who understood this meaning, immediately blushed somewhat sorry.

“I didn’t mean that, I just said…” After thinking about it, the smart woman immediately changed the subject and talked about other things. “By the way, I mean, your plan to change the future. Does this plan have anything to do with this person?”

“What does it have to do with Robert? Of course it does!”

laughed, Smith Zhou can naturally see through the little thoughts in Alexia’s heart. Of course, he didn’t bother to expose this thing. So immediately, he followed her meaning and began to explain in this direction.

“I said that nearly 30 years ago, I did a very important thing. That is to use the power of eight main gods as sacrifices to call a universe from an unknown universe The only sun in this world is coming in this world. Originally, I hoped to turn this sun into a force belonging to myself, but the situation did not develop as I imagined. Although this sun came in this world, But not at all became my strength, but the strength of my son. Although this not at all became the fat water flowing into the fields of outsiders. But after all, it had some influence on my plan.”

“This taught me one thing, that is, don’t use things you can’t control as an own trump card. So this time, I decided to use another method. That is to use the power of others Become own. And the target I chose is Robert this guy.”

“Turning the power of 1,000,000 suns into own will fundamentally solve a lot of problems. Especially now At this time, power has become more important than ever.”

Turning the power of 1,000,000 suns into own, this kind of thing makes people feel a little unbelievable. Where do I do it and how do I do it? It’s Alexia who wants to break his mind and can’t quite understand it. However, she kept thinking about not at all to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, because she knew very well that since the man in front of him had the confidence to say so, he must have absolute certainty and confidence. She believed him unconditionally.

However, as a woman, curiosity is inevitable. She wanted to know how Smith Zhou came to complete the own plan. Although she had seen many of his arrangements, she could not get a specific answer how she thought about linking these arrangements to promote the realization of the final result. So, what will he do? Alexia couldn’t help thinking like this.

At this time, she had the same idea as her, also the Goddess who had just finished a battle.

“What on earth would you do? Chi Songzi, what is your arrangement?”

Stepping on Ji Meng’s head, looking up at the group of evil spirits Gorge oneself devours the human beings at oneself. The woman frowned her eyebrows deeply.

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