Sun God Marvel

Chapter 963

The mayor’s strength completely frightened this little assistant who was still struggling with the safety of Queen Your Majesty. He was nodded in a daze, and then ran to the back in a hurry, and began to convey the mayor’s order to the others.

And listening to the buzzing sound that came along with the spread of his order, General Ross knew how much trouble his order would cause him. This made General Ross immediately sighed, and then said to him earnestly.

“Your Excellency, is it really necessary for you to do this? Although your actions are for the safety of most people, they may not understand your painstaking efforts. Moreover, Your behavior is obviously going to offend many people. If the Queen of United Kingdom retreats here safely, then you must be blamed by her.”

“Let’s talk about that later! “With a wave of his hand, the older mayor sat down with difficulty, and then said seriously to General Ross. “And to be honest, what can happen even if I am accused? At this time, even if the Queen of England comes forward, it is impossible to remove me. I am a representative elected by all citizens. This time is no longer In the Victorian era, she doesn’t have that much power!”


For his statement, General Ross seemed to agree with him on the surface. But in fact, he didn’t think so.

Indeed, in this era of kingship, even the imperial family of the empire where the sun never sets in the past is impossible to call the wind and summon the rain as before. Their rights in this country have been minimal, and they can even act as a mascot. However, this does not mean that their influence will diminish.

After more than 90 years of wind and rain, it still stands above this country. Let the glory of the United Kingdom Imperial Family stay there. ******’S abilities and methods are instantaneous.

In this turbulent period right now, if the queen Your Majesty relies on oneself’s influence in this country to do something and so on, even if the mayor is capable, I’m afraid Impossible to stop her.

She will be a hidden danger, a very serious hidden danger. At this time, General Ross even wanted to suggest that the mayor in front of him take advantage of who is not paying attention, as soon as possible to deal with the old woman who has lived for 90 years. In order to prevent her from making any moths in the next situation. But when the words came, he couldn’t say that. So he can only say it cryptically.

“Your Excellency, is there anything we can help? Although we will be evacuated in five hours, during this time, we can still spare some manpower to help you solve some of the problems on hand Trouble.”

“Trouble?” shook the head, the mayor immediately refused after he understood his meaning. However, he obviously has other ideas. “However, your Excellency, there may be something to ask you!”

“Please tell me, as long as it is within our ability. I can promise you directly!”

“It’s very simple!” Pointing to the coastal location of the map above his head, the mayor frowned and said to him. “Here, London City Airport. Also here, East London University. These are our two shelters along the Thames. Most of them are students and tourists. I am going to evacuate some of the women and families with children. Go to these two shelters. If you plan to control the port and use boats to evacuate, then I hope you can take these students, tourists, women, and children away.”

“Although the number of people Not much, but how much is a hope. If this country really can’t escape the final bad luck. I think a little bit, I can let more youngsters get a chance to live. How can this be my last share Effort, leave a little bit of fire to this country and nation.”

Speaking of this, the somewhat elderly mayor sighed for a long time. Obviously, he didn’t know whether oneself was right or wrong in doing so. But from his position, he has indeed done everything oneself should do.

This is a conscientious person. General Ross said this in his heart, so at the moment, he couldn’t help but say to the mayor.

“Your Excellency, why don’t you take this command center and evacuate with us. With our strength, you should be able to guarantee your safety.”

He would say so , Is entirely out of admiration for the personality of this mayor. If there were more people like this in United States back then, then United States would not become what it is now. This is a good person with no lack of ability, sense of responsibility, and wisdom. He is completely different from the unpredictable bureaucrats he has experienced. So naturally, at this dangerous time, he wants to give such a good person more chances to survive.

However, for his kindness, the old mayor chose to refuse. Moreover, his answer is quite humorous.

“Forget it, Mr. General. I am old and I am not suitable for that many roads. Also, if you regard this as a war, I should be considered a soldier on duty now, right? . If I leave this place and leave the citizens I protect. Does that mean I am a deserter? I don’t want to be shot down by you, so I can only thank you for your kindness !”

Such words are equivalent to rejecting one of the best chances to survive. But he acted so calmly and calmly that General Ross immediately stood up straight and gave him a very standard military salute.

“Sir, you are an admirable person. If there is an opportunity, I hope I can still have the opportunity to sit down and have a long conversation with you like today.”

“If destiny is willing to give this old man more time and luck, there will be this opportunity.” He stretched out his hand and shook his hand firmly with General Ross. The old mayor corrected his expression, Said to him with a solemn attitude. “Your Excellency, I entrust the future of this country to you. I hope you can protect them!”

“I promise!”

With a heavy heart, General Ross He reunited with his own companions and subordinates. Seeing their ignorant faces, he sighed and said.

“The situation is terrible! Hundred thousand people may have disappeared in this fog. We don’t have much time, so we need to start acting immediately. The mayor of London said that we will stay near London Port There are ships. We must find a way to start one of the big ships, and then carry out our actions as much as possible.”

“But how do you plan to own the action? Let the mayor mobilize the citizens, let us Take them to evacuate?”

Natasha asked, she clearly saw the hidden dangers that would cause. So she subconsciously wanted to deny this practice.

“No, Mr. Mayor thinks that this might cause commotion, so he doesn’t approve of us doing it. All we can do now is to occupy the ships, then gather the citizens along the way, and evacuate them.”

“But if we do this, we won’t be able to bring too many people. We only have a few dozen people. Even if we continue to rescue along the road, we can only bring a few hundred people out. And if there are only a few hundred Personally, then our action…”

“I know what you mean, so we have to go to these places before retreating.” Interrupting Natasha’s speech, Ross The general directly found a map and placed it in front of them. “This is London City Airport and East London University, two shelters temporarily set up by the City Hall. With the residents and workers nearby, it is conservatively estimated that there should be tens of thousands of people here. In addition, Mr. Mayor intends to transfer some women and If children come over, they should be able to gather about hundreds of thousands of people. What we have to do is to use boats to bring these hundreds of people to a safe place. In this way, whether it is for us oneself, or for this country, There is an explanation. How about, do you have any opinions?”

At this time, they naturally won’t have too many opinions. Even the most critical and demanding Natasha would not say much about this decision. Sometimes she is a little cold-blooded, but that also depends on the object. For a group like child, it’s hard for her to be so cruel.

She is destined to not have a child. Therefore, she cherishes every living child. Now, to give more children a chance to live, she will naturally not refuse.

The action of the Avengers was decided at the beginning. They set off toward the port, and began to think of ways to drive the ship to carry out rescue work.

And while they were doing this, a line of convoys were advancing fast in the mist.

That was the Queen of England’s motorcade, and the direction they evacuated was across the bridge, on the other side of the city. The reason why they will evacuate from Buckingham Palace is to evacuate this place that symbolizes the imperial imperial family. It’s entirely because there is no longer possible to stick to it.

The army, guards, and security guards stationed there were simply wiped out without any resistance. The ridiculous thing is that they don’t even know who did all this. In this case, the queen immediately realized the seriousness of the problem by relying on her own experience. So immediately, she ordered the own guard to take her and the members of the royal family to evacuate.

This evacuation was carried out in secret. In doing so, she was tantamount to giving up the civilians who had taken refuge in Buckingham Palace. But this is also helpless. Because the queen is very clear, if you let them know what oneself will evacuate. So it’s not so easy if oneself wants to go.

Sacrificing others or sacrificing oneself is obviously a question that does not require much thought for her. Therefore, she was sitting in the car and quickly evacuated towards the other end of the city.

But, she is one step late after all. Because at this time, it is not very long since the mayor announced the time to blow up the bridge.

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