Sun God Marvel

Chapter 964

No matter how fast she is, it is impossible to change a fact. That’s the problem that she can’t keep up with time.

Because from the very beginning, Queen Your Majesty decided to stay at Buckingham Palace until the army came to rescue her. In that case, not only can she sit on the reputation of protecting her people, but she can also show to all British the grandeur and courage of being oneself in danger. Everything is like it was at that time more than 70 years ago, when she was a Princess, she used to do this.

When he was in danger, he gave a radio speech under the situation of war, and calmly accumulated a lot of hope for oneself to succeed to the throne. This is a brilliant method, and also a very effective method.

In this practice of constitutional monarchy, Renwang is the only thing they can rely on. And until now, the royal family of United Kingdom did a good job. This basically needs to be attributed to the wise leadership of Queen Your Majesty. In fact, the current United Kingdom Imperial Family, if it really leaves the leadership of this old lady, I am afraid it will really become a joke. Of course, this old lady is also impossible to make the right decision all the time.

It was like now, she had miscalculated the situation. She thought this was another war, but she didn’t expect it to be more terrifying than war. Under this kind of wrong judgment, all her plans were in vain.

This as it should be by rights made this old lady feel angry. The last time this happened was when her disobedient daughter-in-law almost made a joke. Fortunately, she solved the problem as quickly as possible before the situation worsened. But now, she was not sure that oneself could still have the ability to stop all of this in time.

However, she did not at all give up this effort. Although the time is too late, and the up ahead of the bridge is already full of people. But she still did her best for the survival of the royal family.

“Give me a call from the city hall and tell them that we still need some time to cross the bridge. Let them temporarily give up their intention to blow up the bridge and wait until we pass.”

“But Queen Your Majesty, we have already notified this situation. But the city hall’s answer is that they are impossible to change the time. No matter who ordered it, it won’t work!”

The driver hasn’t said much yet. With the last few sentences, the old lady snatched the phone angrily, yelled.

“Useless things, come by myself. I am the queen of United Kingdom. Everyone in this land should obey my orders.”

The old lady accepts it directly. After calling the city hall, he directly questioned the other end of the phone in a majestic and angry tone.

“Mr. Mayor, I’m in the car right now. If you don’t want to suspend your actions, are you planning to give up even me?”

“Queen Your Majesty, Unfortunately! I must be responsible for the people on my side. For the lives of millions of people and the lives of a small number of people, I can still judge who is more important!”

Just After answering such a sentence, the mayor hung up. Faced with such behavior, the queen, who was almost a hundred years old, broke the phone in her hand, and then roared and ordered the driver in front of oneself.

“Hurry up, must give me a ride to the other side before the bridge is blown up. I want to see, Mayor a trifling, what right do you have to dare to say this to my queen I’m going to ask him personally, does he also qualify to be a citizen of the British Empire?”

The queen’s anger is as it should be by rights, but anger cannot solve the problem, even more. There are any changes to the status quo impossible. Just like now, her driver said to her embarrassedly.

“Queen Your Majesty, we really can’t do this kind of thing. There are all people in front, and the road is blocked. Not to mention acceleration, it is impossible to rush over at a normal speed. And this Time, we have no way to cross the bridge…”

“Are you an idiot? Wouldn’t you just rush over?” He lowered his throat and roared vigorously. The old lady is already flustered and exasperated at this time, by fair means or foul. “The fog outside is so heavy, they simply don’t know who the person in the car is! Even if you find out, you can push yourself away from the accident. Don’t tell me about Buckingham Palace. You don’t know. You only have a dead end to stay here. Do you want to live or die here? If you want to live, just do what I say!”

If you can live, who wants to die? Anyway, the driver for the Queen of England is not like dead. He didn’t make the idea anyway, even if it was later revealed, the matter would still be counted towards the royal family. He can only be regarded as an accomplice at best. So at the moment, the driver’s heart is straight, and then he takes the lead and rushes up on the accelerator.

The models specially built by Bentley Motors for the United Kingdom Imperial Family are heavy and fully bulletproof, safe and stable, and full of power. The charge is almost no different from a tank. So naturally, in this desperate situation, this car, which symbolizes the majesty of the Imperial Family, has become the most brutal weapon. Almost in a posture of strong wind scattering the last clouds, everyone who was in front of oneself was knocked out.

The situation seems to have suddenly become clear in an instant. If you don’t care about the bad luck eggs that died because of the car rampage, then everything seems to be moving in a good direction. But is this really the case?

The answer is of course no, because no matter what decision Queen Your Majesty makes, it cannot change the fact that they are still in the mist. And in this mist, nothing can be said to be safe.

The misty fog blocked the driver’s sight. In fact, from the very beginning, he was moving towards the bridge based on his experience.

As a veteran driver who drove the Queen that many years old, he can be said to be familiar with the conditions of every road in London. Not to mention closing his eyes, he can find oneself where he wants to go by feeling. But I don’t know why, this time, he feels something is wrong.

This is a very strange feeling, but with the experience of many years of veteran drivers. He can still find the source of this strange feeling. That’s the feeling of tires rubbing against the ground. Normally, because of the bulletproof honeycomb wheel, the friction between the tire and the ground should have a special hard friction feeling. But in fact, what he experienced was not such a feeling.

It’s like driving the car into the mud. The feeling that the tires are stuck makes him instinctively uncomfortable. He at first thought it was the result of the crazy behavior just now, it should be the touch of flesh and blood and tire friction. But soon he realized that this idea was wrong.

He hasn’t hit anyone for a while, and impossible has been entangled in the tires. And to put it another way, at this time they should have already turned the corner and turned out of the bridge. But the current situation is that he is still running in a straight line, there is no place to turn.

Strange, very strange. Horror, very horrible. The old driver couldn’t understand why this happened, and almost subconsciously, he stepped on the brake on his foot.

This sudden action naturally disturbed the old lady behind. Although she was over ninety years old, the old lady still shouted angrily at him in great spirits.

“What are you doing, why did you stop the car. Where’s the bridge? Have we crossed the bridge?”

“Queen Your Majesty, things are a little bit wrong!”

The old driver who took the gun out of his arms and also served as the queen’s bodyguard turned his head and reported to the old lady in earnest.

“According to common sense, we should have already opened the bridge. But the road conditions are not right, as if we are driving on a road that has never been walked. I want to go out and see, Queen Your Majesty , Please stay in the car quietly.”

“Are you crazy!” The old lady screamed indignantly as she slammed her hand bag on the driver’s face. “You let me, a ninety-year-old lady, stay in the car alone. Did you let me wait to die? Keep driving and keep going. As long as this is a road, you will be able to get out. Don’t stop!” /p>

Is the role of a soldier in the end. The old lady at this time is not only decisive in order, but also very clear in her thinking. Obviously aware of the own problem, the driver immediately prepared to restart the car. But he hasn’t waited for any action yet. The whole car started to shake.

Shaking, as if what is underneath is not a hard road, but a shaking sponge. This situation made the driver subconsciously think it was an earthquake. However, when he saw the dense fog gradually dissipate, the surroundings gradually became clear. He suddenly realized that this is simply not an earthquake, but a more terrifying situation.

Everywhere is scarlet, covered with the fleshy structure of the mucous membrane. Not only the feet, but all around, and even the sky is the same. These fleshy qualities are operating regularly, like a coordinated army. In this kind of operation, the queen’s car was being carried forward little by little.

He doesn’t need him to drive the car and move forward. These squirming things that looked like muscles, wrapped them around and moved toward the depths as if they were a cavity.

The old driver can clearly feel the temperature in the air rising, and he can even more feel the strong stench that permeates them all around. Just like the flatulence from the stomach when indigestion occurs, the taste here is no different from that. And this immediately made him have a conjecture in his heart, an unbelievable conjecture.

“Are we in the esophagus of a huge monster?”

This thought made his whole body numb, almost subconsciously about to reverse his car. But at this moment, he has no possibility of retreating.

The speed of muscle squirming suddenly increased, and the car was completely out of control and pushed into the depths of the cavity. The boiling liquid is clearly visible, and seeing this, the old lady is already turning pale with fright.

“My God, did you bring me to what the hell place?”

The driver could not answer her because at this time, the two of them were already in the car Together, they were swallowed into a place like a barrier lake. Afterwards, everything was completely reduced to ashes.

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