Sun God Marvel

Chapter 965

“Did you see clearly, what the hell is that?”

A tattered Bruce .Banner looked at oneself’s flame-lit little spider beside him, I couldn’t help feeling anxious, so I asked him.

And there is a reason why he asks that. In this thick fog, it is not only the ordinary person whose vision is blocked, but he also can’t see what is shrouded in the thick fog. This made him suffer a lot in the previous battle. However, things have finally turned around. And this turning point appeared on the little spider beside him.

When the little spider changes into the form of Ghost Rider, it has no eyes. And how does he look at things in this form? Banner asked this question, and the spider’s answer to this question was that he used a special induction to determine the surrounding situation.

If it is a creature, he can see things like souls. And if it’s an object, it’s a gray and white picture piled up. Although this argument is abstract, it is extremely useful as long as you get used to it. Just like now, even with such a thick fog barrier, the little spider can still see everything happening in front of oneself through this special visual sense.

And when Banner started asking him, he immediately reflected what oneself had seen.

“It’s a snake. Damn, a big snake, much bigger than the one I encountered at first. What the hell is that, Titan python?”


Titan python is a prehistoric snake that lived five thousand Eighty thousand years ago. It can grow to more than ten meters in length. It can treat many prehistoric wild beasts as own food. However, even Titan python is not as huge as the thing in front of me. It is even said that it is completely the gap between earthworms and snakes.

Just this huge head is probably as huge as two or three trucks. With a big mouth, he even directly encased a broken bridge. And the little spider is watching with his own eyes, the soul of a purple woman who is red in his eyes, and a man who is not much different, drove the car directly from the mouth of the big snake all the way into the stomach, and finally it was It ended up with a body dies soul extinguished.

Become a Ghost Rider, the little spider also has a lot of strange abilities. For example, now, he can judge how much sin a person has by just looking at the color on a person’s soul. Like the color on the male and female he just saw, it is the color that kills many people. Because from the perspective of the soul, people and people are really equal. Therefore, once a person is killed, the color change is the most obvious and the fastest.

So, although the little spider has the ability to save those two people. But in the end, he still chose to give up. This is somewhat inconsistent with his original nature. But as we always say, people will grow up. When he became Ghost Rider, he was able to look directly at the sins committed by people. He will naturally grow up.

It is difficult to say whether this change is good or bad for him, but in any case, this change has become an established fact. And after all, he and Bruce don’t have much time to consider these ideological issues now. Saving people, this is the key they need to consider.

Hearing that another monster appeared in front of him, Bruce, who had just experienced a fierce battle, immediately frowned. Although it was only a few hours apart, he and Little Spider have already experienced more than ten battles.

Most of these are done with some terrifying monsters. Although it was a victory in the end, it also greatly consumed their physical strength and energy. So if he could, he didn’t want to engage in unnecessary battles. even more how Now, they themselves can’t be said to be alone, they can be in a state of unscrupulousness.

At this moment, behind them are probably hundreds of ordinary person classes with expressions of fear. This is what they saved from those terrifying monsters. And since they were saved, then according to the principle of saving people to the end, accompanies Buddha all the way to the west. They can only take them with them until they are sent to a safe place.

But where can it be a safe place? Looking at the fog in front of them, both of them started to have headaches. From the time of separation, these two people have done their best to save others. And because of this kind of work they are doing, they can more clearly realize how terrible this country is.

A huge United Kingdom, almost died at a speed that a naked eye can distinguish. Faster than anyone can imagine. Even though they have exhausted their full strength to save people, compared to those who died, they can save even less than a fraction.

This is a very terrifying thing, and it is also something that makes these two Superheros feel disappointed. However, they are now impossible to choose to give up. Because also so many people put their hopes on them.

This is a heavy burden, but since they have chosen to shoulder this burden, they can only continue to carry it.

“Apart from that snake, who is also there in the bridge?”

Bruce asked, the purpose is very clear, that is, if there are people there, even if It was that they didn’t want to, they could only fight the big snake. They are here to save people, impossible because of difficulties and any deterrent behavior.

Like before, they were just running away with a dozen people. It is because of this kind of rescue on the way that the team has repeatedly expanded to where it is now. This kind of thing naturally increases their burden in disguise. But as they thought, since they chose this way, there is no reason to give up.

But the situation at this time finally made him feel a little grateful, because the little spider just shook the head, and replied to him.

“There is no more who! The bridge has been blown up. Those people must be thinking of finding their way elsewhere.”

“Damn it, the government of United Kingdom What are you doing!”

Banner couldn’t help but cursed as the bridge was blown up. Although he also knew that this was a last resort move to prevent the spread of the disaster. But this does not mean that he can accept such an approach.

Because on this side of the bridge, there are millions of people struggling in the fog. And once the bridge is blown up, it is almost equivalent to giving up half of London’s hundreds of hundreds of thousands of life and death. Such a behavior is something that some naive people like him can’t accept.

However, no matter how naive he is, he has to admit one thing. That is, his thoughts are very ridiculous, and this behavior he cursed is the correct behavior. Because this is a practical way to prevent the situation from getting worse, and if he himself thinks about it, it’s just asking for trouble that’s all.

After all, he is not the kind of person who can make trade-offs, otherwise he would not be in this place.

“Forget it. Peter, what should we do now?”

When he heard the question, the little spider glanced at the ordinary persons behind oneself. Their extremely longing eyes made this youngster feel a tingling sensation on his back. Even with that, his throat became dumb.

He knew that this was a situation caused by tremendous pressure. Because he opened his mouth to decide not anything else, but the life and death of these people. Therefore, he must be cautious and cautious before he can make a decision. And like now, he thought for a while before he could only say to Banner.

“I can go to the river bank to find a boat. I think the generals should have already occupied the nearby port. As long as they can find the boat, take these people over, trust them You can get a basic guarantee for your safety!”

This statement makes Banner feel dissatisfied, because he knows very well that in this half-abandoned city, many people are also waiting for their save. He subconsciously wanted to object, but when he heard the cheers and weeping of the people behind him because of the words of the little spider, he immediately closed his mouth and swallowed everything oneself wanted to say.

What happened today is not only a huge challenge for them, but also a nightmare that can make in the bones tremble for these ordinary persons. Now, an opportunity to break free from this nightmare is before the eyes of these ordinary persons. How can they not feel excited and joyful? And at this time, if he disagrees with this approach and forcibly takes them to save more people, then even if he has a life-saving kindness to these people, it will inevitably lead to some resentment.

Most people are very realistic creatures, loving what oneself loves, and hating what oneself hates. Consider others and save others. Let the hero do that kind of thing.

Almost everyone thinks so. But they don’t know that heroes sometimes impossible to carry everything. Just like now, even Bruce Banner has that thought. But in the end, he could only sigh, and the hero became short of breath.

“Go, I will protect these people. Think of a way to get them to a safe place as soon as possible. If possible, we will save others and come back.”

He In the end, he agreed with the little spider’s approach, and the little spider immediately took action.

It didn’t take long for him to bring good news. A small freighter stopped nearby, and they only needed a few steps to get there.

This news has brought tremendous motivation to many people. Although they were all tossed to the point of exhaustion, these ordinary persons still boarded the cargo ship mentioned by Little Spider at an exaggerated speed.

The cargo ship started sailing, and many people started weeping bitter tears. They thought that oneself finally got rid of this nightmare. But in fact, is the situation really what they think?

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