Sun God Marvel

Chapter 979

Moved his eyes slightly from Wilson’s body to Wade’s direction, looking at the face of Little Spider. Natasha gave such an explanation.

“This is just our temporary staff member. Whether we can enter the Avengers or not depends on his actual performance. And, what does this have to do with you. Albert Wilson, are you? You got your own identity wrong, you are now our prisoner, and you are not qualified to ask questions to us. If you want to live, it is true to cooperate obediently and honestly with our questioning.”

“Okay Okay, okay. If you have anything to ask, just say it. It seems that at this time, I really don’t have much room for bargaining.”

I was stiffened by the back of the knife. Wilson said very cooperatively. For him, since he has betrayed, then there is really no need to hold on to any reservations. Instead of keeping these secrets and enduring hardships, it is better to say everything that should be said in exchange for some lenient treatment.

In this regard, he and Victor are the same. They are all kind of complete egoists. As long as it is good for oneself, the other things are nothing but objects that can be sold. However, compared with a guy like Victor, Wilson obviously lacks a lot of luck and wisdom, and that’s why he is here.

It is a very rare opportunity to be able to capture a member of Cerberus alive. This involves a lot of hidden issues within Hydra, like everything that is happening right now. If it can be clarified, then it will be unimaginable whether it is for breaking the current deadlock or for the evolution of the future world situation. effect. Therefore, Wilson has received extraordinary attention.

“What do you mean by worrying too much before? Isn’t all of this that you Hydra is secretly messing up?”

“You can say yes, you can also say Isn’t it?” After a little haha, Wilson, who was almost stabbed by Wade’s handle into the chrysanthemum, immediately became honest. Seeing the unkind eyes of those around him, he said quickly. “This fog is indeed Baron’s layout, Japan also United Kingdom, these seem to be within Baron’s plan. However, unlike everything that happened in Japan, there seems to be an unpredictable change in United Kingdom.”

“In general, the seal laid by the Eastern God of Antiquity Era was broken in this country. Relying on the cover of the mist arranged by Baron, thousands of people fell asleep in this seal The fierce gods of the year came out of their nests and began to treat this country as a hunting ground, and used the mortals in this country as food to enjoy the feast.” “Even to deal with the ancient God that sealed them, They also regard all the living humans in this country as a target that must be eliminated. The situation has exceeded Hydra’s control. Now God also controls everything in this land, so I said that the situation is what you think It’s already very different.”

“God, also the devil?” Hearing this explanation, everyone began to look at each other in blank dismay. If everything that happened here was the result of a large-scale release of dangerous biological and chemical weapons like the T virus, these Avengers could still accept it a bit. But if it is the result of God also the devil, then it is really beyond their expectations.

But when I think of Gabriel before, also the existence that can swallow Gabriel in one bite. Such an explanation became acceptable instantly.

This World, after all, is not the materialistic world before. God also It is normal for the devil to appear on this World. It’s just that no God has ever been able to achieve such a point, even King Ming has never done so.

The fact that tens of millions of humans are used as food is really not what they can imagine. But if this is not the case, it seems that I don’t understand what is happening in this country right now. So for a while, many people’s hearts were covered with a haze.

After all, it is against God. This is not something humans can do. God’s power and omnipotent are almost something imprinted in people’s hearts. Since God appeared in this world, almost any human action against God ended in failure. Especially the existence of King Ming has made mankind realize what is a great and insurmountable power.

Now, it is said that there is such a group of evil gods in this land, which makes them really unable to have any optimistic views on the future. You know, this is only a corner of land in United Kingdom. It may pose a terrifying threat to the lives of more than 60 million people. If these guys go to the outside world, to cities where humans are more prosperous, what will happen?

Some people don’t dare to think about it anymore.

The bad news has caused subtle changes in everyone’s heart. This is a mixed feeling of confusion and fear, which makes many of these people dull to the changes in the surrounding environment. .

At this time, when many people are too late to react to the surrounding situation in time. A violent wind suddenly appeared on the river.

The fierce wind swept the sand and dust from nowhere, making it impossible for many people to look directly at everything in front of them. When the gust of wind subsided gradually, they suddenly discovered that Wilson, who was still under their watch just now, was gone.

“Damn it, let him run! Deadpool, how did you take care of the prisoner?”

Hawkeye, who had an ugly face, immediately blamed Wade, and this , Wade just buttoned his nose, and said with a disdain.

“Did you say that I was looking at him? No. I just stand closer. And you don’t see me standing here, in fact, my heart is already flying with the wind. It’s a vast place. Yes, I am the wind, a symbol of freedom. When you look at me, do you feel a sense of spiritual wandering.”

If you don’t consider this mental Illness That cheating undying body also his heinous horror fighting ability, Hawkeye really has the urge to shoot him in the face at this time. Of course, this is just impulse. A normal person will not do things that are detrimental to oneself, and he is no exception. Moreover, other people present would not let him do something that would obviously cause a negative impact.

“Okay. I did have some problems just now. It should be Wilson that fellow also lurked on the side. We didn’t notice it. And it’s not the time to focus on him. We are now The most important thing to do is to evacuate here as soon as possible. You have also heard that there are things in this mist that we can’t fight against. We can’t wait for them to notice us, we must leave here before they arrive.”

Natasha can act as a temporary commander for no reason. She can always give the most correct judgment in the calmest way. Especially at this time, her order can best preserve the lives of everyone here, and this is the most important. So soon, these people put aside their mutual grievances and began to act according to her orders.

And just when these people are driving big boats, ready to go straight down the Thames into the bay at the fastest speed, so as to leave this crisis-ridden land. Victor already took Wilson and appeared in a dark corner.

It goes without saying that the gust of wind just now arises from this guy using the power of magic. As for his behavior, even Wilson, who was the rescued, didn’t understand it.

You know, he has already figured out what happened just now. He knew very well that oneself was sold by Victor. So they are already impossible and there is no fig leaf. After they have torn their skin, they have only one possibility, either you die or I die.

Viktor should also be able to understand this. So he didn’t understand at all, why Victor saved him. So he immediately said to Victor.

“Why save me, don’t tell me that you are a sudden conscience discovery. Or, do you think you also have the possibility to ease the relationship between us again?”

“Of course not, I know the relationship between us very well. You plot against me, I plot against you. This kind of murder between each other is not something that can be justified.”

Victor looked at Wilson in front of him, nodded and said to him in agreement. And this makes Wilson feel even more strange.

“Then what do you want to do? In the hands of the Avengers, I will be imprisoned permanently even if I am undying. Baron’s temper will never save me. Even He said that killing me directly is what he would do. If you want to kill me, it is enough to leave me alone. There is no reason to save me so much. Could it be that you plan to do it yourself, Will you feel more at ease?”

“No, for me now, if you die, it will be useless. On the contrary, you can play the best role if you live.”


“What do you mean?” Wilson subconsciously felt the problem, but he just asked this sentence when a sudden change appeared in the court.

A light and shadow pierced his head directly like a sharp arrow, and under the effect of this magical light and shadow, Wilson seemed to be frozen, completely lost Any reaction and action.

“What I want to do is simple!” Looking at Wilson like this, Victor took out the weapon of the slaughter and quietly stuffed it into his palm. “It’s up to you to replace me, pierce this weapon into Mephisto’s chest.”

Wilson’s dumb eyes have completely lost spirituality. He looked at Victor in front of him, then at the dagger in oneself’s hand. Then nodded vigorously.

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