Sun God Marvel

Chapter 980

“Have you not found that guy yet? Haven’t you forced the old ghost out?”

The huge mountain-like unbridled Qi waved angrily With his own arms, its Steel Muscles Iron Bones make this kind of action full of danger. No building around it can survive this kind of action.

For a time, the tall building broke away from it immediately, and then it overturned. Countless bricks and stones carried the terrifying weight, and the whole earth roared in an instant. And in the smoke and dust rising from the collapse of the building, Wu Zhiqi had already pinched an azure phoenix bird, and shouted against it.

“Are you bastards slacking off again? I feel that the emperor is far away. As long as Lao Tzu is not in front of you, you can behave casually, even if Lao Tzu’s orders are not taken seriously? “

Under the rage, Wuzhiqi is extremely powerful, and even a divine object like Fengniao can hardly resist his majestic power. So immediately, the phoenix bird uttered a crisp but hurried begging for mercy.

“The king is forgiving, the king is forgiving. I am really making an all-out effort and doing it according to your instructions from the king. On this island, all within Sihama have been ours. Was completely surrounded by human hands. We are also doing our best to clean up the Human Race on this island with full strength. Several thousands li to the north of this place have been killed. But we really didn’t see Chi Songzi. The shadow of the old man, the king is a good lesson.”

Listening to the Azure Phoenix’s begging for mercy, he grinned helplessly and threw it out. At the same time, he shouted more and more angrily.

“Trash, it’s all trash. You can’t even do such a small thing. What’s the use for you. Get out of me, get out of me!”

He is impossible directly Just strangle this Azure Phoenix here, because after all, there is still a solid owner behind this Azure Phoenix. Therefore, he could only vent his own anger in vain and watched the Divine Bird, which was almost terrified, disappeared into his sight like wind.

While looking at this huge monkey unwilling to stop, staying by his side is equivalent to the female ghost being watched by him. Said.

“No support, for thousands of years, your frizzy problem hasn’t changed. I thought you could make some progress?”

“Emperor Yan, I warn you, don’t mess with Lao Tzu at this time. Lao Tzu went crazy, but he didn’t recognizing one’s family!”

The angry Wuzhi Qi golden’s pupils seem to have flames It was burning, and the thick blood under his feet began to beat restlessly with his temper. At this time, the female ghost did not doubt at all, if oneself continued to tease the monkey like this, maybe he would really take action on oneself. Although he is not afraid of the power of this monkey, he should try his best to avoid unnecessary battles.

So she immediately changed her tone and said to Wuzhiqi.

“It’s only been a few hours. It’s normal not to get a result. Do you have to be impatient like this?”

“Hey, yes Is it necessary? Of course it is necessary.”

A sharp fangs were exposed, showing a terrifying ferocious and unsupported Qi said with a sneer.

“These things are just a bunch of idiots. They simply don’t know. If you find Chi Songzi’s old miscellaneous hair at night, there is more possibility of being plotted against that old miscellaneous hair. Although I look down on it That old and miscellaneous character, but I also have to admit that that guy is the most difficult character to deal with in Human Race.”

Said this, he glanced at his side pointedly The female ghost, and then continued.

“If possible, I would rather take the risk of offending the Celestial Emperor back then, and help Chi You, the main soldier, defeat the Yellow Emperor and become the master of Nine Provinces. Hey! We were all confused back then. Looking forward and looking forward. Let the Human Race become a general trend. I thought it was irrelevant. Didn’t expect actually dug a tomb for us.”

“Chi Songzi, the Old Guy can use the old guy That little fortune, little by little, turns Human Race into one of the best forces in Nine Provinces, and it can seal me one by one. This kind of temperament, this kind of strength, also this kind of tolerance, when It’s terrible. To tell the truth, if you can’t break this Old Guy into tens of millions in front of me, it will be completely frustrated. I can’t even eat and even dream. Yes.”

When the monkey finished talking about this remark, he scratched his ears and cheeks impatiently. Obviously, he was a little distressed by the heavy pressure envisioned by oneself. And looking at the monkey like this, the female ghost was really surprised, he could actually say the words just now.

Among so many fierce gods, many of them are known for their conspiracy and deceit. But Chi Songzi can be seen terrifying and difficult, and the only one who panics because of this is the unsupported one. Other people either have some own ideas in their hearts or are too blindly optimistic. I think that the owner person is a lot of people, and they unite to be fierce. A trifling Chi Songzi is just a very easy problem. They simply forgot how oneself was sealed by that guy back then.

This is a dead end! The female ghost knew this very well, but she didn’t remind them at all. Just as these fierce gods are always wary of her, she never thinks that oneself and these guys are the same. Although on the surface, she made suggestions for these guys and even said that she encouraged them to commit murder in this land. But these are almost all arrangements for the guy Chi Songzi.

She has a deal with Chi Songzi, and she knows this very well. And she also firmly believes that one thing is that the last laugh in this struggle will be Chi Songzi, not a kind of fierce gods like scattered sand. Although this group of fierce gods seems to be crowded and powerful, they can almost Heaven and Earth turning upside down. But compared with Chi Songzi, who can rely on a strategy to give the Great Gods of the Eight Lords of Heaven and Earth one after another to one after another, this group of fierce gods is simply a group of people who can’t make it to the table.

So the girl is very clear about what choice oneself should make. As far as she is concerned, it is really not too much psychological burden to move these fierce gods to the abyss of destruction step by step.

For her, the best outcome is that all these fierce gods disappear from in this world. It is precisely because of this that the most worrying issue for female ghosts is what these evil gods realized and escaped from these arrangements of Chi Songzi. If that is the case, not only will it destroy the integrity of the entire plan, but it may also cause her some trouble. Therefore, she immediately had some thoughts in her heart, some murderous thoughts.

However, the killing intent moved. She quietly suppressed everything. Unsupported Qi is not a friendly role. Back then, he was able to entangle the Shui Clan and fight against King Yu who had the assistance of celestial troops and generals. Naturally, his strength was not much to say. Even if the female ghost is confident in the power of own, there is no certainty that she can eliminate Wuzhiqi without the knowledge of other evil spirits. And once the movement is too big, it provokes other guys. Then her identity was exposed, and the whole plan would fall short.

At this time, nothing is worse than nothing. The woman who had already made up her mind glanced at Wu Zhiqi beside her without a trace, and then whispered.

“Since you have thought of this, why not tell the others. If you say it clearly, as you, you may not be able to convince the crowd. Let them listen to you and work hard to bring Chi Songzi That guy is caught.”

“Hey, did you think I hadn’t thought about this problem?” The grumpy monkey scratched his chin with his own sharp claw, showing a sense of depression and The look of resentment. “Unfortunately, even if I say all these things I think, these guys may not listen to me. Those guys like Qiongqi are all tyrannically abused power back then, dominating the existence. Who’s under his command? There are not thousands of demons and ghosts. It’s easy to say it, if you make them believe me and listen to my dispatch, it’s basically impossible. Instead of inviting humiliation to oneself, let those guys laugh at me, and pour It’s not as good as Lao Tzu Oneself’s heart is open and happy.”

“But are you happy?” Seizing the painful foot in Wu Zhi’s words, the female Yan immediately laughed. “Well, look at this virtue of yours, can you be said to be happy and comfortable like this? The world is muddy and I am alone, everyone is drunk and I am awake. This feeling is not something that makes people happy. , But a kind of depression and depression that can drive people crazy. When I wandered around the world, I saw many Human Race sages who were depressed for life because of this feeling, so I can best understand you. What kind of feeling is in my heart now. I can tell you very responsibly that if this goes on, you will drive oneself crazy. And when the time comes, even if you can find Chi Songzi, what can you do to him? How? An intact Wuzhiqi is not his opponent, a crazy Wuzhiqi, I am afraid that even those fierce gods will not be in his eyes.”

Zhiqi complexion greatly changed, it has a gloomy animal face, the fire in its eyes is soaring, and its sharp fangs are continuously rubbing. Obviously, this Great Demon King had already thought of something. But after a while, he immediately lowered his throat and got up to the female man roar.

“Emperor Yan, what do you mean?”

“It’s very simple, just making a plan.” Waved his own sleeve, letting the mist in front of him fade slightly. The female Yan said to Wuzhiqi with cold eyes. “These fierce gods have their own concerns. It is almost impossible to want them to work together. Therefore, there are only two choices left in front of you.”

“Which two choices? “

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