Sun God Marvel

Chapter 986

“Damn it, these omnibus, how did they stand up!”

Seeing a omnipotent stand up staggeringly, Steve Immediately taking advantage of the machine’s unsteady footing, he directly projected the shield in his hand towards him.

The sharp shield directly cut the omnipotent in half from the middle, but looking at this situation, the expression on Steve’s face became more and more serious.

From his perspective, he can clearly see that the body of this omnic within the body has undergone an incredible change. That is, the inside of this omnipotent is completely not what he thought, it is the same structure as mechanical parts. There is already a completely different look inside, a look like countless microbes gathered together, constantly squirming and sticking together.

This situation that can easily cause intensive phobia patients makes Steve subconsciously feel bad. Because he gave people a special sense of life, a feeling that was simply not completely destroyed by his previous attacks. He seems to be recovering, from this broken state in two halves to gather back into a whole again.

Steve believes in own judgment, but in order to verify the conjecture of own. He immediately made some kind of experimental move.

He took out a tactical grenade from his waist, and threw it at the omnic that hadn’t gathered yet. The grenade exploded directly within the body of this omnic. Then, with a bang, countless pieces of Hive-like particles filled with fine particles flew out one after another.

This level of damage can theoretically damage anything. Whether it is a living creature or a machine, it should be completely destroyed. However, based on the results Steve has observed, it seems that this kind of situation does not at all happen to the omnic in front of him.

Even if it was blown to tens of millions of points, there still seems to be a special connection between these countless fragments. They can still wriggle and gather in the same direction. It is completely conceivable that as long as they are given some time, they can completely revert back to a whole appearance. And that’s what Steve didn’t want to see at all.

“Go, hurry up. Get out of here as fast as you can, hurry up!”

After three quick talks, Steve spoke to oneself in the harshest tone. The subordinates who looked a little startled warned. At his reminder, the group finally moved.

Wrapped in two professors Court Academecian who didn’t know the situation, the group followed the path and touched the giant beast Leviathan.

This is a journey that is not far away. But because of everything that happened before, their each step began to become extremely cautious. Because they know very well that this moment is completely different from when at first raid here. A terrifying enemy is watching them in secret, trying to keep them in this place forever. And what they have to do is to fight against these peepers against the clock.

This is a game that uses life as a bet. The victor will be able to dominate their lives! In essence, this is very unfair to these people in Hydra. Therefore, they must be cautious and cautious.

However, any care and caution are useless in the face of absolute power advantage. Because soon, the accident happened as expected.

That was a Hydra soldier who was responsible for opening the way. His mission was to ensure that there would be no problems on the way back to Leviathan. This mission is not difficult, because this road was originally passed by them. As long as you completely follow the original path, you can basically guarantee safety.

However, as soon as this guy stepped into the channel flooded by seawater, a fast-moving black shadow flashed across the surface of the water, like a hidden in the dark and launched a thunderbolt. Just like a shark, it just dragged the guy in charge of the path-finding directly down, and then disappear without a trace.

In the face of such a situation, the entire team’s actions immediately slowed down.

“Sir, what should we do?”

The Hydra soldiers at the front of the line cast their eyes on Steve for help, and Steve looked at their ardent eyes and immediately bit He gritted his teeth and ordered them.

“I’ll clear the way. You protect these three guys. You can’t let them die here anyway. Do you understand what I mean?”

A few are responsible for guarding these courts The Academecian guys were nodded immediately, and seeing their answer, Steve immediately jumped into the channel flooded by the sea.

There are lights in the channels, but these lights do not play much role under the refraction of the seawater in these channels. When I looked around, I could only see bursts of disgusting and disgusting halo, and a kind of blurred vision that seemed to completely blind my eyes.

This is different from when they came. Obviously, this kind of thoroughly mixing up the water comes from the hands of the omnic. They are like a cunning hunter in shaping an environment that suits them best. What makes people feel sad is that they must also get involved in this dangerous environment.

Steve is very dissatisfied with the fact that others, especially a group of machines, control the initiative. But there is no way he is dissatisfied, because he has no power to change this fact, so he can only act according to the rules set by these machines.

The underwater world is a little quieter than he imagined. There is no sound of struggling, and even the sound of water movement is very limited. It seems that nothing has ever happened in this small space. However, the blushes stained with blood and the dust that has not yet sunk proved what really happened here.

That bad luck guy is probably already a bode ill rather than well! After making such a judgment in his heart, Steve paused and quietly began to look at everything around him. He knew that it was a very wrong choice to act blindly at this time. The most sensible way is to find out the reality here and then start to act. In other words, if the omnics can come and attack oneself and show their feet, then it would be great.

He had the confidence to plan such a plan, but unlike what he thought, the omnipotents seemed to have disappeared, and simply did not appear in front of him.

Time is impossible to drag on, so naturally, he can only send a signal to the group of own subordinates.

“Come down, it’s safe for the time being, we need to speed up!”

Steve’s words made these people obviously happy, and they quickly jumped in one by one The water merged in Steve’s direction. And just when they thought the danger had passed and began to relax their vigilance, a pair of big steel hands suddenly stretched out from behind them.

The two Hydra at the end simply didn’t have time to react, they were directly dragged back. This made them scream and start desperately pulling the trigger in oneself’s hand. But what’s the purpose of this, because soon, Steve and the others heard heartbreaking screams and the sound of bones being crushed to pieces.

This means that those unfortunate soldiers are already impossible to have any other hope. At the same time, it also means that they have once again suffered those mechanical conspiracies. From a place that was never thought of.

The panic began to spread among these people, but it didn’t at all take away their sanity and calmness. These people who were alive didn’t even have time to look at the situation behind them, so they speeded up and fled forward. At this time, it was different from what Steve had seen before.

The previous scene was that the entire passage was completely stagnant, without any movement inside. But now, a shadowy black shadow appeared in the passage, and a rushing sound of water like flying arrows.

The entry of these Hydras is like turning on a deadly switch, immediately causing those omnics hidden in the dark to swarm out. In the face of these omnics who can still move quickly in the water, Hydra immediately fell into a precarious situation.

It is difficult for their firearms to pose a sufficient threat to these high-speed omnics. On the one hand, because of this ambiguous environment, their vision is greatly restricted, so that they can only Seeing a fuzzy black shadow, simply couldn’t attack exactly what they saw. On the other hand, in this environment, even if their bullets hit those omnics, their effect is very limited.

Although it has been replaced with the latest armor piercing bullets, in theory, it can pose a certain threat to these omnivores. But the gap between reality and theory tells everyone very clearly that their thoughts are a little too taken for granted. No one thought that this kind of conflict would be caused when the rate of fire of this bullet was restricted, and no one would have thought that the previous incredible changes would happen to the omnic.

The two stack up, Hydra has completely lost the ability to control the situation. So soon, a group of people followed in the footsteps of the bad luck guys before. They were dragged into the corner where they could not be observed by the high-speed omnic, and then with a burst of screams of have one’s hair stand on end, it further increased the psychological pressure on everyone.

In this case, they seem to be unlikely to survive. Even though there is not much distance from Leviathan, this distance has become as insurmountable as the sky.

They seem to have hard to avoid calamity!

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