Sun God Marvel

Chapter 987

Under the deep ocean, I was forced by a group of terrifying threats in this small passage with no room for turning back. Every Hydra soldier and several scientific researchers have been under tremendous psychological pressure.

Although their position is not considered to be a common camp, even the relationship between prisoners and hostages is very delicate. But in this case, under the premise that they are the same human beings, they will inevitably feel the same emotion, fear because of what is happening right now!

This is a contagious thing. Facing the omnipotents that may be killed from the dark at any time, facing the shadow of the sudden death. No matter what kind of identity you are, as long as you are a person, you also have the most basic feelings that belong to human beings. Then you will inevitably be contaminated with this thing of fear.

And under the torment of this kind of fear, these researchers are far more unbearable than Hydra’s soldiers. Those soldiers are accustomed to seeing life and death, although they are also afraid, but they will not be struck by this thing to completely lose their sense and reason. How much they can maintain a stable state.

And those few Court Academecian professors will not work. They who live in the laboratory all the year round are impossible accustomed to the extreme feeling of walking on the wire with life. This kind of one step difference may die on the spot, so that their brains are completely turned into a mass of paste, and even the whole person begins to be out of control.

Especially the Court Academecian named Laura, now she has completely fallen into the mood of collapse.

“I can’t do it, I can’t do it. Let me go, let me go. I can’t go any further, I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die!”


She burst into tears, and her whole body was curled up there like a prawn, she was totally unwilling to move forward even one step. And looking at Laura Court Academecian like this, the soldiers next to her who were responsible for watching her were embarrassed.

Laura Court Academecian is very important. It is so important that even Baron has called her and must take her alive to Hydra’s base. This means that these soldiers can’t drop her here at all, because once she is left behind, then according to Hydra’s rules, they are even an ineffective loser. As for the fate of such a loser, many lessons learned have already given an explanation.

They are in a dilemma, because no matter how they choose, I’m afraid they will not be a good choice. At this time, Steve, who had already looked impatiently, immediately frowned and snarled at these people.

“What are you still rubbing, she can’t leave. Can’t you drag her up and go forcibly? Do we have this time to waste here now?”

Steve The words made these soldiers have to act according to his orders, and the moment they reached out to Laura Court Academecian, immediately, a few dark shadows rushed out of the darkness.

These soldiers had not had time to touch the body of Laura Court Academecian, they were already dragged down by the geniuses that were secretly killed. Afterwards, a series of miserable screams came from the dark, making everyone unable to stop their movements. At this time, there was already a vacuum around Laura Court Academecian.

No one dares to touch this woman who looks like a time bomb anymore, because they have already seen it. The omnics seem to use this woman as a bait and lure those Hydra soldiers to come forward. To die.

This behavior is a little weird, and there are many unreasonable things in it. But in this atmosphere of fear, most people didn’t understand the clues at all, and only Steve could barely feel a general idea. However, even he might not be able to make a choice for a while.

Is the completion of the mission the first priority option? Or is it to keep the lives of these subordinates as the top priority? Touching the disk in oneself’s arms, Steve already has some ideas in his mind.

“Cut off the power supply to her life-sustaining device and throw her here. Let’s move on!”

As soon as this statement was said, most people fell into an incomprehensible State. But in the end, the soldiers of Hydra, relying on their faith in Steve, chose to accept his order. With the choice of these soldiers, the resistance of the two Court Academecian professors became meaningless.

After cutting off the most basic power supply, the life-sustaining device on Laura Court Academecian can only sustain less than one minute of oxygen supply. And this also means that she will only have two minutes of life left at most. It seemed like some kind of punishment, because if Steve really wanted to kill this woman, he could use a bullet to understand her life. The reason why this is not the case is entirely because Steve wants to do an experiment.

He wants to take a look, what will the omnics do? Is it to sit and watch this woman die here, or maintain their most basic behavioral rules as he thought.

Of course, this kind of watching is definitely not standing here without doing anything, watching the reactions of the omnics as if watching a play. That’s something fools can do, and what they have to do now is a more important thing, escape! This is more important than anything else.

Leaving aside the burden, the entire group’s actions have been significantly accelerated. What is surprising is that they have never suffered any sneak attack from an omnic along the way. It’s as if everything that happened before was an illusion, and the calm along the way obviously made people feel a little abnormal. For this situation, Steve already had a certain guess.

He has been paying attention to the sound near his own ear. Although it cut off Laura Court Academecian’s life support system, he did not at all cut off her communication signal. And in such a long time, if it were to develop in the worst situation, then he should have heard the painful screams of that woman long ago. But not at all this kind of sound, whether it was the scream of being attacked or the sound of struggling when suffocated, there were none, as if the woman simply didn’t suffer any harm. is it possible?

Steve said that this kind of thing is really possible! And it was this possibility that made him realize the hope that the group of oneself could escape.

He knew very well that Ultron would not allow them to evacuate from here so safely. The large number of omnipotents arranged here can completely block their way of life, like catching a turtle in a jar to catch everything in one net. It may be safe in front of him, but there will definitely be omnic obstruction in front.

They want to make a living. It is not impossible, but they must experience a huge sacrifice. No one can guarantee that they will leave here alive, or even say that everyone will die here. Therefore, he is not sure that this speculation may become their last hope for survival.

Of course, it is best if this kind of thing can’t happen. However, things will inevitably develop towards the worst. For example, now, when Steve and the group rushed to Leviathan’s place with their full strength, they immediately discovered what they didn’t want to see, the worst situation.

Hundreds of omnic groups gathered around Leviathan, and then they twisted their eyes neatly. There shouldn’t be any emotions, but they obviously make people feel The eyes of fear were aimed at all Hydra’s people. They were waiting for the rabbit, and they really waited for the rabbit.

“Steve Rogers, I said that you were impossible to escape from here. Put down your weapons and prepare to surrender. Otherwise, all of you will stay here forever!”

A voice that sounded exactly similar to the ordinary person type rang from these omnics, and this immediately caused Steve to bite his teeth and call out his name in a low voice. “Ultron!”

He really couldn’t accept it. Oneself clearly plots against the entire mankind, but in the end it is the fact that such a machine plots against it. But no matter how unwilling to accept it, he must admit that they are indeed losers in this kind of contest. He is the mantis who catches cicadas, and Ultron is the oriole behind. They missed a step, and this step made them have to accept the Penalty of this loser. So at the moment, he can only say this to Ultron.

“Let’s talk about it, what do you want to do? What conditions do you want me to make before you are willing to let me and my group of people go!”

Machine negotiation seems to be a somewhat ridiculous topic. But right now, Steve doesn’t mean cracking a joke at all. He knows exactly how Ultron is different. In the era when he was still playing in the Avengers, Ultron was already a super intelligence with complete logical thinking ability and self-awareness. Of course, he was very immature at that time, and he couldn’t be an existence that made Steve jealous. But what happened later had to make him pay attention to this intelligent life.

Everything Ultron does on the west coast can not at all escape from Hydra’s surveillance, but they know very well that this intelligent life has been closed. And now that he appears here just and honorable, there are only two possibilities.

One is that Tony Stark released him, which is basically impossible. The other is that he detached himself from the shackles of human beings. If it is the latter, it means that this intelligent life has become a terrifying existence. In the face of such an existence, no matter how cautious and careful it is, it cannot be overstated.

“What do I want to do? I want to do a lot, Mr. Rogers.” Faced with Steve’s question, Ultron paused before saying to him. “But first, let’s start with a question.”

“Mr. Rogers, can you tell me what Hydra wants to do? What is your ultimate goal!”

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