Without looking down, Su Baitou went to the window, flicked and glided out again in the night.

After a long time, the security guard who heard the news opened the door and saw the corpse on the ground. He was so scared that he turned pale that he immediately reported to the manager --

in mid air, Su Bai's hands spread their wings, and the cyan Zhenyuan condensed into an air blade, just like two wings, flying in the sky.

"How comfortable!"

Su Bai felt that every cell of his body was cheering, constantly communicating with the vitality of the outside world, providing him with an endless stream of strength, and even making his body temporarily suspended in the air for a short time.

This is the first time that he has fully demonstrated the power of this body after he has completed the Tianlei immortal body.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Like Spiderman, Su Bai shuttles between many high-rise buildings in this modern metropolis, from this building to another building, and then steps on a heavy footprint on the wall to bounce to the next building.

His figure is tens of meters high, and with the help of the cover of night, almost no one will look up at the sky. Even if you see it, at most you think it's a big bird.


"Is that the strength of the young master? It's really good! "

Jinling City riverside area of an ordinary people's courtyard.

At this time, a middle-aged man dressed in a gray cloth gown was sitting in the yard, looking at a video on his notebook, his eyes flashing.

It's just that this video is rather vague and seems to be taken secretly.

In the video, only two vague figures can be seen flying in the mid air. The clouds and dust cover the sky. The two figures seem to be fighting, but the specific scene of fighting is not clear.

"Unfortunately, this video is too vague to judge their real strength." The grey man frowned deeply.

On the top of Mingshan mountain, Tiangong blocked all parts of Mingshan mountain, and it was forbidden to take photos and videos. Although someone secretly filmed it, it's a pity that this kind of picture quality is more blurred than a small movie. It's said that people may not be able to recognize the faces of Su Bai and Xing Xiushen.

"But judging from the video, they can move freely on the top of the pine forest, which is almost 10 meters high, and their body method is extremely fast. I'm afraid that ordinary sniper guns can't kill him. If you want to kill him, I'm afraid you have to use my unique concealed weapon enhanced version of 'storm pear flower'!"

"My latest storm pear blossom needle is made of cold iron on the sea floor. It's harder than a armor piercing bullet. It's sure to break through his vigorous Qi defense! What's more, I add the seven unique poisons of the Tang clan. As long as he has a little bit of Su Bai, he will surely die if he has the power to communicate with heaven! "

The gray man's eyes narrowed slightly and said to himself, "what we need to do now is to make sure that the Su Bai is within the striking range of my storm pear flower --"

although his storm pear flower has been transformed, and his range and coverage have been improved dozens of times, it is not too much to prepare for a top strong man who is suspected to have half step spirit strength.

If Jin Zhongyan, who had been killed by Su Bai before, was here, he would recognize the man in grey as the first killer of their murderous organization, "bloody hand" Tu Chuan!

This man is a traitor of the Tang clan in China. He is a top-notch poison and concealed weapon expert. Although he has only great internal strength, he once killed 71 members of a small sect with concealed weapons and poison!

It can be said that it is extremely cruel.

After that, Tiangong was furious and listed him as a wanted person. He fled to Southeast Asia and joined the Tiansha organization. By virtue of his poison skill and concealed weapon, he assassinated many powerful masters, which made him famous as a bloody butcher. He became the first killer king in the Tiansha organization!

Now his strength is stuck in the half step state, and it is difficult to break through. When he knew that Longtang took out the S-class supernatural liquid, he was immediately moved and did not hesitate to sneak back to Jinling.

Although he has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, he has survived for hundreds of millions of dollars, which is far from the price of S-class supernatural liquid. Moreover, even if he has so much money, he can't buy S-class supernatural liquid. Su Bai's head is his only chance to be promoted to the master of Huajing.

The premise is that he can attack successfully!

"How on earth can we kill with one blow?"

Tu Chuan's cold face showed a trace of coldness. If not, he had to start from Su Bai's relatives -

but at this time.

All of a sudden, there was a sudden tremor in his heart.

Over the years, the killer career has brought him the sixth sense, which makes him stand up in a moment.


Who is it?

I just sneaked into Jinling City when I came back to China secretly. How can I be found?

There was no time to think about it. He took a deep breath, and his body suddenly catapulted up and ran towards the air!

But at this time, a cold cheering suddenly sounded.


This cold drink, like death's words, made his heart sink to the bottom in a flash.

In mid air, Tu Chuan's body seemed to be held by an invisible big hand. He struggled desperately, but it was hard to break free.A black figure pushes open the gate of the small courtyard, walks slowly, looks at TU Chuan, who is scared and wants to die in the middle of the sky, and takes a picture.

"Su Bai --- how can you find out --"

but before his last word "I" came out, he was split in two by Su Bai's Qi blade.

Poor first killer of heaven, just came to Jinling, and he died before he moved.

Before he fell into the boundless darkness in front of him, there was only a faint voice in his ear:

"the sixth."


The next moment, the shadow ejected out again, leaving only half of the body in the courtyard, emitting a faint smell of blood.


This night, Jinling City, do not know how many places such a situation.

In the big hotels, in the small hotels, in the bath center, in the residential houses, in the depths of the community and so on, there have been homicide cases. Most of the dead are foreigners, mostly Asian, but there are also many white people.

They died miserably, some of them were trampled off, some of them had their heads cut off, some of them burned to black charcoal, some of them

And what's shocking is that the time of death of these people is within half an hour. In other words, a person or organization killed dozens of people in half an hour.

Killers hide in various places, even underground nightclubs. Unfortunately, their breath is so dazzling that they can't avoid it.

"Twenty third."

Su Bai stepped out of a bar. Just now, through the door of the bar, he directly killed the soul of the killer with the knife of divine thought. People around him thought that he was upset and had a heart attack.

"It's less than half an hour since I left the downtown building. A total of 23 batches and 37 killers were killed. It seems that the news from Tiangong is not accurate. There are 23 assassins sneaking into Linzhou, not 17. "

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