Su Bai looked up at the shining night sky. There was a scream in the bar behind her. She thought she had found the man's death.

He knew that his bold move that night was bound to disturb many people. Because Su Bai did not dispose of the body.

As long as the corpses are left, a lot of information can be found. The police will trace their real identities according to their corpses, and trace the reasons for their coming to China, and finally lead them to him.

But this is exactly the purpose of Su Bai. He made the news big and spread it abroad, so as to completely deter those killer organizations and hostile people. As for the domestic troubles caused by this, Su Bai had already informed Chen Xiuqi that Tiangong would deal with these illegal immigrants.

Su Bai had no pity for these vicious killers and mercenaries.

These people, which hand did not have dozens of lives, Su Bai killed them, in a sense, it can be said that the name of the killing.

Therefore, Chen Xiuqi and Lin Ruoxi are also willing to cooperate with Su Bai.

He hates trouble, but he is not afraid of it. With his present status and ability, he has already been able to withstand these troubles!

"These 23 batches of killers from different organizations and countries should be enough to frighten most killers." The killers are not Chinese cabbage. Dozens of killers die at a time. They are all the elite among the elite, which is enough to make many killer organizations heartache.

"But it's not enough. There's a lack of two heavyweights. Kill them, in order to completely frighten all the killer organizations, let them know, what is the price of offending me!

According to the information given by Chen Xiuqi, there are two top experts who sneak into Jinling secretly this time to deal with him.

One is Tarot, the God of death in the temple of darkness.

The other is the saber toothed tiger Mohs.

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Su Bai looked at the night sky: "sword tooth tiger, tamus, Death God, where are you?"

As he said this, his mind suddenly bloomed, and the whole Jinling City was shrouded in the full operation of lie Yuan Shu. In this moment, the perspective of Su Bai seemed to be infinitely elevated, like a bird, overlooking the city with tens of millions of people.

Under the outbreak of lie Yuan Shu, all the secrets of Jinling are unfolded to Su Bai.

He sensed several breaths that he had not noticed before. These breaths lurked secretly, but they all contained huge power, which was comparable to the master or real person. And they seem to be aware of the full power of the explosion of the idea, are a fierce shrink, like the animals disturbed, alert.

"I found you."

Su Bai's idea fiercely locked one of them, extremely weak, but extremely cold breath.

The next moment, he stepped out, the next second in hundreds of meters away, leaving a shadow, with a very high speed to the place.

When the idea of Su Bai broke out and covered the whole city in an instant, several people opened their eyes at the same time and looked in shock in the direction where Su Bai was. With their cultivation, they have been able to sense the vast power covering all directions, including the six universes, which is like a big net covering heaven and earth.

"What is this? Is there spiritual awareness in the divine realm? "


Tiangong is not in the courtyard.

Chen Xiuqi, who is enjoying a leisurely tea, stands up fiercely. He doesn't care if his cup falls to the ground. His eyes are shining.

And at this time, a valiant figure came over, pretty tight wrinkle, "teacher, what's the matter with you?"

This girl is Chen Xiuqi's disciple, he Qian.

At this time, her breath, also close to the realm, than before in Jiangzhou and Su Bai meet, a lot stronger.

Chen Xiuqi waved his hand and said, "it's OK."

"Master, I think you must have a look at this!"

He Qian's face was still shocked. He took a deep breath and handed a report to Chen Xiuqi.

Seeing the erased names on the report sheet, Rao Shi and Chen Xiuqi were ready, but still took a cold breath and grinned bitterly.

It's really Su Bai!

The whole Jinling City, can send out such a powerful spiritual power of people, only one person!

Now he finally understood why he was so calm before.

It turned out that he had long planned to catch all these killers.

Now it seems that he did.

In just half an hour, he killed 37 killers, all of whom were elite killers and mercenaries with great confidence. At this time, he was killed like a chicken by Su Bai.

The power of the divine realm is really terrible!


Seeing that Chen Xiuqi was a little distracted, he Qian subconsciously reminded: "these killer things --"

"you don't have to worry! I'll take care of it. " Chen Xiuqi said with a smile: "it seems that the man has begun to take in the net!"

He Qian seemed to think of something and said, "master, do you mean these killers and mercenaries were killed by Su Bai?"

Chen Xiuqi laughed and asked: "otherwise?""But --" he shallow pretty face at this time full of disbelief and shock: "in such a short period of time, how can he accurately find so many people, and kill them all?"

You know, even a huge organization like Tiangong can only monitor the whereabouts of a few people. It's difficult to monitor some experienced and powerful killers. Su Bai has only one person. Even with Chen Xiuqi's help, it's impossible to find and kill so many elite killers in such a short time.

As if seeing he Qian's mind, Chen Xiuqi said with a faint smile: "is the power of the divine realm something that we can surmise secretly?"

"But, didn't Su Bai say that he was not in the divine realm?"

"It is because he is not in the divine realm that he is even more terrible!" Chen Xiuqi said.

Before he reached the divine realm, he had the strength comparable to that of the divine realm. Once he grew up completely, could he resist even if the Su family had the support of the immortal gate?

At this moment, Chen Xiuqi had a lot of thoughts, and soon issued an order to personally "finish" for Su Bai.

It's not only Chen Xiuqi and Lin Biren who are the old masters of Jinling City, but also in other places of Jinling City, some people are shocked and awed at the same time.

On the top of Mingshan mountain, Su Bai killed Xing Xiushen in front of many warriors, which was a great shock to China. Ninety nine percent of the warriors were shocked when they heard his name, but after all, there was no image. Some masters thought that their battle had been exaggerated, and they were just ordinary masters.

Everyone is the realm, how much worse can I be than you?

Those who can be promoted to be great masters are often gifted and arrogant. They don't think they are inferior to others. There are many great masters who hold this idea. A few of them arrived in Linzhou, looking for a chance to challenge this young master who is in the limelight and has the title of "the first master".

But after sensing the idea of Su Bai, these people immediately turned pale.

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