Hearing the speech, Su Mufan's eyes moved slightly, and then became calm. He respectfully said, "thank you, Mr. Lu."

The middle-aged man, who was called Mr. Lu by him, nodded and led him to the pavilion of the small courtyard with no expression on his face, then quietly retreated.

Under the dim yellow light, reflecting the snow in the courtyard, it looks quite different.

Inside the pavilion, the fire is burning hot, and the fog is rolling, sending out the warm air.

By the fire, Su XingKong sat on a wooden stool, wearing a brown coat. He looked no different from the old people on the street.

"Here we are."

Su XingKong went to the fire with a clip and said, "sit down!" without looking back

Su Mufan bowed to answer.


Then he sat opposite Su XingKong.

"Woo --"

the teapot on the stove was emitting white smoke.

The water is boiling.

Su XingKong is about to start, but Su Mufan takes the lead.

"Grandfather, take a rest. I'll come."

Warm the cup, wash the tea, pour the water ---

the action is flowing and pleasing to the eye.

Su XingKong took a sip of the porcelain cup.

"You are more and more skilled in tea."

Su Mufan chuckled: "it's just a hobby. It's hard to be elegant."

Su XingKong raised his eyebrows slightly and took a deep look at Su Mufan.

Su Mufan's face was calm, and he didn't seem to feel his eyes.

For a moment, Su XingKong sighed in her old eyes.

"Xiaofan, this time - you are too eager!"

Su Mufan light a smile, way: "grandfather this words how to understand?"

Su XingKong didn't show off any more. He said, "among the three generations of the Su family, you are the most mature in mind. You are the best in means and strategy among your peers! But you have a fatal flaw - "

" conceit! "

Su XingKong's face was solemn. Looking at Su Mufan who was silent, he said in a deep voice: "although he is proud of breaking the army, he is not conceited."

"You think that your strategy is matchless. You plan strategies and use the heroes in the world as chess pieces, but you don't know that in the eyes of the real strong, all your strategies are illusory!"

Su Mufan said in a low voice: "in this world, no one is invincible. Even Su Bai and the immortals who are superior to the immortal family all have rivals. As long as they find the means to check and balance, all crises can be broken naturally!"

Su XingKong shook his head: "although your words are reasonable, you don't know that in this world, some people can't count!"

"The myth of the time is that one man is the enemy of the country. It's not just talking about it!"

He looked at Su Mufan pitifully, "you guide Su Bai to kill Liang Boyu. Liang Tiantu is angry, but the first thing he does when he comes out of the mountain is not to find Su Bai, but to kill you!"

At this moment, Su Mufan's face finally changed.

He frowned and said in a deep voice, "why?"

"Because, the power of the divine realm, can not be committed!"

Su XingKong said with a long sigh: "idiot, why don't you understand?"

"Just like the two super rich people on the Forbes list, if they have any grudges, they will solve them face to face. But if an ordinary businessman wants to take advantage of their grudges and gain profits, what do you think will be the final result? "

Su Mufan's breathing became rapid.

Su XingKong has already said this. How can he not understand?

Together, he is a small businessman of the Su family?

"Ha ha --"

thinking of this, he sneered and gritted his teeth and said, "according to my grandfather's idea, I will die this time?"

Su XingKong said in silence: "even if Su Bai doesn't kill you, the people of tianjianmen will do it."

"According to the secret report of Shu capital, the sword holding elder of tianjianmen has gone down the mountain!"

Su Mufan sneered, "is the Su family going to let me bury Liang Boyu to calm down Tiantu Jianxian's anger?"

"Is that what grandfather means or my brother means?"

Although Su Xuan and he share the same father, they are not the same mother.

Therefore, the relationship between his brother and sister was not harmonious.

In the silence, Su XingKong said with no expression: "Su family, now we need tianjianmen's help."

Su Mufan sneered.

"I see!"

Then he took a sip of tea and strode towards the door.

But before he came to the door.

The wooden door suddenly creaks and opens automatically.

A teenager in a black casual suit came slowly.

"It turns out that this is the headquarters of the Su family. It's a bit beyond my expectation."

"Su Bai!"

Su Mufan's face suddenly changed, and he said, "how did you find this place?"Su Bai light smile: "although the capital is big, but I want to find a person, or easy."

He didn't even look at Su Mufan. His eyes fell on Su XingKong under the pavilion.

Su XingKong saw the moment of Su Bai, a trace of consternation flashed in his old eyes and became calm.

Looking at the blurred figure of the old man in front of her eyes, there was a cold flash in her eyes.

My grandfather destroyed their family by himself in those years!

Moreover, Su daoxuan's death is also his own order.

It's hard to imagine how cold the heart of this kind-hearted old man is before he orders to kill his own son!


A figure appeared. It was the middle-aged man who was called Mr. Lu by Su Mufan. At this time, his muscles were tense, and he was staring at Su Bai's figure like an enemy.


Su Bai looked at him indifferently, "get out of the way."

The middle-aged man only felt his heart tremble, but when he clenched his teeth, he said in a cold voice: "stop --"

as soon as his eyebrows were cold, he fell with a palm.

"Slow down --" Su XingKong's eyes were cold, and he got up quickly, but it was too late.

Chi la!

A silver awn suddenly condensed and tore the void of the night in the blink of an eye. It was as fast as lightning and fell on the top of the middle-aged man's head.

"No --"

the middle-aged man's whole body gas engine broke out, his eyes turned scarlet in a flash, his whole body suddenly expanded like a tank, the black wave swept through nine days, and he was crazy to block the silver blade!


All this is doomed to be in vain.

The strength of middle-aged people is not so strong, even compared with Xing's self-cultivation in those years, it is not so bad. In particular, his physical breath is even stronger than that of the general God.

But in front of Su Bai's gas blade, all his defenses were fragile, like paper. In an instant, he was torn in two, and in the next moment, his whole body was torn in two.

And his fragile spirit was completely destroyed by this blow.

One strike, the super strong man of half step divine realm, death!

Until this time, Su XingKong's voice fell slowly.

In front of him, the middle-aged corpse of Lu's surname was still staring until he died. His eyes were full of disbelief and reluctance.

Hu ---

Su XingKong stared at the middle-aged man's body on the ground for a long time, then slowly looked up at Su Bai and said, "what do you want?"

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