Looking at Su XingKong's face, Su Bai has no joy or sorrow.

From the moment he was driven out of the Su family, he had nothing to do with the old man in front of him!

His face was cold and he chuckled, "what do I want? What do you think I should do? "

Su XingKong's turbid eyes were like a sharp sword, staring at Su Bai: "I admit, I really lost my eye that year!"

"I didn't expect you to come this far!" Su XingKong said coldly: "but I don't regret it!"

"In those days, if I were given another choice, I would still make the same choice!"

Su Bai sneered: "you think too much!"

"I'm not interested in what happened back then."

"So you're here to kill me?"

"To kill you?" Su Bai shook his head and sneered: "I won't kill you now."

"Since you sacrificed my parents to drive me and my sister out of the house for the so-called great cause of the Su family! Then I will destroy what you cherish most today! I'm looking forward to it. How did you react when you saw the day when the Su family was destroyed? "

Su XingKong was short of breath, and his face finally gushed with unprecedented cold anger.

"Evil! At that time, I should have solved you myself! "

Su Bai smiles: "maybe! However, now you have no chance -- "

whoosh --

while talking, a dark golden bullet quietly cuts through the void and shoots at the back of her heart.


A sneer rose from the corner of Su Bai's mouth.

The right hand extended slowly.

At this moment, the void seems to be stagnated, time is slowed down countless times, the dark gold special bullet, has been less than half a meter away from the sapphire, and at this time, two long white fingers slowly out, suddenly a clip!

This super high-speed flight special armor piercing bullet was so caught in the hands of the Soviet white!

1200 meters away, an ordinary residential building.

Inside the top floor room, a middle-aged man in a black robe clearly sees everything in front of him through a high-power mirror.

In a flash, when his face was shocked, his mouth opened like a trumpet.

"This - how is this possible?"

As a sharpshooter of the special guard, he is very confident in his shooting skills, and with this special rifle, even a strong man at the peak of his life can't resist his own shot.

However, the young man, who looked pretty, actually caught his own bullet between his two fingers, which was simply appalling!

In an instant, he knew that he had met the legendary master this time!

Without any hesitation, he said to the headset: "sniper failed! The danger level of the target has been raised to s level. It is suggested that the dark guards attack immediately! "

If it's too late, Su XingKong and Su Mufan will die!

Su XingKong is in a room about 100 meters southwest of the courtyard.

At this time, all armed soldiers in black, face solemn to the extreme.

The middle-aged man with short hair took a deep breath, looked at the 20 members in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "the target and its danger are suspected to be the mythical realm in the legend, but as Su's Secret guards, we have no choice! Today, it's the time of life and death. Check the equipment and prepare for a strong attack! "

"Attention, after saving Mr. Su and Mr. Mufan, the first team will leave immediately. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"


The corners of Su Bai's mouth are full of sneers, and the big net of shennian has already covered an area of kilometers.

Every move of these people has long been under his control.

Although a group of soldiers who have not even entered the realm are equipped with thermal weapons, they are not afraid of missiles. Will they care about these guns?

Su Bai was holding a dark gold armor piercing bullet in her hand. She gave a sneer and moved her finger.


This armor piercing bullet, which is full of the thumb of an adult, flies away at a faster speed towards the distance of the night.

More than 1000 meters away, the middle-aged sniper, holding a high-power telescope, is always paying attention to the movement in the small yard, reporting the situation to his teammates.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, in his sight, a golden light suddenly magnified.

The next moment.

In front of his eyes, the telescope suddenly broke, a dark hole appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and the red and white things flowed out.


When his body fell to the ground, there was a strong doubt in his eyes.

What killed him?

In the earphone, a rapid voice came.

"Hawk Eye, Hawk Eye, you hear me!"

"Eagle eye, what's the matter?"

The next moment.

There was a heavy breath in my ear, followed by a click, and all the sounds disappeared.In the courtyard.

Su Bai sat under the pavilion, poured a cup of tea, took a sip of it, looked at Su XingKong and said, "if I were you, I would not let these people do unnecessary casualties. You know, these people can't hurt me."

Su XingKong's face was livid and he was about to speak. Suddenly, bang bang!

A few loud noises rang out, and the whole courtyard was filled with dazzling light. At the same time, a strange fragrance diffused out. In a moment, it penetrated along people's pores!

Su XingKong and Su Mufan, who were stiff in the yard, fell to the ground in a flash.

"Triangle formation, attack formation!"

"Fire suppression!"

"Team one, get ready to evacuate. Everyone cover!"

Bang bang!

More than twenty soldiers in black rushed into the courtyard from all directions, and the sound of gunfire was like firecrackers, directly shooting the pavilion full of holes.


The middle-aged team leader suddenly shrunk his eyes and clenched his fist.

What about people?

The next moment.

They all looked up in the air.

A figure in black looks like a fairy in the dust, surrounded by a pure white jade luster, looking at them lightly.

Is this a man or a monster?

When people were shocked and trembling, they almost subconsciously shot.

Bang bang!

The torrent of metal bullets instantly drowned the sapphire.

But the next moment, when a white light burst out, countless golden bullets suddenly fell out.

The special bullet proof vests of the armed soldiers in black are as fragile as paper pastes in front of the inverted bullets. The bodies of these soldiers suddenly turn into Hornets' nests.

Su Bai's face was expressionless. He stepped down and fell in front of Su XingKong, shaking his head.


Su XingKong gritted his teeth and stared at Su Bai.

Just his remaining light, but seemingly looking to the western sky.

Su Bai frowned slightly, subconsciously looking toward the western sky.

Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua.

"Mr. Su, show mercy!"

"Su Xiaoyou, wait a minute!"

Seeing this, Su Bai's sarcasm and sneer became more intense.

Su XingKong is waiting for help!

But do you think there is anyone else who can save you today?

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