Jiangnan is popular.

Very popular.

Not only in Jiangcheng, but also famous on the whole network.


The contents of the three live broadcast rooms of Doulang, Jiangcheng, and Xinye have been shared, causing a frenzy on the whole network.

Also popular is Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School, an old school with a history of more than 70 years.

"The schoolboy of No. 3 Middle School is rare in a century!"

"The face of No. 3 Middle School is Jiangnan!"

"The pride of heaven, only Nanshen!"

"The rise of No. 3 Middle School!"

"The most handsome high school student on the whole network!"

"Submit the paper in five minutes for the competition, the ruthless exam room leader, and kill all answering machines in seconds!"

"First in the three competitions, the top talent!"

Add "the score control master!" and so on.

These resounding titles have become jokes on the Internet.

As long as you play Douyin.

Now almost no one does not know Jiangnan.

At the same time.

Everyone is very curious.

Including the time to go to the toilet, Jiangnan only took five minutes to finish the biology competition paper.

The result...

Is it really as he said.

It is 88 points.

For this reason.

Even after the exam, all the media people still swarmed at the gate of No. 1 Middle School, unwilling to leave for a long time.

And in their live broadcast room.

The number of online users exceeded 10,000, and the peak period exceeded 100,000.

Even if Jiangnan had already run away, these viewers still stared at the live broadcast room, just wanting to see the final results.


Three hours later.

The answer was revealed.


In an office of No. 1 Middle School.

At this moment, it was full of people, all teachers.

But not only biology teachers, but also mathematics, physics and chemistry teachers of No. 1 Middle School.

The former was quickly correcting the life competition papers.

And those behind...

were all waiting for the results.

They all wanted to know...

After winning the first place in Mathematical Olympiad, Physics Competition and Chemistry Competition, could Jiangnan still win the first place in the life competition.


The result is out.

The head of the biology group of No. 1 Middle School nervously took the report card and glanced at it tremblingly.

The next second!

His eyelids fluttered and he almost fainted.

He saw...

The top of the list.

It was the word Jiangnan.

And the score.

It was exactly 88 points.

Not one point more, not one point less.

He stepped on Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Xia Ji from Chuying, and Meng Chuan from Lanpu.

"Oh my God!"

"88 points?"

"He really got 88 points!"

"And he finished the test paper in a few minutes."

"It's obvious that he deliberately controlled the score. He obviously has the ability to get full marks, but he only got 88 points."


"It's simply an insult to the person who set the question!"


The head of the biology group of No. 1 Middle School was almost fainted.

To be honest.

If there were no outsiders here, he would have wanted to change the score, just because it was really unbearable.

But unfortunately, there were many outsiders here.

For the sake of fairness.

The examiners were all biology teachers from various schools.

In addition to the teachers from No. 1 Middle School, there were also teachers from other schools, and the biology group leader from No. 3 Middle School.

Under this premise, it was impossible to falsify.

In the end!

He had to bite his teeth and announce the results.


"We lost, our school lost again."

"88 points, he is the first again."

"Four firsts, Jiangcheng has never seen it before."

"And the scores are the same, a typical score control maniac!"

"Liu Fan is obviously also a top student, he always gets full marks in exams, why did he lose to Jiangnan repeatedly?"

"Du Jiang from our school is also a top student, he can obviously challenge for the first place, but he lost to him."

"And Xia Ji from our school, he is also a child of destiny, a super academic master! Why can't he pass the exam against Jiangnan?"

"Since there is a Sichuan, why is there a Nan, since there is Meng Chuan from our school, why does the third middle school need another Jiangnan?"


The moment the results were announced.

Fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth middle schools, and the teachers from the county below were fine, anyway, it did not harm their interests and reputation.

But all the teachers present at the first middle school, the second middle school, Chu Ying and Lanpu, all looked gloomy.

Before that.

Their four schools.

It is the top ace school in Jiangcheng.

Liu Fan, Du Jiang, Xia Ji and Meng Chuan, who were trained by them, are the most popular candidates to win the competition.

These four people...

All have the qualifications to be the top scorers in the college entrance examination.

Nine out of ten can be admitted to famous universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University.

It is not an exaggeration to describe them as the East Evil, West Poison, South Emperor and North Beggar, each occupying one side and claiming to be the first.

But now...

Mathematical Olympiad, crushed by Jiangnan.

Physical competition, crushed by Jiangnan.

Chemical competition, crushed by Jiangnan.

Biological competition, crushed by JiangnanPressure.

As the four best high schools in the city, as the four most popular geniuses, they lost to the declining No. 3 Middle School and the unknown Jiangnan School.


What should these teachers think?

It's embarrassing!

It's embarrassing.

The only one who was excited and excited was the head of the biology group from No. 3 Middle School.

That old face.

All the wrinkles were smiling.

Thirty-two big white teeth were exposed.


At the same time.

On the other side.

As soon as the results of the student competition were announced.

Several media outlets blocking the gate of No. 1 Middle School and countless viewers who had been watching the live broadcast room were immediately shocked.


"Really, this is actually true!"

"He said 88 points, and the result was 88 points!"

"This is too accurate!"

"Other students usually estimate their scores, but they only estimate roughly. How can they be so accurate?"

"Needless to say, he is definitely a score control maniac!"

"This is simply a show!"

"So handsome!"

"Finished the test in five minutes, ranked first in four competitions, and controlled the score to 88. I would like to call him the strongest high school student in history!"

"He is still so handsome. Although he only showed up for a while, my heart melted when I saw him."

"So handsome again And talented, are all the young people nowadays so outstanding? How can we live like this! "

"Love him, love him, from now on he is my idol!"

"He is really someone else's child!"

"It must be very difficult for Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School to cultivate such an awesome student!"

"When my child goes to high school in two years, I will send him to No. 3 Middle School, not No. 1 Middle School or No. 2 Middle School anymore."

"I won't send him to Chuying or Lanpu anymore. Private schools have high tuition fees, and no one can compare to Jiangnan..."


This call...

It's really one wave higher than another.

Jiangnan instantly became the object of everyone's pursuit.

By the way...

Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School was also liked by countless parents in Jiangcheng, who wanted to send their children there to study in the future.

You know...

Before that.

No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School were the ones they were most enthusiastic about, because these two schools produced the most champions in the college entrance examination.

And those with rich families mostly sent their children to Chuying and Lanpu, two private aristocratic schools.

But now...

But it has changed because of Jiangnan.

In addition.

The basketball world, which has nothing to do with the examination academic world, has also caused a huge sensation at this moment.

After the video of Jiangnan's shooting and dunking was uploaded to the Internet, it attracted the attention of several bigwigs in the basketball world.

Including the coach of the provincial team and even the head of the Basketball Association.

It's just...

The video has no beginning, no end, and no annotations.

They searched for a long time, but they couldn't find the place where the video took place, let alone Jiangnan.

But now...

They finally found it.

"So he's in Jiangcheng, is his name Jiangnan?"

After seeing this live broadcast, Coach Wang of the Binhai Provincial Team was instantly excited and couldn't sit still. He waved to his assistant, "Put down everything and follow me to Jiangcheng to find him..."


Coach Ma of the neighboring provincial team: "Found it, finally found it, it turns out that he is a student of Binhai Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School, hurry up, drive... Oh no, driving is too slow..."

"Buy me the earliest flight ticket, fly to Binhai first, and then transfer to the high-speed rail to Jiangcheng. I must sign Jiangnan before Lao Wang of the Binhai Provincial Team..."


The head of a professional club: "This kind of basketball genius must be signed into our team no matter how much it costs, then the championship of next year's ABC finals will definitely be ours..."


The head of the Basketball Association, Little Giant: "Hey, whoever, hurry up and drive my private plane over to Binhai Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School..."


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