Jiangnan is popular.

The slogans of Nanshen on the Internet are getting higher and higher, and they have brought No. 3 Middle School to the forefront.

Many people in Jiangcheng are spreading the word.

Jiangnan must be the top scorer in Jiangcheng's college entrance examination this year.

And No. 3 Middle School has also risen, not only to reproduce the glory of the past, but even to surpass the glory of the past.

In this regard.

As mortal enemies, No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu, they instantly became anxious.

Although they know.

The overall level of No. 3 Middle School is just like that.

Except for Jiangnan.

There is no second person who can beat.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology competitions.

Jiangnan is the only one in No. 3 Middle School who won the first place in the four competitions and was able to advance to the semi-finals. There is no one else.

In Mathematical Olympiad.

Although Qin Feng also advanced, he was just the last one. It was meaningless to go there to make up the numbers.

The same is true for physics competitions, chemistry competitions and biology competitions.

But even so.

Whether it is No. 1 Middle School or No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu dare not underestimate No. 3 Middle School.

After all...

Who knows if it will be as the rumor says.

Is this the beginning of No. 3 Middle School's rise?

You know...

No. 3 Middle School was once very powerful.

As the oldest high school in Jiangcheng.

Although it is only No. 3 Middle School.

It is able to surpass No. 2 Middle School and far surpass No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 Middle School.

As for the rising stars such as Chu Ying and Lan Pu, it is even more difficult to compare with them.

Even as the leader, the key high school among the key high schools, that is, No. 1 Middle School, was almost overtaken by No. 3 Middle School.

At that time...

No. 3 Middle School was in its heyday.

Now it is hard to see it decline.

No. 1 Middle School no longer has its strongest opponent.

No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu no longer have that heavy stone on their heads and can develop rapidly.


They don't want to see No. 3 Middle School rise again.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope.

They will extinguish it.

This is not...

No case is left unsolved, and no matter is left overnight.

That very night.

Whether it is No. 1 Middle School or No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu urgently convened a discussion meeting.

In an office of No. 1 Middle School.

All the teachers of the third grade of high school gathered.

The person in charge of presiding over the meeting.

It was Zhou Hua, the director of the teaching department.

And the head of the mathematics group Zhang Qing, the head of the physics group Fang Qizhen, the head of the Chinese group Chen Ze, and the heads of the chemistry, foreign language, and biology groups were all present.

In addition.

There is also the one with the highest authority.

The principal of No. 1 Middle School, Gongsun Li, was also listening.

Tsk tsk!

This lineup is really big.

"Tell me all!"

"What should we do now?"

"In previous years, the four subjects of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology competitions were all our No. 1 Middle School's forte."

"I can't say that all the first place in each subject came from our No. 1 Middle School, but at least two or three of them were won by me."

"But this year..."

"It was snatched away by No. 3 Middle School?"

"And it was snatched away by the same person?"

"This is really a slap in the face! A naked slap in the face."

"Now everyone is saying that our No. 1 Middle School is declining, while No. 3 Middle School is on the rise..."


"To I said..."

"We don't need to mobilize so many people. The Third Middle School has been declining for many years. How can it be revived by one person?"

"What's more..."

"I have already inquired about it."

"In the last monthly exam, Jiangnan only scored 600 points, ranking second in the Third Middle School."

"But in our First Middle School, he can't even enter the top 15, without Liu Fan's more than 70 points."

"Maybe he was just lucky in this competition."



"First place once is luck."

"Second place twice is luck." It could also be luck. "

"But now he has been the first for four times. This is not something that can be explained by luck, but real strength. He really has the potential to be the top scorer, even far surpassing Liu Fan from our No. 1 Middle School."


"It is true that he has the ability."

"But I don't believe that he can surpass Liu Fan and has the potential to be the top scorer. After all, he scored 600 points in the last monthly exam, while Liu Fan scored 678 points, a difference of 78 points."

"The top scorer in the college entrance examination is not just based on the scores of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, but the overall score."

"So... …”



“So what!”

Principal Gongsun Li couldn’t help but slam the table and stood up, his tiger eyes sweeping around, “Many of you have been sitting in the office for too long, too comfortable and closed.”

“Just based on hearsay, or the news that others deliberately released, you believed it to be true.”


“Last monthly exam.”

“On the same test paper, Jiangnan did only score 600 points, 78 points less than Liu Fan from our school.”

“But do you know that he deliberately scored low in foreign languageIf he scored zero, he still got 600 points? "





As soon as this was said, everyone in the room was shocked.

Everyone in the room couldn't sit still.


"He deliberately scored zero in foreign language, and he still got 600 points?"

"How is this possible?"

"You know, foreign language is 150 points!"

"The total score is only 750. If foreign language is excluded, then he has scored full marks in all the remaining subjects... right? "


Really incredible.

Zero in foreign language, full marks in Chinese, math, physics, chemistry and biology.

What is this...


Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, Jiangcheng has never had such amazing results!

Although this is only a monthly exam, not the college entrance examination.

But everyone present understands.

The last monthly exam paper was jointly prepared by the teachers of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, and its difficulty is far stronger than the college entrance examination.


It is to find out the bottom line of each high school in Jiangcheng.

It not only suppresses other schools.

It also highlights No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School.

You can say that.

The results of the last monthly exam.

It can be completely compared to the college entrance examination results.

That's why.

They insist that Liu Fan, who was trained by their school, will be the top scorer in the college entrance examination in the near future.

After all, he scored 678 points, four more than Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School and more than Chu Ying and Lan Pu got nearly 10 points more.

As for No. 3 Middle School.

They didn't consider them as rivals at all.

But now...

Jiangnan suddenly appeared?

Zero points in foreign language, but 600 points in total?

They didn't think...

A genius who could get full marks in Chinese, math, physics, chemistry and biology, and even won the first place in the four competitions, would be an idiot in foreign language.

Even if his foreign language is poor, far inferior to other subjects, it is not easy to get a passing score?

90 points for passing.

Add 600 points.

The total score is 690.

This can completely beat Liu Fan's 678.

When it reaches above 630, a difference of one point is a difference of a level, not to mention a difference of more than ten points.

Tsk tsk!

Needless to say.

Jiangnan must be the top scorer in the college entrance examination.


Even the top scorer in the provincial examination is not impossible to compete for.

"Ahem! ”

Just then, the dean of teaching Zhou Hua coughed twice and said, "Now everyone knows it!"

"Jiangnan is really extraordinary. Not only did he win the first place in the four competitions, he also scored full marks in Chinese, math, physics, chemistry and biology in the last monthly exam."

"Let's not talk about physics, chemistry and biology first, let's talk about Chinese and math."

"The math in the last monthly exam was very difficult. Our school's Liu Fan scored the highest, but it was only 142."

"But what about him?"

"That was full marks."

"As for Chinese, let alone."

"It's even more difficult than math. Just the classical Chinese, few people can write it, and the composition is also very difficult to write. Our Liu Fan only scored 138, but he still scored full marks."

"Have you heard of full marks in Chinese?"

"As far as I know, there is no second person in the whole Jiangcheng, or even the whole Binhai Province, in the past ten years."


"We must pay attention to him. ”

“Otherwise, even if he is the only one, he may change the situation in Jiangcheng.”



“No more words.”

Principal Gongsun Li spoke again: “Director Zhou and I have decided that we should focus on the learning atmosphere of No. 1 Middle School and give Liu Fan and other top students a boost.”

“We should also try to attract Jiangnan.”

“After all, No. 3 Middle School has declined. Whether it is the teaching staff or the teaching environment, it is far inferior to our No. 1 Middle School.”

“At the level of Jiangnan.”

“No. 3 Middle School can’t give him much help.”

“But our No. 1 Middle School is different.”

“As long as he is willing to come…”

“We can not only give him a high scholarship, but also focus on training him to help him improve his strength.”

“And our school has a quota for recommendation. As long as he gets the first place in the province in the competition, he can be directly recommended.”


“None of them can be provided by No. 3 Middle School.”


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