"Teacher Chen!"

"I'll leave this to you!"

"You can start with Jiangnan and his parents."

"As long as we can win him over, we will do it no matter how much it costs."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, the sooner the better. You should go to his school first, and then to his home."

"I hope..."

"I can hear your good news as soon as possible."


After giving the task, Gongsun Li left the office.

In this regard, many people present had mixed feelings.

I really didn't expect it.

In such a large No. 1 Middle School, with thousands of students, no one could compare to Jiangnan, and finally they had to win him over.

As for Chen Ze, the head of the Chinese language group who was named by Gongsun Li, his face fell instantly, "Why do I have to go? Director Zhou, why don't you arrange someone else?"

Zhou Hua: "Old Sun has named you, you have to go whether you want to or not, who made you question it just now."

"Don't you believe in Jiangnan's strength? It's a good time to go and see him in person, maybe you can really win him over..."


Chen Ze: "..."

Tears flowed down his face, speechless and sad.

The other teachers bowed their heads and smiled without saying a word.

A similar scene.

It also happened in Jiangcheng No. 2 Middle School.

Gu Hongyi, the principal of No. 2 Middle School, shook his head helplessly and said, "I have to admit that there is really no student in our No. 2 Middle School who can compare with Jiangnan from No. 3 Middle School. Even Du Jiang is far behind."

"It would be fine if Jiangnan was only the first in the four competitions."

"Competitions are important."

"But the most important thing is the college entrance examination."

"Even if he got the first in the four competitions, the pressure on our No. 2 Middle School is great, but not fatal."

"But I have already inquired about it. Jiangnan not only has the strength to be the first in the four competitions, but also the strength to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination."


"Not the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Jiangcheng."

"But it is very likely to be the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Binhai Province."

"And even the whole country..."


"The last monthly exam."

"He scored 600 points despite scoring zero in foreign language, and got full marks in Chinese, math, physics, chemistry and biology."

"And he deliberately scored zero in foreign language."

"Although No. 3 Middle School did not publicize it."

"But according to the news I got..."

"A man named Li Ming scored 140 points in the foreign language exam because he copied Jiangnan's draft paper. His score in the subject ranked first in the school, a few points higher than Du Jiang."

"This means..."

"If Jiangnan didn't hide his shortcomings on purpose."

"He could have scored at least 740 points in that monthly exam."

"This kind of amazing strength is even better than those key experimental high schools in Binhai, the provincial capital. , and we can't find a second person!"



"That's right!"

"That No. 3 Middle School is really too cunning."

"They have such a good student, but they have been hiding it. Before this, they didn't release any news."


"They just want to use it as a trump card to make a big splash in the final college entrance examination and defeat us all."

"If it really comes to that, we have finally stepped on No. 3 Middle School before, and maybe we will be overturned by it again..."


"This is very dangerous!"

"We have worked so hard to get to this point."

"Although it is still a little worse than No. 1 Middle School, Jiangcheng's second place has been firmly established, and we must not let No. 3 Middle School ride on it again. If it comes to us, we must think of countermeasures and be prepared..."


"There is still some time before the college entrance examination."


"We can use our mind on this student Jiangnan and bring him to our No. 2 Middle School to attend classes."


"That's a way!"

"Everything is possible until the last minute."

"If we can really bring Jiangnan to our No. 2 Middle School, with his strength of winning the provincial first place in four competitions and the provincial championship in the college entrance examination, it will be a great help to our No. 2 Middle School."

"It can even make our No. 2 Middle School surpass No. 1 Middle School in one fell swoop and become the first in Jiangcheng, and our reputation will be greatly enhanced."


The teachers who attended the meeting made suggestions one after another.


They all wanted to win over Jiangnan.

Although this behavior is not very bright.

But there is no other way.

Just because...

Jiangnan is really too strong.

I have never heard of this name before, and I don't know much about it. I only know that it shines in the four competitions.

So much so that...

They had to inquire about it privately.


You don't know until you check, and you'll be shocked when you check.

In such a difficult monthly exam, the highest scorer in No. 2 Middle School was Du Jiang, who scored 674 points.

But what about Jiangnan?

He deliberately gave zero points in foreign languages,Full marks in Chinese, math, physics, chemistry and biology.

Although the total score is only 600.

But the strength is more than 740!

It can't be blamed on No. 2 Middle School for not being strong, and it can't be said that Du Jiang is not good, it can only be said that Jiangnan is too amazing.

That strength...

is simply above all the candidates.

Even if it is a key experimental high school among the key ones in the province, or a high school affiliated with a university.

It is commonly known as the four famous schools.

Every year, the college entrance examination.

Even if those schools don't go to Tsinghua and Peking University, you can count them on your fingers, but it is difficult to match Jiangnan.

In this regard.

What can they do about No. 2 Middle School?

It is absolutely impossible to pass the exam.

Except for winning over!

I guess there is no other way to go.

"Since that's what you've said, let's do it!"

Principal Gu Hongyi made the decision directly, and said with a sweeping look: "Everyone present, who will be responsible for this?"

Teachers present: "..."

They all lowered their heads and kept silent.


It's one thing to make this suggestion.

But it's another thing to take action.

It's easy to say.

But it's not easy to do.

After all...

This kind of "soliciting" work.

It's a hard job, and it's very embarrassing.

If it's just the first and second year of high school, it's fine, if Jiangnan is not famous.

But the problem is...

Now it's the third year of high school, less than a hundred days away from the college entrance examination, and Jiangnan's reputation is at its peak.

Will Jiangnan agree to win him over at this time?

Even if Jiangnan agrees, how can No. 3 Middle School agree?

In short!

This job is not easy to do.

Seeing that no one was talking, Gu Hongyi's face darkened and he had to call out a name: "That... Lao Luo, why don't you go!"

Luo Qingzhi: "Why me?"

"You are the director of the admissions office, if you don't go, who will go?"

Luo Qingzhi: "..."

This is really a bitter experience.

It's true that he is in the admissions office. On weekdays, he is responsible for the school's enrollment or student transfers.


That's because others have tried every means to use their connections and do favors to find him, begging to send their children to No. 2 Middle School.

And when will he need to beg for help to contact a student and let him transfer in?

"How about..."

"I'll go and ask first to see if he has a mobile phone or a phone, and then call him to ask?"

Luo Qingzhi asked with a guilty look on his face.


Gu Hongyi glared at him and refused directly, "By the time you find out, the opportunity will be gone."

"Why don't you just buy the most expensive and latest mobile phone, go find Jiangnan, and give it to him?"

"To show your sincerity."

"You can also buy more things, such as expensive cigarettes and alcohol, and visit his parents at home, try to persuade his parents, and meet all their requirements."

"As long as his parents agree to Jiangnan's transfer, we will succeed, and it will be useless for No. 3 Middle School to stop it."


Luo Qingzhi: "..."

"Don't worry, all expenses can be reimbursed!"

Luo Qingzhi: "%¥#@#¥%..."

Nothing to say.

Is this a matter of money?

This is simply embarrassing!

He is the director of the admissions office, and he has to be so humble as to send things to students' homes?

At the same time.

On the other side.

Although Chu Ying and Lan Pu's coping strategies are consistent with those of No. 1 and No. 2 Middle Schools, they are much simpler.

The two principals made a decision at the meeting: "Tomorrow, you will go to No. 3 Middle School first to see if you can persuade Jiangnan to transfer here and negotiate with Gu Tianxuan."

"If it doesn't work!"

"Then go directly to Jiangnan's home and visit his parents."

"It is said that his family conditions are average."

"And our school has nothing else but a lot of money."

"As long as he agrees to transfer, let's not talk about other conditions first, and give him as much scholarship as he wants."

"In short!"

"We must get Jiangnan."


sp: Too tired, I'm going out by car today, and I'm going to be finished again at night, please comfort me!

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