There is not much scheming.

It is just a simple plea from an old principal.

At this moment.

Gu Tianxuan does not have the high and mighty, serious and old-fashioned attitude of a principal in the eyes of others.

It seems.

He is really under a lot of pressure.

He is almost at the end of his rope.

He said everything he should say...

He almost knelt down to Jiangnan.

Jiangnan: "..."

As the person involved, he was really confused.

Is he so popular?

People from No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chuying and Lanpu have all come?

They even offered very high conditions, so that Gu Tianxuan, the principal, was forced into such a situation?

He was trying to please himself and beg him?

But the problem is...

He has never thought about transferring schools?

No. 3 Middle School has not done anything wrong to him, why should he transfer schools? Just for that little money?

It is naturally good to have money.

After all, his family is not rich.


He really isn't greedy for money.

After all...

He is a child of destiny with a system. Even if he doesn't have money now, how can he lack money in the future?

What's more...

If he wants to make money.

With the knowledge he has now, he can easily earn tens of thousands of yuan.

For example, tutoring or being a tutor!

He has asked around...

He can easily make hundreds of yuan an hour.

He can even make thousands of yuan more.

It's just...

He is lazy and didn't do it.


Although his family is not rich now.

But they have no worries about food and clothing, his parents are healthy, his work is easy, and they get along well.

It's plain and simple.

It's good.

He didn't experience it in his previous life.

It's rare to have it in this life.

He really doesn't want to change immediately.

As for making money to improve the family situation and give his parents a better life, it won't be too late to talk about it after he goes to college.


He became a nobody.

"Principal, forget about hanging my photo in the celebrity corridor. It's too ostentatious. I don't like it."

"As for scholarships, you can handle it yourself. If there is nothing else, I will go back to class."

Jiangnan spoke calmly.

Although he didn't say it directly.

But his attitude couldn't be more obvious.

After all...

Go back to class.

That means he doesn't plan to transfer schools.

In this regard.

Gu Tianxuan could certainly hear it.


It was precisely because he heard it.

The old principal was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes and trembled all over. "Jiangnan classmate, thank you, thank you so much. We will never forget your kindness."

With Jiangnan's current strength, he must be the top four in the province, and even the top four in the country.

If he takes the college entrance examination, he will definitely be the top scorer in Jiangcheng and Binhai.

Even in the whole country.

It is hard to find someone who can match Jiangnan.


Jiangnan is just one person.

This year, perhaps only Jiangnan, a talent, has been produced in No. 3 Middle School.

As for Qin Feng and the others, they are far behind and it is difficult for them to be admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University, while No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School have many people.


One person who is ranked first in the province is enough to be equal to one person in Tsinghua and Peking University, and as for four people who are ranked first in the country, it is equivalent to several people in Tsinghua and Peking University.

In addition to the title of the top scorer in the college entrance examination in the city, province, and even the whole country, even if No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School can get ten or even more than ten people in Tsinghua and Peking University, the performance of No. 3 Middle School must be the first.

After all!

It is not about the number of soldiers.

It is about the quality.

People are always most concerned about the first.

As for the second.

Few people can remember.

And as long as Jiangnan can make No. 3 Middle School glorious this time and let everyone realize the rise of No. 3 Middle School, there will naturally be a steady stream of high-quality students in the high school entrance examination who choose to study in No. 3 Middle School.

At that time.

No. 3 Middle School can really rise.

To this.

Hu Yifei's face also improved instantly, and she took a long breath, and the stone in her heart was completely put down.

She smiled!

She smiled very brightly.

Although she knew that Jiangnan's strength was not something that teachers could teach, but was purely determined by talent.


After all, Jiangnan was from her class.

When Jiangnan won the first place in the province, the first place in the country, and even the top scorer in the college entrance examination, she would also have great honor, right?

When one person succeeds, everyone else will benefit.

That's what she meant.

Class 304 was the first class she taught, but the first class produced a top scorer.

Tsk tsk!

Who would dare to look down on her as a female head teacher in the future?

"Principal, don't say thank you anymore."

"After all, I've been studying here for so long."

"No. 3 Middle School is not only my alma mater, but also half of my home. How can I leave home suddenly?"

"What's more..."

"I'm already familiar with this place, the people and things here, I usually sleep well, if I really have to change to a strange environment, I must be very uncomfortable, right? "


"I hope the head teacher can agree to one condition of mine, that is, don't stare at me in class in the future."

"Every time I sleep soundly, you stare at me, I feel a little nervous."


Hu Yifei laughed dumbly: "Okay, I won't stare at you anymore, you can sleep as you like in the future, okay?"

"Then can I play with my mobile phone?"

"The principal has given you a mobile phone, so you can play with it as you like? As long as you don't disturb other students in class."

Jiangnan: "You said it."

Hu Yifei: "I said it, and the principal can testify."

"Then I'll go back to sleep."

After getting Hu Yifei's guarantee, Jiangnan smiled contentedly and was about to go home.


Gu Tianxuan stopped him again.

"Student Jiangnan, wait a moment. ”

“At this moment, several teachers from No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu, as well as a professor of ancient Chinese literature from Binhai University, Professor Harajuku, are all in the next meeting room. ”

“They all said that they couldn’t see you and would not leave today, so I still want to trouble you…”


“In that case, then meet them, just in time to explain it to them and avoid trouble!”

Jiangnan nodded, not caring about it.

The next meeting room.

At this moment!

Many people are anxiously waiting inside.

And when Gu Tianxuan, Hu Yifei and Jiangnan pushed the door open.

“Swish swish swish! "

Instantly, everyone stood up and surrounded Jiangnan.

The one running in the front was an old man in his sixties with gray hair.

He was Yuan Juku.

A professor of ancient Chinese literature at Binhai University in the provincial capital.

He was also a helper invited by Gu Hongyi, the principal of No. 2 Middle School.

After all, with his status and position, no one dared to compete with Professor Yuan, including people from other schools.


"You are Jiangnan, right?"

"My name is Yuan Juku, and I am from Binhai in the provincial capital."

"I was shocked when I received an essay written in classical Chinese from Xiao Gu last night, "The Death of Red Hare."

"The article is so profound and its writing is so wonderful that I have never seen or heard of it before. Even if I have devoted myself to studying it for decades, I can't write such a wonderful article."

"For this!"

"I set off to Jiangcheng early in the morning, just to learn from you in person. I hope you can give me some advice! ”


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