I have to say.

Gu Hongyi of No.2 Middle School is really a coward.

He deserves to be the principal.

He is also investigating Jiangnan.

But his investigation of Jiangnan is more detailed and more laborious than No.1 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Puren.

He not only knows that Jiangnan scored 0 points in foreign language in the last monthly exam, but his total score is still 600. He even got a sample of Jiangnan's answer sheet.


But other schools don't know.

That's why.

Other schools only sent some group leaders, directors, and at most vice principals.

And he...

Not only did he split his troops into two groups.

But he also came here in person.


He also found Harajuku, an expert professor in the field of ancient literature.

It can be seen how much he values ​​Jiangnan.

And the strength and connections of No.2 Middle School are indeed much stronger than those of No.3 Middle School.

After all...

It took Jiangnan so long to write that essay.

But it was only the Chinese language teacher in No. 3 Middle School who was amazed by him, but they did not contact the ancient Chinese professor like Harajuku.

"You are too polite, old man."

"That was just an essay I wrote casually."

"It can't be considered bad, but it's just average."

Jiangnan shook his head at Harajuku.

Heaven and earth are my conscience.

He didn't lie at all.

"The Death of Red Hare" was indeed a work he wrote on a whim. Since it was a temporary performance, the level was naturally just that.

If he really wanted to write carefully, he could write dozens of better essays casually.


Hearing what he said.

Professor Harajuku shook his head repeatedly, "My friend, you are too modest. Just based on your essay, it is not an exaggeration to describe you as a great writer."

"After all, even if I am an old man, I can't write such a brilliant article with all my life's learning.

Jiangnan waved his hand, "No, no, no, I will be proud if you say that. It's better to be low-key. ”

Professor Harajuku: “No, no, no, you are wrong. For others, they should be low-key when they should be low-key, but for you, you should be proud when you should be proud.”

“As the saying goes, if you are not frivolous, you will be in vain.”

“You are not old now, but you have the ancient Chinese literature skills that make countless old men like me ashamed.”

“Even if you are proud and frivolous, it is reasonable. After all, this is your capital...”


In front of everyone.

Harajuku admires Jiangnan very much.

You know...

Before Jiangnan came in.

He was indifferent to other people.

But now...

He is like a different person.

This shows how much he values ​​Jiangnan.

In this regard.

Except for the people from No. 2 Middle School.

Several people from other schools were surprised and worried, and couldn't help but hurried forward.

“Professor Yuan, don't just chat with Jiangnan alone! Don't forget about us."

"Jiangnan, let me introduce myself. I am Chen Ze, the head of the Chinese language group of No. 1 Middle School. I am here to talk to you on behalf of No. 1 Middle School. I hope you can transfer to No. 1 Middle School to study."

"For this, No. 1 Middle School can not only provide you with a high scholarship, but also provide you with a recommendation quota."


"Even if you don't take the college entrance examination."

"How about you go directly to Tsinghua University and Peking University? ”


The opening is a king bomb.

You know…

For ordinary high school students.

A recommendation quota is priceless.

It is extremely difficult to get it.


General high schools can’t provide it at all.

For example, No. 2 Middle School, Chuying and Lanpu, even if they have trained students who can be recommended, they can’t directly recommend them.

Just because…

They don’t have the qualifications.

As for No. 3 Middle School, there is even less.

Only No. 1 Middle School, because it has been ranked first in Jiangcheng for ten consecutive years, has a recommendation quota.

But now…

As long as Jiangnan agrees to transfer to another school, it will be given to him directly.

It is enough to show.

No. 1 Middle School attaches great importance to Jiangnan.

Of course.

This is also because Chen Ze was forced to do nothing.

Before coming.

He was still thinking about talking slowly, just like doing business, step by step to increase the bargaining chips to convince Jiangnan.

But the result...

Before entering the gate of No. 3 Middle School, he bumped into people from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu. Not to mention, the positions of the latter three people were higher than his, at least at the director level.

Especially No. 2 Middle School, even the principal Gu Hongyi invited him, and even invited Professor Harajuku from the provincial capital.

Tsk tsk!

He is the head of the Chinese language group of No. 1 Middle School.

He is really not good enough here.

He doesn't even have the right to speak.


He can only seize the opportunity and use the "recommendation"a magic weapon, hoping to impress Jiangnan.


He had just finished speaking.

"Xiao Chen, your No. 1 Middle School has a quota for recommendation, but doesn't our No. 2 Middle School have one?"

The principal of No. 2 Middle School, Gu Hongyi, suddenly stood up and said, "Student Jiangnan, I am the principal of No. 2 Middle School, Gu Hongyi. Don't listen to Chen Ze. It's better to come to No. 2 Middle School than to No. 1 Middle School."

"In terms of scholarships, the scholarships given by No. 2 Middle School are higher than those given by No. 1 Middle School, and I have specially invited Professor Yuan."

"Professor Yuan also said just now that you have a deep attainment in ancient Chinese literature, and it is not an exaggeration to call you a contemporary literary giant."

"So on the way here, I have already discussed with Professor Yuan. As long as you come to study at No. 2 Middle School, I can write a letter of recommendation for you in the name of Professor Yuan."

"When the time comes, you can choose one of the ancient Chinese literature departments of Binhai University in the provincial capital or the ancient Chinese literature departments of Peking University and Tsinghua University?"


Tsk tsk!

Another king bomb.

It still comes from the mouth of a principal.


No. 1 Middle School has a quota for recommendation.

It is the only one in Jiangcheng, no other school has it.

This is the advantage of No. 1 Middle School, and it is Chen Ze's trump card.


No. 2 Middle School cannot recommend him.

But Harajuku, the first person in Binhai's ancient Chinese literature world, a nationally renowned ancient Chinese literature master, has the qualifications to recommend him!

With Professor Yuan's status and position.

As long as he agrees to write a recommendation letter, Jiangnan can go to any ancient Chinese literature department in the country.


is Gu Hongyi's trump card.

In response to this.

Chen Ze's face in No. 1 Middle School turned black.

Damn it!

Originally, his status and position were not as good as Gu Hongyi's, but he used his trump card, and Gu Hongyi also used his trump card.


His advantage was gone.

What's the point of arguing?


No matter how black Chen Ze's face was.

It was not as black as Gu Tianxuan and Hu Yifei's faces.

"Damn it!"

"You guys from No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School are too shameless."

"Jiangnan is a student of No. 3 Middle School, but you came to No. 3 Middle School to snatch him away, and you bid for him on the spot, asking for scholarships and recommendation. Is there any law?"

Gu Tianxuan and Hu Yifei cursed the ancestors of No. 1 Middle School Chen Ze and No. 2 Middle School Gu Hongyi in their hearts.


They just cursed in their hearts.

After all...

Their bargaining chips are really not as good as theirs.

Now the only hope is Jiangnan.

Although Jiangnan had promised to stay in No. 3 Middle School before coming here and would not transfer.

But facing such attractive conditions offered by No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School, Gu Tianxuan and Hu Yifei were unsure.

They saw...

Both of them tensed up and looked at Jiangnan with trepidation, fearing that Jiangnan would agree to the other party.

At the same time.

Chen Ze and Gu Hongyi did the same.

They stared at Jiangnan, waiting for the latter's answer.

The same goes for Chu Ying and Lan Pu's visitors.

They can't offer a recommendation.

If Jiangnan agrees to No. 1 Middle School or No. 2 Middle School.

Then they would have come here for nothing today, and they wouldn't even have the chance to bid.


In the end, Jiangnan just shook his head.

"Teacher Chen, Principal Gu, Professor Yuan!"

"I appreciate your kindness, but I don't need or want recommendation!"

"You should leave it to the people from No. 1 Middle School or No. 2 Middle School!"


"I haven't considered transferring schools."

"If you have nothing else to do, please go back!"

"Don't disturb me while I'm studying!"


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