Jiangnan was a little confused, with a lot of question marks on his head.

Before he came, he thought that people from No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu came again, wanting to poach him again.

He had already thought of an excuse.

But the result...

Not those people?

But they came to poach him to play basketball?


was unexpected.

On the other side.

Wang Dazhi and Ma Xiaohu were complaining wildly in their hearts.

One of them came from the provincial capital to find someone, and the other came from the provincial capital next door. Their purpose was the same, both wanted to pull Jiangnan into their team.

Both wanted to be one step faster than the other.

But the result...

As soon as they arrived at No. 3 Middle School, they bumped into Wang Ming.

Tsk tsk!

The moment they saw Wang Ming, their hearts skipped a beat and they secretly said that it was not good.

Needless to say.

The little giant Wang Ming was also here to poach people.

But before he said it out loud.

They always had a glimmer of hope.

But now...

This hope is shattered.

Although they are both coaches of the provincial basketball team and have brought out the two strongest provincial teams, the little giant Wang Ming is the head of the Basketball Association and represents the national team.

And the basketball club formed by Wang Ming should not be underestimated. It is the only club that can be ranked with their provincial team.


How can they compete?


"Classmate Jiangnan."

"My last name is Wang, and my name is Wang Dazhi."

"I am the coach of our Binhai basketball provincial team. I also want to invite you to join our Binhai basketball provincial team."

"In terms of treatment, you are definitely the best in the country, with an annual salary starting at 10 million. What do you think?"

Although he felt that there was little hope, Wang Dazhi immediately introduced himself after Wang Ming.

And he opened his mouth to say 10 million annual salary.

Tsk tsk!

It's just a desperate fight, using money to hit people.

You should know that the annual salary of domestic provincial team stars is mostly between 200,000 and 500,000, and the well-known ones can reach 700,000 or 800,000.

The top players can earn more than one million.

But there are only a handful of such stars in China.

As for the annual salary of tens of millions.

That is not to say that there is none.

There is one player in China, and his salary is 20 million.

But that player was a champion player who had gone abroad and entered ABN, second only to the little giant Wang Ming.

Only in this way.

can you be qualified to get a sky-high salary of 20 million.

In addition.

The second-ranked salary is only 8 million, the third is 7 million, and the fourth is only 5 million, which is several times different.

But now...

Wang Dazhi opened his mouth and said tens of millions.

And it was just a starting point.


His attention to Jiangnan has reached a point that cannot be described in words, comparable to that of Wang Ming.

For a newcomer who has not yet set foot in the basketball world, this treatment is definitely the ceiling of the ceiling.

Hearing this.

The teachers at the Third Middle School were shocked.

Including the principal Gu Tianxuan.


That's an annual salary of tens of millions!

Teachers like them can't make so much money even in their lifetime or even several lifetimes.

After all...

They earn a few thousand a month.

Their annual salary is only tens of thousands.

They have heard that playing basketball can make money, but now they know that playing basketball is not making money, but robbing money.

Ten million a year.

Wouldn't that be over 100 million in ten years?

Tsk tsk!

There is really no harm without comparison.

Although Jiangnan is only a high school student, he will be a billionaire in the near future.

In this regard.

Jiangnan, as the person involved, was also shocked.

Don't think he doesn't care about money on weekdays.

Lan Pu's money proposed a scholarship of 100,000 two days ago, but he didn't care at all.


That's just not enough money.

100,000 and 10 million are not the same concept. The latter is something that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

Even though Jiangnan has lived two lives, he has never seen so much money, except on TV.

It's absolutely a lie to say that he didn't feel moved at all.


What made him even more excited was yet to come.

Wang Dazhi had just finished speaking.

Ma Xiaohu hurriedly spoke up, "Jiangnan classmate, my name is Ma Xiaohu, and I am the coach of the Jianghai Provincial Basketball Team next door. You might as well come to our Jianghai Provincial Team instead of going to the Binhai Provincial Team."

"Wang only gave you an annual salary of 10 million, I will give you 15 million directly, and as long as you achieve certain results in the ABC League, you can add another 5 million, how about it?"


15 million?

Add another 5 million, that's 20 million?

20 million.

This is the highest salary for domestic basketball players.

Tsk tsk!

It can only be described in two words.

That's awesome.

Principal Gu Tianxuan had already widened his eyes, unable to stand, and even breathless.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Four schools competing for the top spot in the province, the top scorer in the exam is gone."

"The hope of our No. 3 Middle School's rise is going to be snatched away!"


This is the only thought left in Gu Tianxuan's mind.

Although he knew that these three people were also here to poach people before Jiangnan arrived.


He still asked the director of the Academic Affairs Office to call people.

Just because...

He still has confidence in Jiangnan.

Two days ago, No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu also offered high prices and even offered admission quotas.

But Jiangnan was indifferent.

I guess...

It will be the same today.

But now...

He still has a Confidence is shit.

Although the quota for admission to Peking University and Tsinghua University is precious, can it be compared with an annual salary of 20 million?

I don't know.

Maybe, maybe not.

After all...

Although there are many students admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University every year, most of them only have an annual salary of hundreds of thousands after graduation.

Some are miserable.

They don't even have hundreds of thousands.

Of course!

It is not ruled out that there are outstanding talents who become billionaires.


That will be a long time later.

In short.

Even if Gu Tianxuan is a The principal of the school is a senior educator and does not have a big desire for money.

But if you put yourself in Jiangnan's shoes, he would most likely choose 20 million.

You can't blame him for that.

I remember there was such a post on a certain website.

Which would you choose between an admission letter from Peking University or Tsinghua University and 10 million?

More than half of the respondents chose 10 million.

After all...

There are too many people with education, knowledge and diplomas.

But there are very few people who can earn 10 million.

Not to mention Say...

What is in front of Jiangnan.

It's not 10 million, but an annual salary of 10 million, or even 15 million, or 20 million.

Even a fool would choose the latter!


There's more to it.

After Wang Dazhi and Ma Xiaohu finished their offers.

The little giant Wang Ming stood in front of Jiangnan again and said solemnly: "Joining the national team and serving the country is an obligation. It may not be much money, but if you join my club at the same time, I will guarantee you an annual salary of 30 million."

"And I can tell you very clearly that this 30 million is just the beginning, not the end."

"And in addition to the money."

"I can also help you with the most systematic training."

"My ultimate goal is..."

"Help you go abroad and fight in ABN again to complete my unfinished dream back then."

"And lead our basketball to become the world's number one."


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