Wang Dazhi: "..."

Ma Xiaohu: "..."

As soon as Wang Ming finished speaking, the two were stunned.

They knew they couldn't compete with Wang Ming.

But they never expected...

Wang Ming would actually offer 30 million, which has broken the highest standard of the top domestic stars.


It can only be described as unique.


This is just the beginning, not the end.

Judging from Wang Ming's tone, he might give a higher price later.


This is the salary that Wang Dazhi and Ma Xiaohu's provincial team can never afford, which made the two despair.


Then they were relieved.

A small temple cannot support a true Buddha, and shallow water cannot support a dragon.

It can't be said that Wang Ming's offer is too high.

It can only be said that Jiangnan's strength is too strong, so that it exceeds the tolerance of their provincial team.

For other basketball players.

It is absolutely a godsend to be able to enter the provincial team directly from obscurity.

That is definitely a good opportunity given by God.

But with Jiangnan's strength.

It is indeed a bit of a waste of talent to be in the provincial team.

Even the professional team is just a stepping stone.

Just now, the little giant Wang Ming also said that he wanted to help Jiangnan go abroad, fight in ABN, and become the world's number one.

For Jiangnan, as long as nothing unexpected happens, its future must be the sea of ​​stars, infinitely broad.

At the same time.

On the other side.

Hearing Wang Ming's words.

Everyone in the Third Middle School was almost shocked.

It came from two aspects.

One is that Wang Ming actually offered a price of 30 million, which is absolutely unimaginable for them.

As for the second, they all had a premonition that the hope of the rise of the Third Middle School, which they had been looking forward to with great difficulty, was probably gone.

No one can resist the temptation of an annual salary of 30 million.

These old scholars can't do it.

As for Jiangnan.

It is estimated that it is even worse.

"It's over!"

"It's really over this time."

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

"Just defended No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu's fight for people, but ended up losing to a basketball player?"

"It's really... I want to cry but I can't cry..."


This is the collective thought of the teachers at No. 3 Middle School.

As for the principal Gu Tianxuan, he seemed to have aged by dozens of years and became old and frail in an instant.

How many years.

He has struggled for how many years.

He has been struggling to support the mess of No. 3 Middle School until now, and finally saw hope from Jiangnan.

But now...

Hope is about to turn into despair.


What Jiangnan said next made him glow again, and he almost jumped up with excitement.

"I have to say..."

"30 million annual salary is very tempting to me."

Jiangnan looked at the little giant Wang Ming and smiled, but then shook his head, "But I may have to reject your kindness, because I have never thought about pursuing a career in basketball."

"For me."

"Playing basketball is just a hobby. It's okay to play occasionally, but if I play it for a lifetime, I probably can't stand it."





As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Everyone present, one by one, stared at Jiangnan with wide eyes, as if they couldn't believe their ears.


Jiangnan actually rejected the recruitment of the little giant Wang Ming?


How is it possible?

You know, that's an annual salary of 30 million!

It's also a sunny road that can go abroad and lead to ABN, which is the kind that countless people dream of.

Even if there are a million people here facing such conditions, it is estimated that no one will hesitate and agree directly.

But Jiangnan...

It turned out to be the one million and one person?

Directly and decisively rejected?

Wang Dazhi: "..."

Ma Xiaohu: "..."

The ace coaches of the two provincial teams were so shocked that they couldn't speak, as if they had just met Jiangnan.

The little giant Wang Ming also froze, his eyes condensed, and he was a little bit unable to react.

Just because...

This is really too unexpected.

Not only because Jiangnan rejected his kindness, but also because of the explanation given by Jiangnan.

Playing basketball is just a hobby?

Just play occasionally?

How is this possible?

Before coming, he watched the videos of Jiangnan's four-point shots and fancy dunks thousands of times.

It can be 100% certain that they were all shot on the spot, without any synthesis or special effects.

With Jiangnan's basketball skills.

Even at his peak, he was far inferior.

I guess...

It takes one in a million geniuses, plus years of hard training regardless of weather conditions.

But now...

Jiangnan actually said that he was just playing around?


It's simply nakedWhat a pretentious guy!

Wang Ming felt mixed emotions and almost asked himself, can he still play basketball?

In the past...

He was quite confident in his basketball skills.

But now he was in doubt.


"Jiangnan classmate!"

"I hope you are not kidding."

Wang Ming suppressed his doubts and stared at Jiangnan. "I watched your video and I am sure that you are very talented in basketball, and your pitching and spiking are amazing."

"Even if it is ABN."

"Few people can compare with you."

"As long as you choose the professional basketball path, your future achievements will definitely be limitless."

"Maybe it won't take long before you become the brightest new star in our basketball world. If you fight in ABN, you will definitely be the uncrowned king in the future."

"When the time comes..."

"Money, honor, status..."

"All of these will be at your fingertips."

"Not only that."

"You will become the pride of the Chinese people and the object of admiration for all basketball lovers around the world."

"Could it be..."

"Don't you care about these?"


What is the purpose of life?


It is what Wang Ming said above.

Almost no one can resist the temptation of money, honor, status, and the admiration of countless fans.


Hearing this.

Jiangnan just smiled indifferently: "To be honest, apart from the pride of the Chinese people, everything else, for me at the moment, I really don't care much."

"Now I just want to be a salted fish, go to class and take exams normally until the end of high school, and then go to Tsinghua and Peking University."


"I'm sorry for your suggestion."


Wang Ming: "..."

Wang Dazhi: "..."

Ma Xiaohu: "..."

All speechless.

As a young man of 17 or 18 years old, he actually doesn't care about money, honor, and status?

This is really weird.


Why do they seem to smell the smell of pretending again.

Just want to be a salted fish.

Then go to Tsinghua and Peking University after high school?

You are already a salted fish, can you still go to Tsinghua and Peking University?

Do you think your talent for reading is the same as your talent for basketball, and you are also a rare genius among ten thousand?


It seems to be true.

It seems that they learned about Jiangnan’s location from the news report that Jiangnan won the first place in the four competitions.


Jiangnan’s talent in studying.

Is he not inferior to basketball?


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