Wang Ming left.

Wang Dazhi and Ma Xiaohu also left.

They came quietly with excitement and left quietly with disappointment.

Except for Jiangnan and several leading teachers in No. 3 Middle School, no one else knew they had been here.

They didn't want this to happen either.

But they really couldn't persuade Jiangnan, there was nothing they could do.


They all left their phone numbers for Jiangnan.

And emphasized it again and again.

If Jiangnan changed his mind and wanted to go the professional basketball route, he could contact them at any time.

Whether it was the Binhai Provincial Team, the neighboring provincial team, or the national team and professional club.

Their doors were always open to Jiangnan.

And the treatment was only higher than before.

In this regard.

Jiangnan couldn't refuse.

He could only agree vaguely.


He was sure.

He probably wouldn't go the professional basketball route, not because he really wasn't interested in money, honor and status, but because he couldn't give up everything else for basketball.

Just like he would not give up other subjects such as math, physics, chemistry and biology for Chinese before.

With the system in hand.

The world is mine.

What he wants to do is to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Of course!

That will happen in the future.

As for now...

Let's enjoy the last period of high school first.

In this regard.

Many teachers of No. 3 Middle School, including the principal Gu Tianxuan, were so happy that they almost set off fireworks to celebrate.


Just a little bit.

The hope of No. 3 Middle School was taken away.

As a result...

He did nothing.

Instead, Jiangnan took the initiative to stay.

This was a huge surprise for Gu Tianxuan and others, and it was unimaginable.

At the same time.

They couldn't help but admire Jiangnan.

After all...

Not everyone can remain unmoved in the face of such a huge temptation, and it is absolutely impossible for them.

But Jiangnan.

Actually did it.

This is simply a miracle.

"Student Jiangnan, on behalf of all the teachers of No. 3 Middle School, thank you for staying. You... are our pride."

Principal Gu Tianxuan had a lot of words in his heart, which finally turned into a bow and a thank you to Jiangnan.

At the same time.

Other teachers did the same, bowing to Jiangnan to thank him.

Fortunately, this was in the principal's office, and no one else saw it, otherwise they would definitely be shocked.

The principal, vice principal, director of the academic affairs office and other powerful school personnel actually bowed to the students?

This is simply incredible.

It's enough to shock people.



It turned out to be a bow to Jiangnan.

That's normal.



The following days.

Jiangnan lived a very leisurely life.

He continued to sleep in class, and played games and read novels after class.

As long as he didn't disturb others.

It was allowed by everyone from the class teacher to the principal.

As for evening self-study.

He would give Bai Yingying one or two extra lessons.

When he was free, he was invited by the principal Gu Tianxuan to his office for tea and chat.

As for going home on weekends and going to school on Mondays.

Not only was he accompanied by the school beauty Bai Yingying, but also by the head teacher Hu Yifei, who personally picked him up.

Tsk tsk!

He was as happy as a god.

Everyone in No. 3 Middle School was so envious.

Of course!

They could only envy him.

Who made Jiangnan so outstanding?

Everyone in Class 304, including the teachers, regarded Jiangnan as the god of learning. No matter what Jiangnan did, it was right and proper.

As for the whole school, there was a long-lasting idol craze to emulate Jiangnan.

And Wang Ming, Wang Dazhi, Ma Xiaohu and others, after quietly leaving, never came back.


They never came back.

But later, the leaders of several other professional basketball teams came to No. 3 Middle School to recruit Jiangnan.

But without exception, they were all rejected by Jiangnan.

That's it.

In a flash.

Half a month has passed.

It is the day of the Olympic Games semi-finals.

The semi-finals are also provincial competitions.

Of course!

They are not held in the city.

Instead, they go to Binhai, the provincial capital.

The order of the competition is the same as the previous preliminary rounds.

First is the Mathematical Olympiad.

Then the Physics Competition and the Chemistry Competition.

Finally, the Biology Competition.

And today.

It is the day of the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals.

Early in the morning.

After the farewell of the principal Gu Tianxuan and others, Jiangnan followed Zhou Lingfeng, the head of the mathematics group, to No. 1 Middle School.

That's right.

It is No. 1 Middle School.

Instead of going directly to the provincial capital.

Just because...

Every year, the people who can participate in the semi-finals in Jiangcheng are organized by the city and take a bus to the provincial capital.

After all!

This is not only to win glory for their respective schools.

It is also for JiangIt is not the glory of the city.

It is more appropriate to describe it as "city team".

It is worth mentioning that.

Although there are 30 quotas for the competition every year.

But this year there are only 29 participants.

Among them, No. 1 Middle School occupies 8 people.

No. 2 Middle School 7 people.

Chuying 6 people.

Lanpu 5 people.

No. 4 Middle School 2 people.

No. 3 Middle School 1 person.

As for No. 5, No. 6, No. 7 and No. 8 Middle Schools, as well as the schools in the county below, none of them advanced to the semi-finals.

Originally, there were 2 people in No. 3 Middle School.

In addition to Jiangnan, there is also Qin Feng.

In the last Mathematical Olympiad preliminary competition, although Qin Feng only scored 59 points and did not pass, he happened to be the 30th.


Qin Feng is also qualified to participate.


He felt it was meaningless and gave up on his own initiative.

So that only Jiangnan participated in the competition from No. 3 Middle School.

In fact.

Not only the Mathematical Olympiad, but also the Physics Competition, Chemistry Competition and Biology Competition, only Jiangnan participated in the competition from No. 3 Middle School.

Even if the others were qualified to advance, they had suffered such a great blow last time that they gave up like Qin Feng.

Competition was not for them.

Whether it was Qin Feng, Luo Min, Ye Han, Shen Lang, Qin Yumo, etc., they were all preparing for the final exam.

This is a later story, so let's not talk about it for now.


When Jiangnan and Zhou Lingfeng arrived at No. 1 Middle School, the contestants from other schools were basically all there.


Jiangnan didn't know most of them, and didn't care.

Only one person showed up.

He was surprised.

"Fatty Wang, you... why are you here?"

That's right.

It was Fatty Wang Kaixuan.

Fatty Wang was standing in front of the bus that Jiangnan was about to get on, and waved to him with a smile on his face.

"Nan Shen, I can see that you haven't paid attention to me recently. You've been busy with the school beauty of Bai University."

"You really forget your brothers when you have a woman."

"The school held a sports student selection a few days ago, and I accidentally won Ye Zhiqiu, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun with a little advantage and won the first place."


"Today I am representing No. 3 Middle School to go to the provincial capital to take the physical examination. Like you, I am also gathering here."

"Is it surprising? Are you surprised?"


Fatty Wang put his arm around Jiangnan's shoulders and said with a smile.

It seems that he is complaining that Jiangnan didn't pay attention to him.

In fact...

This is the result of his deliberate concealment.

It is to surprise Jiangnan.


Although Jiangnan was surprised, he was not surprised.

After all...

For Fatty Wang's physical fitness.

He still believes.

Especially in addition to the increase of Dali Chocolate, Fatty Wang's physique has also exceeded that of ordinary people.


"Then let's get on the bus together."

Jiangnan calmly pulled Fatty Wang onto the bus.

Jiangcheng is not far from the provincial capital Binhai, but it is not close either. It takes about two hours to drive.

Fatty Wang is with me on the road.

It seems that I won't be lonely anymore.

At least...

We can play together.

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