Jiangnan: "..."

I'm speechless.

Are these people really stupid?

I've said no to you guys, but you keep pushing me and provoking me?

Provocation is fine.

But the premise is...

You have to have the capital first!

Last preliminary round.

I thought you would get full marks on questions that even a fool would be able to answer.

But the result...

It's even less than my 88 points.

"With such a weak strength, how can you be confident enough to beat me?"

"Did Jesus give it to you?"

"Or did God give it to you?"


"Even if Jesus and God give you confidence now, it's useless. I'll crush it all later."

"Just because..."

"I'm going to get angry."


Elephants don't care about ants, but if a group of ants keep swaying in front of them, the elephants will get annoyed.

And when the elephants get annoyed,

It might be a thunderous kick.

Jiangnan has already decided that if the task control score released by the system is too low in the exam later.

Even if he doesn't want the points reward, he must get 100 points in the exam to crush the confidence of Liu Fan and others.


It is definitely the first time for Jiangnan.

This is the first time he wants to get a full score.


Just then.

"Ding! The system releases the control score task 1. In this Mathematical Olympiad semi-final, the host is required to get 60 points in one round."

The voice of the system sounded in Jiangnan's mind.

Jiangnan: "..."

He was stunned for a moment.


Has the system changed again?

The exam hasn't started yet, and the task has been released in advance?

It's okay for you to release the task.

I just wanted to get a full score in the first round to kill the enthusiasm of Liu Fan and others, but you asked me to get 60 points?

60 points.

That's the passing score!

It's also the minimum score for one round of promotion.

According to the rules.

If you don't get 60 points in the first round, you will be eliminated directly and can't participate in the second round.

But even if you get 60 points and can advance to the second round, it is the lowest score. I guess Liu Fan and his group will laugh to death!

About the system.

Jiangnan was speechless.

But the next second, he laughed again.

Just because...

"Ding! The system released the score control task 2. In this Mathematical Olympiad semi-final, the host is requested to get 88 points in the second round."

"Ding! The system released the score control task 3. In this Mathematical Olympiad semi-final, the host is requested to get 99 points in the third round."

Jiangnan: "..."


Needless to say, the Gou system is naughty again.

The task is not completed at one time, causing misunderstanding.

If the second round is 88 points and the third round is 99 points, then there is nothing wrong with getting 60 points in the first round.

After all...

As long as you can guarantee your advancement in one round, it's fine.

It doesn't matter if you get 60 points or full marks.

As for Liu Fan, Du Jiang and others, they will laugh and ridicule, so you can ridicule them as much as you want!

I won't let you be proud for a while.

How can you slap your face in the second and third rounds?

The system is really bad...



The first round of exams will begin.

Everyone enters the exam room.

Jiangnan too.

As for Liu Fan, Du Jiang and others.

He ignored them. Anyway, it was just to let these jumping clowns hang out for a while, just as a show.


Seeing that Jiangnan didn't say a word from beginning to end.

Liu Fan, Du Jiang, Xia Ji, Meng Chuan and Su Yun couldn't help but laugh, and laughed very proudly.

Just because...

They thought Jiangnan was afraid.

So they didn't dare to speak.

And this...

is also a manifestation of humility.

So they are more confident, glanced at Jiangnan with disdain, and walked towards their own exam room.


The bell rang, and the exam officially began.

All candidates sat in their seats, and the invigilator began to distribute the test papers one by one.

After Jiangnan got the test paper.

He quickly scanned it first, which took ten seconds.


It seems to be a little more complicated than the preliminary test paper in the city before, but it is still not difficult.

Jiangnan is confident.

For this kind of test paper.

He can get full marks with his eyes closed.


The system requires only 60 points.

Then he can only restrain himself.

Eight fill-in-the-blank questions, 8 points each, a total of 64 points.

Two answer questions, nine questions 16 points, ten questions 20 points.

If you want to control the score to 60.

The easiest way is to get 5 fill-in-the-blank questions right, plus the last answer question.


A very perfect plan.

After making up his mind.

Jiangnan started writing directly.

First, the first question.

"Set a={xx+x-6=0}, b={xax+1=0}, if b? a, then a=___2. "

This question.

At first glance, it's very simple.

And if you look closely, well, it's still very simple.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

Jiangnan wrote down the answer: "? , 11, 0."

Then the second question.

"50 students did two experiments in physics and chemistry. It is known that 40 people did the physics experiment correctly, 31 people did the chemistry experiment correctly, and 4 people did both experiments wrong. Then there are __ people who did both experiments correctly."

This question...

It's still very simple.

Jiangnan still wrote down the answer in an instant: "25 people."

Then the third question.

"Set a? ? xx? ? 3 or x? 3? , b? ? xx? 1 or x? 4? , then a? b? ___. ”

Jiangnan: “…”


Once again, he complained without words.

Although he knew that the test paper was simple and not difficult, these questions were too simple and not difficult, right?

Such simple questions.

Will anyone be unable to do it?

Probably not!

You can do it after just one look, right?

If you can’t see the answer at a glance, then you can only say that your IQ… ahem… is a little too low.

“xx? ? 3 or x? 4. ”

Jiangnan immediately filled in the answers on the test paper again.

I won’t talk about the rest.

It’s too simple to mention.

What Jiangnan can do.

is to control his hands, not to finish all the questions in one go, and deliberately fill in three wrong questions.


This obsessive-compulsive disorder almost happened again.

I have to correct it.

As for question 9, which is also the first question to answer, it is also not difficult at all, it is nothing more than three variables.

But Jiangnan had to avoid all the scoring points.

Otherwise, he would fail to control the score.

Until the last question.

“Given that the straight line l:y? tan(x?22) intersects the ellipse x? 9y? 9 at points a and b, if? is the inclination angle of l, and the length of ab is not less than the length of the minor axis, find the value range of? ”

Usually used as the final question.

It must be the most difficult question in the test paper.


This question is really not that difficult.

It can only be said that the teacher who wrote the test paper has a problem with his/her level.


Did the teacher deliberately let the students go?

After all...

This is only the first round, right?

Those who fail will be eliminated, so the questions are not difficult so that most people can pass.

Otherwise, everyone will be eliminated.

Then what's the point of playing in the second round!

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