
"Combining the equation of l with the equation of the ellipse."

"Eliminate y."

"We get..."


"From ab?2, we get tan??213,???tan??,333????5??, the range of?? is?0,??????6??6?."


This problem is really easy.

As long as you can master the chord length formula and use it flexibly, you can almost solve it with your eyes closed.

For example, Jiangnan.

It took less than half a minute to finish it.


It took another minute to check it carefully.

After all...

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Keep the score at 60.

If you get more or less, you will lose points. If you make a mistake and fail to get 60, you will be screwed.

He is still waiting for the second and third rounds to give Liu Fan and his group a slap in the face, but he must not capsize in the gutter.


"You keep provoking me."

"If I don't let you know why the flowers are so red."

"Then I will really become a Ninja Turtle?"

"A bunch of little punks, wait!"


It is worth mentioning.

The preliminary round of the Mathematical Olympiad usually lasts two and a half hours.

But each round of the semi-final lasts three and a half hours.

Although the number of questions is the same, it takes an extra hour, which obviously increases the difficulty.


Jiangnan finished it in less than ten minutes.

He even checked it.

Then he stood up and handed in the paper.

Mathematical Olympiad is different from ordinary exams. There is no saying that you can't hand in the paper before the time is up.

After all...

If you don't know how to do it.

You can't do it no matter how hard you think.

Instead of staying in your seat and suffering for hours, it's better to give up and leave, which can also reduce the pressure on the invigilator.

Of course.

Submit the paper early and leave early.

Although it can reduce the pressure on the invigilator.

But in the eyes of the invigilator.

Those who submit the paper early are basically hopeless.

For example, Jiangnan.

Good guy!

Others submit the paper early.

At most, it's half an hour or an hour.

But now, less than ten minutes after the exam started, Jiangnan has handed in the paper.

What is this?

No effort at all, just give up directly?

Too unmotivated!

"My classmate, you can't do any questions? Give up less than ten minutes after the exam started?"

"If you had known this, you shouldn't have come to the exam. Not only is it a waste of your city's quota, but it also wastes manpower and material resources."


Jiangnan: "..."

Why does the invigilator scold me every time I hand in the paper?

Forget it.

You didn't even look at my paper, so I won't bother with you.

"Teacher, I seem to have a stomachache at noon, I'm not feeling well, I need to go to the toilet, so...bye."

Jiangnan made an excuse and left.


It was just a trick.

In the eyes of the invigilator, Jiangnan was just not strong enough, he couldn't stay still for a question, and was just playing soy sauce.


He just wanted to go to the toilet to smoke.


These are all routines used by students.


Jiangnan is really not playing routines.

Although he knows how to smoke.

But that thing is harmful to health, he smoked in his previous life, but he has never touched it in this life.

At the same time.

When Jiangnan left the examination room.

Most of the candidates in the classroom looked up at Jiangnan, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

After all...

Those who are qualified to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals.

All of them are top students from all cities in the province.

Everyone had one goal, which was to get a good ranking, at least the second in the province, which would add 10 points to the final exam.


Even if the questions were difficult.

So difficult that they were about to cry for their parents.

They also gritted their teeth and persisted.

But Jiangnan handed in his paper less than ten minutes after the exam started.


It was really unprecedented. Even in the history of the entire Binhai Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals, it was the first case!


Then they lowered their heads.

They continued to immerse themselves in the nightmare of solving the questions.

Jiangnan handing in his paper was Jiangnan's business, and had nothing to do with them. It just happened that there was one less competitor.

Only one person was still staring at Jiangnan's receding back, and that was Su Yun from Jiangcheng No. 4 Middle School.

He was the only candidate from Jiangcheng who was assigned to the same examination room as Jiangnan.

And before the exam started.

He also made harsh remarks to Jiangnan in public.


He was particularly fond of Jiangnan.Attention.

And as Jiangnan handed in the paper and left.

He felt mixed emotions for a while.

What to say?

Should I be happy?

Of course.

After all, Jiangnan was the opponent he wanted to defeat. Now Jiangnan gave up the exam and left. He was 100% eliminated in the first round and could not advance to the second round. Of course, he would be happy.


Besides being happy.

He also secretly felt a little admiration in his heart.

Admire Jiangnan's courage.

How dare he give up the exam in the provincial capital, in Binhai, and under the gaze of so many people?

In fact...

He also had the idea of ​​giving up the exam.

Just because...

This paper is really too difficult.

Damn it!

It's simply against the sky!

As early as when he got the paper, the first moment he opened it, the first glance he saw, he felt something was wrong.

"Set a={xx+x-6=0}, b={xax+1=0}, if b?a, then a=___2."

This is the first question.

But why can't he understand it!

Thinking for a long time.

He didn't know where to start and had to skip it.

He understood the second question.

"50 students did physics and chemistry...given...then there are __ people who did both experiments correctly."

This is a problem of solving cubic equations.

It's not difficult to understand.

But it's not easy to do it.

He used all his skills and racked his brains to solve the answer with difficulty, but he didn't have time to be happy.

When he saw the third question.

"Set a??xx??3 or x?3?, b??xx?1 or x?4?, then a?b?___."

Su Yun: "????"


What the hell is this?

Something is wrong, it's too wrong.

He had never encountered such a question before.

There was no solution!

Skip it again.

Then look at the fourth question, the fifth question, the sixth question...


Each question was harder than the last. Not to mention the solution ideas, he couldn't even understand the questions. He wanted to vomit blood.

For a moment.

He fell into the deepest doubt.

"Are these questions correct?"

"Do these questions really exist?"

"Can anyone really solve such questions? ”


He is a top student after all, the top student in Jiangcheng No. 4 Middle School.

In the whole Jiangcheng, although he ranks lower than No. 1 Middle School Liu Fan, No. 2 Middle School Du Jiang, Chu Ying Xia Ji and Lan Pu Meng Chuan.


He is also confident that he can compete with those people.

But now…

Looking at this paper.

He feels like a primary school student looking at a high school question.

It’s like reading a book of heaven.

He is confused.


He is about to be autistic.

Is this Mathematical Olympiad semi-final paper so difficult?

The city’s preliminary round was difficult enough before. He usually got full marks in mathematics, but last time he only got more than 70.

But now…

Compared with this semi-final paper.

The test paper for the preliminary round was so easy!

It was totally on a different level.

He was going crazy from the torture.

Almost subconsciously.

The idea of ​​giving up the test popped up in his mind.

He only did one question on the test paper and couldn't do the rest. What else could he do but give up the test?


He immediately suppressed this idea.

He couldn't give up the test.

He didn't have the courage of Jiangnan.

After all...

So many people were watching.

They were all academic masters, and he had to save face.

And he was carrying the hope of No. 4 Middle School. If he gave up the test, how would he explain to the teacher and the school?

"Jiangnan, Jiangnan."

"You dare to give up the test, I admire you very much."

"But I will never give up the test no matter what. Even if I can't do it, I will persist to the end."

"There are more than three hours left. Persistence is victory. Even if I am eliminated in the first round, at least I can beat you. ”


sp: It’s the weekend, it’s a holiday, I’m going to sleep!

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