In fact.

There are more than one person who has similar ideas to Su Yun.

Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Yingxiaji and Lanpu Mengchuan, although they are not as bad as Su Yun, who can only solve one problem and then can't move forward, but they are not much better.


None of them gave up.

They just wanted to stick to the end.

No matter what, they must defeat Jiangnan.


Whether they can get what they want in the end.

That is unknown.

What we know now is.

More than three hours, it is really hard to endure, the kind that can kill people, even if you have a strong will to fight, you will be worn out to vomit blood.

How can you compare with Jiangnan.

After handing in the papers, they returned to the bus to rest.

One word.



In a flash.

More than three hours passed.


The first round of the Mathematical Olympiad exam is over.

The candidates handed in their papers one after another and walked out of the classroom.

Several teachers from Jiangcheng, including Zhou Lingfeng from No. 3 Middle School, had been waiting outside the examination room.

When Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School, Du Jiang from No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying Xia Ji, Lan Pu Meng Chuan and Su Yun came out.

Their respective teachers greeted them one by one and asked nervously: "How was it, how did you do in the exam this time?"

Liu Fan: "..."

Du Jiang: "..."

Xia Ji: "..."

Meng Chuan: "..."

The four looked at each other, none of them spoke, but just looked frustrated and lowered their heads.


They all did not do well in the exam.

As for Su Yun from No. 4 Middle School.

He cried directly with a "wow".

"Wow, teacher, I'm sorry for your trust and the school's cultivation. I must have been eliminated in the first round."

As he spoke, he wiped his tears frantically, but no matter how he wiped them, he couldn't control his tears and kept flowing.

It's really...

I've been suppressed for too long.

Three and a half hours.

Do you know how he managed to get through these three and a half hours?

One question.

He really could only do one question.

For the remaining nine questions, it was like reading a book from heaven. Not to mention being able to answer them, he couldn't even understand the questions.

But he didn't have the courage to give up the exam like Jiangnan did, so he could only stay in his seat, pretending to be serious and staring blankly.

Too miserable.

It was really too miserable.

The pressure.

There was no way to describe it in words, only the tears that couldn't be stopped.

And when he cried.

Liu Fan, Du Jiang, Xia Ji, and Meng Chuan also looked sympathetic. Although they didn't cry, their eyes were all red.

In response to this.

The teachers of No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying, Lan Pu, and No. 4 Middle School all patted their shoulders to comfort them.

"Okay, let's go back to the car and rest!"

"You didn't do well in the exam, but it's not all your fault."

"In previous years, with your strength, you would have been at least second in the province, and maybe first in the province if you tried harder."

"But this year's Mathematical Olympiad is really difficult, much more difficult than in previous years, and it's unprecedented."

"As for the reason, I can tell you. Everyone knows that the Mathematical Olympiad is divided into preliminary, semi-final and final rounds."

"After the final, there will be an International Mathematical Olympiad, which will be competed by teams of top Mathematical Olympiad students from all over the world. That is the top priority and represents the honor of the country."

"In the past twenty years."

"In the past fifteen years, our country has always been the undisputed king in the International Mathematical Olympiad."

"The national team has won 12 gold and 3 silver medals, with 90 participants and 80 gold and 10 silver medals."

"In other words..."

"Even the weakest player in our national team has a three-quarter chance of winning a gold medal."

"But in the past five years, we haven't won a single gold medal, and even silver medals are rare."

"If this continues."

"We will become an international laughing stock."


"This year's Mathematical Olympiad, whether it is the preliminary round or the semi-final, is so difficult."

"The purpose is self-explanatory."

"It is to cultivate and select a group of true Mathematical Olympiad geniuses to represent the country in foreign competitions."

"If there is none, it is better to have nothing than to have something inferior."

"I can only say..."

"You are not very lucky."


Liu Fan: "..."

Du Jiang: "..."

Xia Ji: "..."

Meng Chuan: "..."

Su Yun: "..."


So that's it.

They said.

After all, they are the top students in Jiangcheng, and they have the possibility of being admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University.

How could they fail in the first round of the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals?

Especially Su Yun, who only answered one question.

This is simply incredible.


Since the test paper deliberately increased the difficulty.

That's possible.

After all...Although they are the top students in Jiangcheng, they are just the top students in Jiangcheng. Even if they have the ability to enter Tsinghua University and Peking University, they are not professional Olympiad talents. They participate in the Olympiad more to get the first or second place in the province, which can add points in the future exams. If you don’t study Olympiad from junior high school and specialize in Olympiad, it is difficult to enter the provincial team, and it is even more difficult to get the first place in the country. As for foreign competitions, they have never even heard of them. Too far away. Thinking of this, the mood of several people instantly improved. But on the other side, Zhou Lingfeng from No. 3 Middle School frowned slightly, "You are all out, why is Jiangnan not out yet?" There are a total of 29 people in Jiangcheng participating in the competition. At this moment, 28 people have arrived. But there is no trace of Jiangnan? This makes him, the team leader, anxious. But as soon as he finished speaking, someone next to him sneered. "Heh!"

"Are you still waiting for Jiangnan?"

"He handed in his paper a long time ago. No, to be more precise, he gave up the exam and left when the exam started."


"Give up the exam?"

Hearing this, Zhou Lingfeng frowned slightly, but then relaxed his brows and shook his head, saying, "With Jiangnan's ability, even if the paper is difficult this time, it is not a problem to get full marks."


"It is impossible for him to give up the exam."

"He probably finished the paper and handed it in early!"


"Oh, teacher, you are too blindly optimistic!"

"Have you ever seen someone finish the test paper and get full marks in less than ten minutes?"

Su Yun, who was crying just now, suddenly wiped away his tears and said with a sneer: "I was in the same examination room with him, but I saw him give up the test and hand in the paper in less than ten minutes."

"Although I did very poorly in the exam, at least I could get one question right, but he would get 0 points in nine out of ten times, hahaha!"


In this world.

There are always such people.

Obviously their current situation is very miserable.

But when they see people who are worse off than themselves, they will be happy.

Su Yun is like this.

Not only him.

There are also Liu Fan, Du Jiang, Xia Ji and Meng Chuan.

Although they did better than Su Yun, they were far from expectations, and it is unknown whether they can advance.

They were all worried that they would not be able to beat Jiangnan this time, and the harsh words they had said before would be slapped in the face.

But now...

I am relieved, completely relieved.

Although I did not do well in the exam, some people did worse.

I gave up the exam and handed in the paper in less than ten minutes.

If it is not 0 points, what is it?


Before, Jiangnan was able to get the first place in the four competitions, it was more of luck, and he happened to encounter questions that he could do.

And now the rematch has increased the difficulty.

His true colors are exposed.

He does not know how to do one question.

Giving up the exam and handing in a blank paper is simply ridiculous.

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