The papers were handed out.

There were four invigilators.

Just because...

This third round was different from the first and second rounds. It was not held in an ordinary classroom, but in a large multimedia classroom.

After all, the number of candidates was not as many as the first and second rounds, only 80, so there was no need to take separate exams.


One of the invigilators in his early 40s was the one who invigilated Jiangnan in the first round.

He had a deep impression of Jiangnan.

After all...

With Jiangnan's deadly handsome face, no matter where he was, he would stand out like a light bulb.

In short!

No matter whether it was a man or a woman, as long as they saw Jiangnan's face, it would be almost impossible to forget it, unless they were face-blind.

Not to mention...

The first round of the exam.

Jiangnan handed in the paper ten minutes in advance.

That speed was the fastest in the entire examination room, and he was directly listed as a hopeless student by the invigilator.

Naturally, he had a deep memory.

But that was also why

As soon as he walked into the examination room, when he handed the test paper to Jiangnan, he frowned.

"Is it you?"

"I thought you were eliminated in the first round. I didn't expect you to advance to the third round."


"Since it's the third round, then do your best!"

"Don't do the same as in the first round. You handed in the paper before working for ten minutes. That's too bad of an attitude."

The invigilator handed the test paper to Jiangnan and reminded him a few words. It was kind.


Although Jiangnan nodded, he didn't care.

Come on?

Does he need to cheer?


There is no rule that says you can't hand in the paper early. Isn't it normal to hand in the paper after you finish it?

What's wrong with his attitude?

Jiangnan pouted and took the pen to write quickly.

"1. If the range of y=log2016(x^2-ax+65) is R+, then the range of a is..."

Solution: From the range J∈R+, x^2-ax+65 is greater than 1.

So x^2-ax+6,4 is greater than 0.

So △a-4,6,4 is less than 0.

So a is greater than -16 and less than 16.

Answer: [-16,16].


"2. Let x be an acute angle, then the maximum value of the function y=sinxsin2x is..."

Solution: From y=2sin^2xcosx.

We get y^2=4sin^4xcos^2x=2(1-cos^2x)(1-cos^2x)*2cos^2x……


So y is less than or equal to 4√3/9, and takes the equal sign if and only if cos^2x=1/3.

Answer: 4√3/9.

“3. The number of common terms (terms with the same value) of the arithmetic progression 2, 5, 8, 2015, 4, 9, 14, , 2014 is __.”

Answer: 134.



Jiangnan: “What???”

He was confused while doing these rubbish questions.

Didn’t someone say to increase the difficulty before?

Where did he increase it?

Why didn’t he see it?

He was so prepared, and was excited to have a few difficult questions.

But the result…

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

This is the kind of question.

Are you sure the teacher didn’t let you off again?

Or did he take the wrong paper?

In less than three minutes.

He finished all the fill-in-the-blank questions in one go.

Then it was the first answer question.


It's still so easy.

He was too lazy to write.

It's just that the system has a score control task, so he had to finish the question "swish swish swish".

Then he looked at the last question.

This question...

It's a little interesting.

But Jiangnan only took three minutes to finish it.

Considering that the score control task given by the system in this round is 99 points, only one point away from the full score.



This score control is really difficult.

The question is too simple.

Jiangnan finished it all in one breath.

He can already get 100 points.

But the system insisted that he take 99 points, what should he do?

You know that it is impossible to deliberately fill in the first eight fill-in-the-blank questions incorrectly. After all, they are all eight points, and there are only answers, no process, and there is no place to deduct.

And the last answer question is also linked together, from the beginning to the end, it is not easy to fill in the wrong.

If the process is wrong, this question will be ruined.

It is OK to fill in the wrong answer.

But according to the scoring standard, one answer alone is worth two points, so it is naturally not OK to fill in the wrong answer.

In fact!

AnyThe score of a small step starts at two points.

This is why no one scored 0 points in the first round, and almost no one scored an odd number in the second round.

Jiangnan thought about it for about half a minute.


His eyes suddenly lit up.

Got it.

The steps start at two points.

So you can't write the wrong steps.

But you can still lose points in a step.

The only step in this paper that can lose points is probably the first question of the first answer.

Just because...

There is an angle here.

And angles have units, either an "o" in the upper right corner, or a "degree" in Chinese.

The correct answer must be written.

But Jiangnan deliberately erased the unit.

A two-point step.

On the premise of ensuring the correct result, he didn't write the unit, so it must be reasonable to lose one point, right?

"I am really a genius!"

Jiangnan silently gave himself a thumbs up.

Then he stood up and handed in the paper.

Just by chance.

The invigilator just patrolled and returned to the podium, and then he received Jiangnan's paper.


His brows furrowed.


"It's only been ten minutes, and you're going to hand in your paper again?"

"Didn't you listen to what I said before?"

"You should do your best in the exam, and your attitude should be correct."

"Although you can pass the third round, prove your strength, and get the first place in the province, don't you want to go one step further, get into the top 30 in the three rounds, and enter the provincial team?"

"You should know that although the first place in the province is good, it is only good. Only by entering the provincial team can you participate in the finals."


"It will be the real big stage, and you can compete with the real pride from all over the country."

"As a result, you handed in your paper again in just ten minutes."



It can be seen.

This invigilator likes to educate people.

It's a pity.

Before he finished speaking.

"Teacher, I seem to have a stomachache this afternoon. I'm not feeling well. I need to go to the toilet, so...bye!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiangnan ran away quickly.

He knew that the other party meant well.

But the problem is...

This kind of person has a stubborn temper. If you explain to him that you have finished, the other party will most likely not believe it.

On the contrary.

It's still unknown what kind of moth he will pull out.


He can only find an excuse to leave.

Invigilator: "????"

Hearing what Jiangnan said, he was stunned for a moment.

This reason is really hard for him to refute.

Jiangnan has a stomachache and needs to go to the toilet. He can't stop him and let him poop in his trouser pocket, right?

But the problem is...

Why does it sound so familiar?

It seems...

During the first round of the competition.

Jiangnan gave this reason as well?

He didn't even change a few words?

What's the matter?

Have a stomachache every day?


Go fooling around!

Most likely, it's because he's addicted to cigarettes again.

Young people nowadays are really bad at learning.

sp: Thank you for the gifts, please give me some good chapter reviews when you pass by! I came to copy homework when I woke up, grinning!

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