At the same time.

When Jiangnan handed in his paper and left.

I saw people surging up and down in the examination room.

Almost every one of them stared at Jiangnan's back, all of them feeling extremely surprised?

"Is it him?"

"Jiangnan from Jiangcheng No. 3 Middle School?"

"Didn't he get 88 points in the last round?"

"Didn't the examiner say that he was deliberately controlling the score?"

"He got the last questions right in the first two rounds, so his strength should not be weak. Why did he hand in the paper so quickly? Is it because the paper is too difficult that he gave up the exam?"

"Sure enough..."

"People from small towns are not good enough."

"Even if they have some strength, they are just so-so. They only know how to attract attention and win everyone's attention."

"It's just hard for us. This competition paper is difficult to begin with. As a result, the difficulty has been increased now. "

"Jiangnan that kid just patted his butt and left. I guess he didn't plan to join the provincial team. As long as he got the first place in the province, it would be fine."

"And he has already got it. It doesn't matter whether he takes the third round or not, but we still want to give it a try!"

"It's really a fire in the city gate that affects the fish in the pond."

"This kid is always pitting others and is not a good son."

"A shit stirrer."

"I hope you don't walk alone at night, otherwise I will put a sack on you and beat you into a dog head..."


Many candidates cursed in their hearts.

He is a person who has entered the first place in the province and wants to rush to the provincial team, but his strength is slightly insufficient.

You know.

If he can enter the provincial team, even if he performs mediocre in the finals, the benefits will be extraordinary.

At least...

It will be more useful than the first place in the province.

But the result...

It was all destroyed by Jiangnan.


They all gnashed their teeth at Jiangnan.

Of course, there are a few who are very confident in themselves, who believe that they can definitely enter the provincial team and will be able to sprint to the top of the country in the future. They don't care much about Jiangnan.

They focus on the test paper and will not be disturbed by the disturbances from the outside world.

They are...

Lin Yu and Tang Zongyun from Binhai No. 1 Middle School.

Su Mo and Zhao Junze from Yachi Middle School.

Ye Fan and Jiang Mingming from Changping Middle School.

And Fu Xinhan and Lin Qianqian from Binhai Normal University Affiliated Middle School.

Binhai No. 1 Middle School, Yachi Middle School, Changping Middle School and Normal University Affiliated Middle School are collectively known as the four famous schools in the provincial capital.

Even if you look at the whole country.

That is also the top middle school, the key among the key, and I don't know how many outstanding talents are cultivated every year.

Especially in the key classes and experimental classes, it is said that there are only a handful of people who can't get into Tsinghua and Peking University.

If you pick any of the worst ones, they are all top-notch academic masters in Jiangcheng, who can crush Du Jiang, Xia Ji, Meng Chuan and Su Yun, and can be on par with Liu Fan.

And the eight people above.

They are the super kings in the key classes and experimental classes of the four famous universities, the academic masters among the academic masters, and are known as the existence of academic gods. Their total scores in daily exams have never been lower than 720.

Of course!

They don't care about scores in daily exams.

Just because...

The college entrance examination has no pressure on them.

Their goal is to compete. For the Olympic mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology competitions, at least they specialize in one, or more, or even all of them, and regard the competition as a step for promotion.

And they don't care about the first place in the province.

It is also a sure thing to enter the provincial team.

Their goal is to be the first in the country and to enter the national team in the finals.


Their strength is not to be underestimated.

They all got full marks in the first round of the rematch. Although the second round was difficult, they all got 98, tied for first place.

In this third round, their goal is to get 100 points to make up for the second round's lack of full marks.

Even though the examiner Fang Guoping said that the difficulty would be increased and the S-paper would be used, they were not afraid at all.


is their confidence.

As the top genius, the confidence of the super king.

In this Binhai Province, they can hardly find an opponent. Their opponent is themselves, constantly surpassing themselves.

And after getting this test paper.

They are the same as Jiangnan.

They also "brushed" to do the questions.

Although the speed is not as fast as Jiangnan, it is not much slower.


When they finished the last fill-in-the-blank question.

The speed slowed down.

When they finished the first answer question, their brows frowned slightly, and they all felt pressure.


This paper is very difficult.

Although the previous questions are just like that.

But the difficulty increases exponentially as they go on.

This was only the first question, and the difficulty was already as high as the final question of the second round.

It took them an unknown amount of time to finish the first question.


When they saw the second question, their eyes suddenly narrowed.

"This question..."

"It seems to beA little difficult!"

"I don't think I've ever seen it before!"

"I don't have any ideas, it's hard to write!"

"Are you sure this is the Olympiad math problem for the semi-finals? I've seen a lot of semi-finals questions before, but none of them are this difficult?"

"Damn, this is so difficult!"


This finale question is really difficult, so much so that the top eight students from the four famous schools frowned for a moment.

Even they are like this.

Wouldn't it be a disaster for others?


On the other side.

Jiangnan had already walked out of the classroom early.

And Zhou Lingfeng, a teacher from No. 3 Middle School, immediately came up to him.

"Jiangnan, how did you do on the test?"

"It is said that this paper is very difficult, especially the last finale question, which is even more difficult than the finals. You handed in the paper so quickly, did you finish the finale question?"


"Is the finale question difficult?"

Hearing this, Jiangnan was confused, "Isn't that question very simple? It's not difficult at all?"


"So you did it?"

Zhou Lingfeng was delighted, "So you didn't control the score this time, you can get 100 points, right?"


"100 points is probably impossible, 99 points is no problem."

"Why 99 points?"

"No, I guessed."

Zhou Lingfeng: "%¥#@#¥%..."

Needless to say.

This guy must have controlled the score again.

And it's 99 points in all likelihood.

Tsk tsk!

I don't know whose face he will slap in the end.

Although he is not a grading teacher, as the team leader of No. 3 Middle School, he still knows the scoring rules.

There is almost no deduction of one point!

Fill-in-the-blank questions are 8 points.

Either you get all the points if you get them right, or you get none if you get them wrong.

And the answer questions are 16 points and 20 points respectively.

One step is at least 2 points.

How could it be Deduct 1 point, and get 99?

Zhou Lingfeng really couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.


He couldn't figure it out.

He just put it out of his mind and didn't care.

Anyway, with Jiangnan's score of 99, not to mention winning the first place in three rounds, it is definitely a sure thing to enter the provincial team.


How many years have passed.

I don't know how many years it has been since No. 3 Middle School won the provincial first place in the Mathematical Olympiad, let alone entering the provincial team.

And now...

Finally, Jiangnan, the genius, was cultivated.

It allowed No. 3 Middle School to survive.

It's time to celebrate.

"Jiangnan, let's go!"

"Teacher will take you to have a midnight snack."

"You can eat as much as you want tonight, whatever clams, oysters, spicy crayfish, I'll pay for it, hahaha!"


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