
"Stop laughing, it's time to eat!"

"I'm already hungry!"

Jiangnan touched his shriveled stomach and pulled Zhou Lingfeng back from his proud fantasy.


"Okay, eat, just like last night, eat whatever you want, I'll pay!"

Zhou Lingfeng patted his head. Although he returned to reality, the smile on his face did not diminish at all.


Jiangnan had never experienced the frustration of an outsider teacher like him in the provincial capital, so he couldn't understand his mentality.

But if there were other teachers from No. 3 Middle School here, it would be different. They would be as happy as him to the point of losing their composure.

I have to say.

This is indeed the case.

Jiangnan didn't care at all that he won the first place in the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals and easily entered the provincial team.

But when this news came back to Jiangcheng, the whole Jiangcheng was in an uproar.

First of all, 20 points were added to the college entrance examination.

This is rare in Jiangcheng's college entrance examinations in recent years.

Especially in this year's Mathematical Olympiad, whether it was No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, or Chu Ying and Lan Pu, they were all wiped out, and no one even made it to the second place in the province and got 10 extra points.

But Jiangnan from No. 3 Middle School.

rose against the sky and passed all the tests.

Not only did he win the first place in the province, but he also won the provincial championship among the first-place middle schools in the province. This is the first time in the whole Jiangcheng.

In the past, the best results of dozens of schools in Jiangcheng in the Mathematical Olympiad competition were the bottom of the provincial team, and then they played soy sauce in the finals, and at best they were only the second place in the country.

And now...

Jiangnan is the provincial champion, the kind that can trample on countless math tyrants and gods from the four famous schools.

As one of the strongest provinces in the Mathematical Olympiad.

Binhai's provincial champion.

That is not just as simple as being able to go straight to Tsinghua and Peking University.

In the summer camp finals, it is also 100% possible to enter the first place in the country, and then join the national team to fight against foreign enemies.


This is absolutely unprecedented in Jiangcheng.

It can be called the supreme honor of the entire Jiangcheng.

Of course!

For this honor.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

First of all, the principals of No. 1 Middle School, No. 2 Middle School, No. 4 Middle School, Chuying and Lanpu schools are so jealous that they are about to cry.

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my Earth!"

"What kind of shit luck did No. 3 Middle School have?"

"Why would such a good student attend a rubbish school like No. 3 Middle School that has been in ruins for many years!"

"It's obviously extremely dilapidated. If it continues like this, it will be reduced to a wild duck school in a few years. But suddenly Jiangnan pops up. Is No. 3 Middle School destined to rise again?"

"You said that you won the first place in the preliminary round of the four competitions, and it's reasonable to win the provincial first place in the rematch. Why do you want to win the provincial championship?"

"It's over. Our No. 4 Middle School is destined to be defeated by No. 3 Middle School. The title of No. 5 in Jiangcheng is gone!"

"My Chuying (Lanpu) spent a huge amount of manpower, material resources and financial resources to finally enter the top three of the ten middle schools in Jiangcheng. Now, it will be squeezed out by No. 3 Middle School again."

"My No. 2 Middle School once thought about competing with No. 1 Middle School and surpassing No. 1 Middle School, but it was surpassed by No. 3 Middle School first?"

"The snipe and the clam fight , the fisherman got the advantage. In the past two years, our No. 1 Middle School has been on guard against No. 2 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu. We relaxed our encirclement of No. 3 Middle School for a while, and ended up being overturned by No. 3 Middle School? "

"If I had known this..."

"Even if it cost a lot, our No. 1 Middle School (No. 2 Middle School) (No. 4 Middle School) (Chu Ying) (Lan Pu) should have won Jiangnan over, and shouldn't have let No. 3 Middle School get away with it..."

"The same goes for Liu Fan (Du Jiang) (Su Yun) (Xia Ji) (Meng Chuan). The school has poured all its resources into him, hoping that he can compete with Jiangnan in the semi-finals."

"But the result..."

"But he lost miserably?"

"Didn't even get the second place in the province?"

"Tsk tsk!"

"It's really embarrassing!"

"It all depends on the physics, chemistry and biology competitions later. I hope a miracle will happen so that Jiangnan doesn't win four provincial championships..."


When I first heard the news that Jiangnan won the provincial championship in Mathematical Olympiad.

The principal of No. 1 Middle School, Gongsun Li, the principal of No. 2 Middle School, Gu Hongyi, and several principals of No. 4 Middle School, Chu Ying and Lan Pu.

They were all filled with mixed feelings, and their faces looked extremely ugly, as if they had aged a lot in an instant.

On the contrary, the principal of No. 3 Middle School, Gu Tianxuan, could jump three feet high and excitedly sing and roar in the office.


"Xiao Hu, you really cultivated a good student!"

"Although I knew it a long time ago..."

"With Jiangnan's strength, it would be no problem to get the first place in the provincial Mathematical Olympiad, and even the first place in the four competitions."

"But I never expected that he not only got the first place in the province, but also entered the provincial team and even won the provincial championship!"

"Although it was only the provincial championship in the Mathematical Olympiad, this is better than the four competitions.The weight of the provincial first place is much heavier."


"God really won't let our No. 3 Middle School fail."

"With Jiangnan as the trump card, the rise of our No. 3 Middle School will be unstoppable, hahahaha! ”


“Xiao Hu, drive to Jiangnan’s house quickly and tell his parents the good news, let them be happy too, and don’t forget, don’t go empty-handed…”


Gu Tianxuan, the principal of the Third Middle School, was so excited that he cried. In just a moment, he seemed to be ten years younger.

Not only him.

There are also many teachers in the Third Middle School.

After all…

This is the common honor of the Third Middle School.

Especially Jiangnan’s math teacher Cao Tianyuan, who looked very pleased. Even if he pretended to be reserved and tried to hold back, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be hidden.

It’s a pity…

He was not the leader of the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals.


He probably laughed even more exaggeratedly than Zhou Lingfeng.

As for the head teacher Hu Yifei.

As soon as Gu Tianxuan issued the task, she excitedly drove straight to Jiangnan’s house.

Of course!

She didn’t forget to buy things.


Although she was fast, there were people who were faster than her.

“What? Yingying, what did you say? "

"My silly Nannan not only made it to the provincial team in the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals, but also won the provincial championship?"

After hearing the news, Jiangnan's parents Jiang Gaoyuan and Zhou Xiuqin were also surprised.

"That's right, the provincial team is said to have 30 people, but there is only one provincial champion. Jiangnan is really amazing."

Bai Yingying said very proudly.

It seems...

It's not Jiangnan who won the provincial championship.

It's just like her.

"Then what's the use of this provincial championship?"

"The most direct benefit is that it adds 20 points to the college entrance examination. For example, the admission line of Tsinghua and Peking University in Binhai is about 680 points, so Jiangnan only needs 660 points to get in."

"Add 20 points? Does it only take 660 points to get into Tsinghua and Peking University? This is good, this is good! ”

Zhou Xiuqin didn’t know much about extra points, but she lost her composure when she heard what Bai Yingying said.

But she didn’t know what she thought of.

She then frowned, “But this won’t work! I remember that Nannan’s grades are only 400 or 500 points on weekdays, and the best score in the last monthly exam was only 600 points.”

“This is still a long way from 660 points, can he still go to Tsinghua or Peking University?”


“Of course he can go to Tsinghua or Peking University!”

Bai Yingying was very sure of this: “Although Jiangnan’s scores are not high on weekdays, his real strength is very strong.”

“Don’t say that Tsinghua and Peking University lowered their admission score by 20 points. Even if they didn’t lower their scores, he could easily get in.”



“Yingying still speaks well and makes sense.”

“My silly Nannan is really good, otherwise so many teachers from other schools would not have come to snatch him.”

“Speaking of which, he still follows me! ”

“When I was studying, I was also very good, and this talent was passed on to Nannan…”

Zhou Xiuqin’s eyes were full of pride, and her face was full of joy.


Hearing her words.

Jiang’s father Jiang Gaoyuan couldn’t help but curl his lips, “Baby’s mother, when did you become good at studying?”

“If you were really good at studying, would you marry me?”


Zhou Xiuqin: “…”

His face froze, and then he became angry.

“Old man!”

“You really are a jerk who will tear the tiles off the roof if you don’t get a beating for three days. Have you ever exposed my shortcomings in front of your son…classmates?

“It seems that you don’t want to eat or drink anymore, and you want to take care of all the housework, right?”

“Hurry up and buy some good food to cook. Didn’t you see Yingying come to our house to announce the good news? You are just standing here thinking about shit!”


Jiang Gaoyuan: “…”

Bai Yingying: “…”

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