On that day.

The news that Jiangnan won the provincial championship in the Mathematical Olympiad spread back to Jiangcheng, causing an uproar in Jiangcheng.

To describe it in one sentence.

That is, some people are happy and some are sad.

There are many happy people.

But there are more people who are worried.

And the saddest and most desolate one among them is Liu Fan.

Yesterday in the provincial capital, he lost the bet with Jiangnan, and said in public that he was Ultraman Tiga, which made him a complete laughing stock, so he immediately returned to Jiangcheng.

The blow he suffered was already big enough, but after just one day, he heard that Jiangnan won the provincial championship?

Tsk tsk!

This is simply adding insult to injury!


Is Jiangnan so strong?

It was because he was very unwilling to admit defeat before, and he had repeatedly provoked Jiangnan to compete with the latter.

But now I finally know.

It turns out that he is just a clown.


"Completely lost!"

"Jiangnan, Jiangnan, you have the strength to win the provincial championship in Mathematical Olympiad. It seems that you really controlled your score on purpose in the previous exam."

"Tsk tsk, compared with you, my level is still far behind. I can only rely on the college entrance examination, alas!"


With a long and sad sigh, Liu Fan stayed at home from then on. He would not go out again until the college entrance examination.

Of course!

Regarding the reactions of these people.

Jiangnan, who was far away in the provincial capital, knew nothing about it.


Late at night, in the provincial capital.

A room on the third floor of Zijinhua Hotel, the most luxurious hotel opposite Binhai University.

Jiangnan was playing with the system out of boredom.


"Super invincible magic control subsystem!"

"Host: Jiangnan!"

"Chinese: Level 9!"


"Skills: Super strong memory and comprehension..."

"Physical fitness: 48."

"Points: 1200."

"Current number of draws: 12."


"Ding, it is detected that the host has extra points and can draw ten times in a row. Do you want to draw?"


"Draw for me!"

Jiangnan issued an order in his mind.

Originally, he was not in a hurry to draw, thinking that he would wait until all the physics, chemistry and biology competitions were over.

But after the Mathematical Olympiad, there was still a day of rest before the physics competition. After the physics competition, there was also a day of rest before the chemistry and biology competitions.

One competition plus the rest time takes a total of three days, and three competitions take nine days.

Tsk tsk!

This time is a bit long.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether you draw late or early.

Now I have nothing to do.

Then let's draw a prize for fun.


Drawing is a lottery.

Jiangnan didn't have much hope.

After all, he didn't draw anything good last time. It was just icing on the cake, not very useful.

"Ding, lucky wheel, ten consecutive draws start!"


"Ding, congratulations on winning, basic +1 in each subject."

"Ding, congratulations on winning, potential +1 in each subject."

"Ding, congratulations on winning, a Yanling fruit has been saved in the system item column, please check it out."

"Ding, congratulations on winning, a Dali chocolate has been saved in the system item column, please check it out."


Jiangnan: "..."


Sure enough!

The system is a pit.

A huge pit.

Even if there are ten consecutive draws, there is nothing good.

Even if he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but curse and complain when he saw the things that won four prizes in a row.

Damn it!

This is not exactly the same as the last time I won the ten consecutive draws, but it is exactly the same.

What's the use of this!

His strength in all subjects has long reached the peak of high school, his foundation is extremely solid, and his potential is unlimited.

Tsk tsk!

These rewards.

They are not even icing on the cake.

It's completely a scam.

The same goes for Yan Ling Fruit and Dali Chocolate.

He doesn't need to eat the former, otherwise he will be hacked to death by readers, and he doesn't dare to eat the latter.


1,000 points were wasted in vain.

It's really not easy to earn points, but spending points is like water.

If the rewards later are the same as last time, he has the urge to drag the system out and beat it up.

System: "%¥#@#¥%..."

"Ding, it is detected that the host has malicious intent against this system, please correct it immediately, otherwise the system will impose appropriate penalties."

Jiangnan: "%¥#@#¥%..."



This is a master.

He is so annoying!

He can't even have malicious intent?

Saving my life is the most important thing.

He quickly dispelled all the thoughts in his mind.

Let's watch the lottery later!

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize. I won an intelligence rainbow candy. It has been stored in the system inventory. Please check it."

Jiangnan: "???"

Intelligence rainbow candy?

Finally something new?

But the problem is that it's useless.

Just because...

This thing is used to improve intelligence.

But Jiangnan's intelligence, even he himself doesn't know what the upper limit is, so it's completely useless.

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, you get one centimeter of height, the host can choose to increase it at will."

Jiangnan: "????"

This is the fifth time in the ten consecutive draws, and something new has appeared?

Good news.

This is really great news.


What the hell is this centimeter of height?

Increase at will?

Increase where?



Or some private parts?

Tsk tsk!

Forget it.

It's not needed for the time being, let's talk about it later.

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, and get the single dog hand speed * 10."

Jiangnan: "..."

Completely speechless.

Single dog hand speed, still * 10?

What's the use of this?

Do something unspeakable?

Or can it help him do the test faster?

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, one million red bills, which have been deposited into the host's bank card, please check!"


Hearing the seventh prompt sound in his mind, Jiangnan's eyes finally changed a little.

One million red bills?

This is a good thing.

Although he said before that he didn't care much about money, he didn't really care.

Just because he thought that with his own ability, he would have everything sooner or later, so he was not in a hurry for the time being.


Since the system gave him one million.

It's not easy for him to return it, right?

There is always a little for daily expenses.

Besides, he will go to college in a few months. Although his family is not short of money, it is not rich.

With this one million, maybe he can change a better house for his parents in advance, or buy a car for transportation.


Very nice.

Thanks to the system.

Just buying a house or a car, you have to find a decent reason, let's talk about this later.

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, and you have obtained the skill "Basketball Mastery."

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, and you have obtained the skill "Chess Mastery."

"Ding, congratulations on winning the prize, and you have obtained the skill "Calligraphy Mastery."



It's finally over.

Jiangnan took a long breath.

These three subsequent wins.

It's just icing on the cake, not very useful.

For example, basketball, he is already level nine, what's the point of adding the title of mastery?

As for chess mastery and calligraphy mastery, they are also useless, like chicken ribs.

"In general, the probability of winning a prize in the ten-draw series is indeed very high, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as 100%."

"It's just that most of them are useless. It's just one million red bills that can arouse people's interest."


"There are still 200 points left."

"After the three-subject competition of physics, chemistry and biology is over, I should be able to collect 1,200 points again."

"Look forward to the next ten-draw series, hahaha!"


Although most of the prizes drawn are useless.

But the process of the draw is quite interesting.

Isn't it?

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