
Soon, the Chinese class was over.

It was break time.

If it were usual.

There would be many students playing and shouting.

But today...

They all stayed in their seats, reading books, doing exercises, working hard, without laughing or playing.


They even ran to the toilet and came back quickly.

For fear of wasting extra time.

Even Fatty Wang, who got dizzy when reading, stared at the textbook with big eyes, hoping to understand as much as possible so that he could cope with tomorrow's exam.

This is a very good phenomenon.

Perhaps he succeeded in becoming a sports student, so he is full of motivation now, which is really respectable and admirable.


As the king of sleepiness in class and the king of eating in the cafeteria.

Jiangnan slept from class to get out of class.


Sleep, continue to sleep.

It seems that he will not stop sleeping until school is over.

Just because...

He was too tired.

Yesterday was finally the weekend, but he was squeezed by Bai Yingying the whole day.

He was unwilling to accept it.

But his parents were always watching outside the room.

Tsk tsk!

Even a cow would be exhausted.


He had to make up for what he lost today, and he didn't even have the heart to play games or read novels.

Just like that...

The second class started again.

It was math class.

Like the previous Chinese class, everyone else listened carefully, while Jiangnan was like Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly.

Then there was the third physics class, the fourth biology class, and in the afternoon foreign languages, chemistry...

Almost all the classes.

Jiangnan slept through them all.

Tsk tsk!

The name of the God of Sleep is well-deserved.

Except for having lunch at noon and going to the toilet occasionally, Jiangnan did almost nothing else the whole day.

To this.

The classmates in the class were all jealous.

What is this?

We are studying, but you are sleeping?

This is not the point.

The point is...

You are so lazy.

Your math and physics grades are so good, and you are particularly valued by Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei.

If others dared to sleep in math and physics classes, they would have been punished by Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei to tears.

But Jiangnan slept in different ways.

Neither teacher said anything.

It's so damn unfair.

God, why don't you send thunder to kill him?

And the head teacher, the female devil Hu Yifei, the foreign language teacher Shirley Yang, the chemistry teacher Du Ming Huang, and the biology teacher who was in charge of the class, aren't you always inhumane?

Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei can understand it.

After all, Jiangnan is very good in these two subjects.

Both teachers were impressed.

But what about other subjects?

Jiangnan seems to be average in Chinese, foreign languages, chemistry, and biology!

As a result...

You don't care?

Have you given up on Jiangnan?

Or are you pretending to be partial!

Just because Jiangnan is so handsome, you don't want to disturb him when he is sleeping?

Can you do whatever you want just because you are handsome?

Especially Shirley Yang.

Teacher, you just teach, but you also sneak a glance at Jiangnan from time to time, as if you are astonished by the heavens. What the hell is this?


You didn't even notice that the chalk in your hand fell?


It's really heartbreaking.

Everyone lost a million points of blood in an instant.

Except for Bai Yingying and Fatty Wang, the other students in the class were really mixed up and their thoughts were flying.


Finally, all the daytime classes were over.

It was time for dinner again.

And Jiangnan yawned and woke up slowly.

Seeing Bai Yingying on the left still studying hard, and Wang Pangzi on the right also holding a pencil in his mouth.

Jiangnan sighed.

Prepared to ask the two to go to dinner.


Just then.

Zhang Hao in the front row suddenly came over.

"Jiangnan, I admit that I am not as talented as you in physics. You are so good even when you sleep."

"But I have not relaxed for a moment in the past two days. I believe that I will definitely surpass you in tomorrow's exam."

"At least in physics, I will surpass you."

"I will let the whole class know that I am the representative of the physics class, and I am the best in physics..."


Zhang Hao blushed, made such a declaration to Jiangnan in public, and then ran away.

Jiangnan: "???"

You are the representative of the physics class, right!

I don't want to take your position, do you need to be so hostile to me?

It seems that you are better than me in every physics exam!

It's really sick.

Jiangnan was just confused.

But before he could recover.

Another person clenched his fist and ran to Jiangnan, "Jiangnan, II admit that I am not as talented as you in math. After all, I have never seen you read books, but you got the first place in the exam. "

"But I am the same as Zhang Hao. I have not wasted any time in the past two days. I will definitely surpass you in the exam tomorrow."

"I will prove to everyone that I am the representative of the math class and I am the best in math."


The speaker is Su Yu.

The representative of the math class.

He is also the one who questioned Jiangnan's cheating before.

As the saying goes.

Stupidity is contagious.

This is true.

It would be fine if Zhang Hao behaved like a middle school boy, but Su Yu did the same?


The matter is not over yet.

Su Yu just left.

Tang Tiantian also waved her fist at Jiangnan and said: "I will also surpass you in the exam tomorrow, because I am the representative of the foreign language class. I am no worse than anyone in foreign languages..."

Then the representatives of Chinese, Chemistry, and Biology classes said similar things to Jiangnan one after another.

Jiangnan: "What? ? ? ”

I’m speechless.

He really couldn’t wrap his head around it.

Zhang Hao and Su Yu were hurling harsh words at him.

It was barely understandable.

After all, he had previously stolen the limelight from the other party in physics and mathematics, which made the two feel unwilling.


What the hell is Tang Tiantian?

Has he ever shown his talent in foreign languages?

It seems not!

Not to mention the three subjects of Chinese, chemistry and biology.

He used to perform very ordinary!


He slept too much and forgot something?


He really forgot something.


After the class representatives of each subject left, even the class monitor Qin Yumo got up from his seat and came to Jiangnan.

“Class monitor, are you also…”

“Jiangnan, I hope you don’t hide your shortcomings in the exam tomorrow, but go all out and show your true level.”

Qin Yumo looked at Jiangnan with a serious expression.

Jiangnan: “I’m not hiding my shortcomings! ”

“No, you must be hiding your abilities. A person who is so good at math and physics must be good at other subjects.”

Jiangnan: “…”

“You must promise me, because I want to defeat you openly without you letting me.”

Jiangnan: “? ? ? ? ”


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