Give in?

Let your sister!

When did I ever give in to you?

I really don't understand what these people are thinking?

They are all like gunpowder, they want to defeat me in this and that.


Nothing to do after eating.

Why bother...

Wouldn't it be nice to go to the cafeteria to eat early?

Jiangnan smiled awkwardly at Qin Yumo, and without saying a word, he dragged Bai Yingying and Wang Pangzi to the cafeteria.

The world is big, but eating is the most important thing.

Whatever you think, it's none of my business?


His indifferent scene, in the eyes of the surrounding classmates, made the fire in everyone's heart burn more vigorously.

Tsk tsk!

Jiangnan certainly couldn't think of it.

The reason why everyone is so hostile to him.

The class representatives of each subject, including the class monitor Qin Yumo, all want to defeat him, purely because he sleeps in class and deserves a beating.

And the teachers turned a blind eye to him, being too partial, and everyone's heart is really unbalanced.


This is what the academic masters think.

We are obviously the best in each subject and the most valued by the teachers. Why should we be overshadowed by you?

We are obviously the most hardworking and dare not delay for a minute. Why should we be surpassed by a sleepyhead like you?

Not willing to accept it.

Not willing to admit defeat.

Must compete again and decide the winner.

Only the heartless Fatty Wang doesn't care about this, because he can't understand the thoughts of the academic masters.

As for Bai Yingying, she said to Jiangnan angrily: "These people are too much. They dare to challenge you, even Qin Yumo is like this. Jiangnan, you have to work harder."

"Tomorrow's exam, you must not let them off. You must destroy their prestige and trample their arrogance..."


Jiangnan: "..."

Ignore Bai Yingying.

Destroy prestige and trample arrogance?

It sounds simple, but it is actually quite simple to do... But it is not controlled by Jiangnan!

If the system-controlled score is still the passing line, he can't just get full marks just to save face!

He won't do this kind of thankless work, which makes him stand out but doesn't get any system points.


The next day.


As soon as the morning self-study session started.

The head teacher Hu Yifei came to issue the admission tickets.

Although it was only a monthly exam.

But Hu Yifei had said before that it would be in accordance with the college entrance examination model, so the twenty classes in the third grade of high school were mixed and disrupted, and the students' seats were randomly assigned to each class by computer.

It can be seen from this...

The school really attaches great importance to this exam.

After a round of intensive arrangements, the students went to find their own examination rooms for reference.

It is worth mentioning.

Before the exam.

Hu Yifei specially called Jiangnan to the corridor and repeatedly reminded him that he must go all out. If he dared to control the score, he would never have a good life in the future.

In response to this!

Jiangnan dealt with it very perfunctorily.

Still the same thing...

He won't do something that's thankless.

Even if you threaten me... cough cough... This is a bit difficult. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It's a headache!

Forget it!

Let's take it one step at a time!

Wait until the system score control task comes out.


When this scene fell into the eyes of the classmates in the class, Yu Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian and others looked very unhappy.

It's okay that the math teacher and the physics teacher value you, but now even the head teacher treats you specially?


What can a man endure.

This exam...

If we don't surpass you, we are not people.


The exam began.

Just like the college entrance examination, the first one is Chinese.

The time is two and a half hours, and the full score is 150 points.

It's a coincidence.

Jiangnan's assigned seat is actually in this class, and the invigilator is actually Hu Yifei?


Jiangnan's face fell.


I'm doomed.

Hu Yifei is the invigilator, and she will definitely keep a close eye on me! How can I control my score, how can I let him go easy?

Is it...

Is he really going to do something thankless?


The next second.

He was surprised.


Here it comes, the system task finally comes.

But it's completely different from the usual tasks that ask him to control his score to the passing line, this time it's actually...


"Please get 150 points in this Chinese language test."

Jiangnan: "???"


150 points?

Could it be that the system has really changed?

Starting from last week's physical test, I don't have to control my score to the passing line anymore, but to get full marks?


It's a pleasant surprise.

Although he is not a person who likes to show off, he doesn't like to be ostentatious, and wants to live a low-key life.


Since the system requires it.

Then he has no choice, he can't let him go easy anymore, he can only do it reluctantly.I can get 150 points!

Just right...

It can prevent Hu Yifei from causing trouble for me.

Although there are disadvantages, there are also advantages.


Soon, the test paper was handed out.

When other students just finished writing their names and test numbers and started to look at the questions, Jiangnan had already answered them quickly.

From basic multiple-choice questions, to ancient poetry appreciation, to classical Chinese analysis, to reading comprehension, and then to...

He was very fast. Basically, he knew the answer after just glancing at the questions, and he didn't need to think too much.

It can be said that...

The eyes are fast, the heart is fast, and the hands are even faster.

The ballpoint pen in his hand was like a super pile driver, "da da da" without stopping.

Tsk tsk!

The students around him didn't notice it.

After all...

They were all separated by a distance.

But Hu Yifei paid special attention to Jiangnan, so she looked at him from time to time, and then...

Hu Yifei was shocked.

"So fast!"

This was Hu Yifei's first thought.

"Don't you need to look at the questions and think about them? Or is this exam too easy?"

This was Hu Yifei's second thought.

With a curious attitude.

Hu Yifei took a blank paper and looked at it secretly while invigilating.

She wanted to see...

How simple this question was.

So much so that Jiangnan didn't even have to think about it.


It's really not difficult.

The previous multiple-choice questions and poetry dictation, as long as the students have a solid foundation, are no different from free points.

But when it comes to poetry appreciation...


This is a bit difficult!

"In response to Xi Mei's poem written while she was ill and shut herself up in the house, I wrote a poem in the same rhyme.

Lu Guimeng.

Although I missed the chance to get drunk in the spring city, I still haven't finished the poem.

I chanted the hundred acres of orchids on Ying'an, and wanted to pick the three beautiful ganodermas on Shangya.

The wild cranes have a wide cage to weave, and the monks in the mountains are not taught to cook.

But if Shen Yue's double pupils are healthy, he won't be afraid of the river flowers not filling the branches.

Question: What disease does the author's friend have?

Question: Briefly summarize the thoughts and feelings expressed in this poem."

Seeing this question.

Hu Yifei's eyelids jumped.

Lu Guimeng?

Generally speaking.

For Chinese poetry appreciation, poems by authors such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Lu You, and Bai Juyi are often selected.

After all...

These people are the most familiar.

But this time...

It was Lu Guimeng's?


Most students haven't heard of it!

This is not the point...

The point is that this poem is a bit biased!

The difficulty of this Chinese language test was raised instantly, and it is estimated that many students will not know how to do it.

Even if they do.

It is not easy to get full marks.

Put it aside for now, Hu Yifei continued to read.


It is the analysis of classical Chinese.

The next second...

Her expression froze and she was stunned.


Who made this question?

Are you sure this is for students?

The beginning of the test paper is very simple, and it is understandable that the poetry appreciation is a little more difficult, but what the hell is this classical Chinese?

The original text is as follows...

Yu Yu wanted to fish, and met me in Yu Yu.

Yu Yu: "I want to fish in Yu Yu, will you fish with me?"

Yu Yu Yu: "I want to sell jade, Yu Yu wants jade, I want to meet Yu in Yu Yu."

Yu Yu Yu and Yu Yu met Yu in Yu Yu, crossed Yu Yu, wanted to sell jade to Yu, met Yu, and the rain was over Yu Yu.

Yu Yu Yu: "I want to fish in Yuyu, and it rains. Do you want to fish? Or sell jade?"

Yu Yu and Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu Yu. The rain is getting better. Yu Yu and I walk over Yuyu, fishing in Yuyu.

Q: What does "yu" mean?

Q: What does "yu" mean?

Q: What does "yu" mean?

Q: What does "ju" mean?

Q: What does "ju" mean?

Q: Please talk about your understanding of this article.

Finally: Please translate the whole article.


Finish reading the article.

Hu Yifei burst out with anger, her eyelids twitched wildly, and she was not calm at all.


"The people who made this question are sick!"

"Or is this a wrong question???"


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