
"Can't hand in the paper before the time is up?"

Jiangnan was confused when he heard Hu Yifei's words.

Somewhat did not react.

Just because...

He usually finished the score-control test in ten minutes, and then slept until the end.

But today...

The system made him get full marks for the first time.

Especially full marks in Chinese.

For this reason.

He specially wrote a classical Chinese composition, which took a lot of time, thinking that the exam was almost over.

But the result is not yet?

Time is passing too slowly!

Jiangnan looked at the clock on the top of the blackboard and found that there was still nearly half an hour before the last fifteen minutes.


It seems a bit long.

What to do?

It's impossible to leave.

He finally finished the test, and was waiting to get full marks and earn points for the lottery afterwards.


There's nothing to do.

Just come back and sleep!

Jiangnan curled his lips, took the test paper back to his seat, yawned, and fell on the table again.


He fell asleep.


Seeing this scene.

Hu Yifei felt the corners of her mouth twitching wildly.

This person...

Really deserves a beating!

I am the invigilator, and you actually fell asleep again?

Even if you have finished, there is still so much time, can't you really check it?

Or are you really so confident that you can get full marks if you get all the questions right?


It feels like a useless person.

If it were someone else.

She would have dodged it long ago.

But since it was Jiangnan...

Think about it and forget it!

As long as he doesn't disturb other students taking the exam, he can sleep if he wants, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.


Did Jiangnan really not disturb the people around him when he slept?

Maybe not!

The students in front of him were fine, but the students on both sides and behind him had mixed feelings.


This is the treatment of a super academic master!

Such a difficult test paper.

Not only did the boy finish all the papers half an hour in advance, but he also slept on the table, and the invigilator didn't care?


It's too heartbreaking.

By the way...

Who is this boy?

Could he be the most powerful and famous Qin Feng in the school, who is known as the academic master among the academic masters?


Qin Feng shouldn't be so handsome!

Jiangnan's appearance can be said to be earth-shattering, the kind that can kill all boys into scum in seconds.

Although Qin Feng is very famous.

But that's because of his grades, not his appearance, otherwise Qin Feng would not only be an academic master, but also a school hunk.


This boy can't be Qin Feng.

If it's not Qin Feng, could it be Ye Zhiqiu, the school's basketball god and the number one school hunk?

That's not right.

Ye Zhiqiu is handsome.

But it is said that his grades are average, so it is impossible for him to finish the Chinese test so quickly.


This guy is not Ye Zhiqiu.


Ye Zhiqiu is not as handsome as Jiangnan!

It's really...

It's hard to understand!

This guy's Chinese level is very high, definitely comparable to Qin Feng, and he is very handsome, even better than Ye Zhiqiu.

I heard the invigilator call him twice before, it seems that this guy's name is Jiangnan... Jiangnan?

If I heard it correctly, it seems to be Jiangnan.


Which class is he from?

Is there such a person in our school?

Why haven't I heard anyone mention him?

He is good at it and handsome, there is no reason why he is not famous!

Could it be...

I have been too obsessed with studying recently, so I am ignorant and can't recognize the great man?

It seems...

I have to ask around later.

There is actually someone unknown to us, the gossipers, in this No. 3 Middle School. This is simply a slap in the face...

Tsk tsk!

Many students in the examination room were thinking about Jiangnan's identity, so much so that they had no time to do the questions.

But this...

Jiangnan didn't know.

Neither did Hu Yifei.

Otherwise, even if she had made an exception, she would have let Jiangnan hand in his paper and leave, so as not to disturb everyone's exam.

Of course.

She certainly didn't expect this.


Most of her thoughts were thinking about how it would be if she could see Jiangnan's paper.

To see how the whole text of his essay was.

She was so surprised that she didn't even finish reading it, and also whether his poetry appreciation and classical Chinese essays were all correct.


The paper was pressed down by Jiangnan's head.

She couldn't see it even if she wanted to.


She dug a hole for herself.

While Jiangnan was sleeping soundly.

Hu Yifei was in agony as she watched the seconds ticking slowly on the blackboard.


It was the first time she felt bad about time passing so slowly.

It was too slow.She didn't know how long she waited until the hands on the clock fell to 9:15.


"Hey, wake up!"

Hu Yifei hurriedly shook Jiangnan.

"Teacher, are you done with the exam?"

"Not yet... not yet, but in the last fifteen minutes, you can hand in your paper and go to eat."

"Oh, OK!"

Jiangnan rubbed his sleepy eyes, nodded to Hu Yifei, and got up and left the classroom.

As for putting the paper on the podium?

That's not necessary.

Because Hu Yifei had taken the paper away as soon as Jiangnan got up.

Jiangnan thought it was Hu Yifei who came to collect the paper.

But in fact...

It was Hu Yifei who couldn't wait to see his paper!

When the surrounding classmates saw this scene, they felt injured and lost a million points of blood again, and were stabbed again.

"Damn it!"

"How could such a thing happen in the examination room?"

"The student was sleeping."

"And the invigilator didn't care."

"There are still fifteen minutes until the end of the exam, and it's just time to hand in the paper."

"But the invigilator took the initiative to wake that person up, asked him to hand in the paper and go to eat, and even helped collect the papers?"



Many students were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

They would never believe it.


Strange things happen every year, but this year there are especially many.

When other candidates want to hand in their papers early, the invigilator will repeatedly emphasize and ask them to check more times.

But when it comes to Jiangnan, he does the opposite?

Needless to say...

This Jiangnan will soon become famous.

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