As the initiator.

Hu Yifei did not notice the little thoughts of the surrounding students or the complexity on their faces.

Just because...

She is reading Jiangnan's test paper.

"This, this, this..."

"They're all right?"

"Awesome, it turns out this is how this question is done."

"And the poem appreciation, the answer is really good!"

"From the allusion about Shen Yue's double pupils, we can infer that the author's friend is suffering from an eye disease, which is exactly what he said."


"This thought and emotion answer is even more subtle."

"The first is to express the regret of not being able to get together with friends, write poems, drink together, and enjoy the spring scenery."

"The second is to comfort friends and express their confidence in their ability to overcome the disease and their prospects for a better life in the future."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful."

“Not only is it layered, but it’s also simple and clear.”

"Even if it's a reference answer, it won't be so accurate! This answer must be full marks..."


As soon as I saw Jiangnan’s test paper.

Hu Yifei was completely shocked.

Then I was immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself.

Looking from front to back.

Whatever she could do and could determine the answer to, without exception, Jiang Nan would get it right 100% of the time.


Even she found it difficult to appreciate poetry.

Jiang Nan also wrote the answer fluently without saying anything, and it was also clear and clear, without any unnecessary words.

What words should be used to describe it?

This is an even more standard answer than the standard answer. One word more is too much, and one word less is too little.


"He is truly a heavenly being!"

"This man is incredible, so terrifying!"

"Inhuman, inhuman!"


Various words flashed through Hu Yifei's mind, but none of them felt worthy of Jiang Nan's amazing talent.

Especially when she went further and saw the analysis of classical Chinese articles, her eyes widened and she was completely stunned.


"This is a wonderful answer!"

"Desire, vendetta, overpass, and zhenzhe actually mean this!"

"Damn, this translation is even better. It's really enlightening. I've learned a lot. I've learned a lot..."


That classical Chinese article stumped countless students.

Hu Yifei was confused when she read it before. The whole text was in one tone, and she really couldn't figure out what it meant without spending a lot of time.


Jiangnan's translation was so smooth.

This is really the rhythm of the Yangtze River where the waves behind push the waves ahead, and her wave in front is knocked over on the beach.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell rang and exam time was over.


As the invigilator, Hu Yifei stood beside Jiangnan's table, holding the paper in her hand and keeping silent.

Needless to say……

Too drunk to hear the bell ring.

"Teacher Hu, the exam is over and the test papers are collected!"

"Huh? Oh, good!"

It wasn't until another invigilator reminded her that Hu Yifei came to her senses and quickly stopped the exam.

"Okay, the exam is over."

"Stop writing and hand in the paper quickly."

"Students in red clothes behind you, please put down your pen. If you write again, I will register you."

"It's too serious, but you will get zero points!"


Most people in the class handed in their papers.

But there are always a few who are unwilling to give in. They seize the last minute of submission time and are still writing in a hurry.


This is already a violation of the exam rules.

Hu Yifei quickly walked over and stopped him.


"Is this the end?"

"I've just started writing my composition!"



The student who was stopped by Hu Yifei burst into tears on the spot when he saw that there were still large blanks on his paper.

That's sad!

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a river of tears.

See this scene.

Many students around me felt sad.

Obviously they all feel the same way!

To this.

Although Hu Yifei was sympathetic, an exam was an exam. Since the time was up, the papers had to be taken away, so she did not give extra time because the student was crying.

Speaking of which...

She also knows this classmate.

If she remembered correctly, he was the Chinese class representative from Class 3 next door, a very powerful one.

It's hard to say about other subjects, but when it comes to Chinese, he is definitely number one in Class 3 and among the top five in grade.


She looked at the other party's paper.

Tsk tsk!

That's terrible.

The appreciation of poetry is blank, the analysis of classical Chinese is blank, and only half of the composition is written?

Just these three big pieces, at least sixty points were lost.

It seems difficult to pass.


If even a student who is so good at Chinese fails to pass, wouldn’t the others be even worse?

Think of this.

Hu Yifei suddenlyRan's heart tightened, "It seems that our whole class will fail in this Chinese exam."

"I just don't know if Qin Yumo can pass. If even she can't, then the whole class is doomed."



"Except Jiangnan."

"I just looked at Jiangnan's paper. Almost all of them are correct. I haven't read the composition carefully yet, but even if it's not counted as a composition, it can pass."

"As for this composition, I have to observe it carefully."

"As long as it doesn't go too far off the topic, I will give it full marks..."

"Doesn't that mean..."

"He is likely to get 150 points?"


Hu Yifei was stunned by her own thoughts.

150 points?

Is it possible?

In the whole No. 3 Middle School, in the past ten years, no student has ever been able to get full marks in the Chinese exam, right?

After all...

Chinese is not like other subjects.

Whether it is mathematics, foreign languages, or physics, chemistry, and biology, there are always some academic masters who can get full marks.

But Chinese is absolutely impossible.

Because in the composition section, there is a high probability that points will be deducted.

But this time...

Although she did not understand Jiangnan's composition, just looking at the classical Chinese format was enough to amaze her.

If she were to mark the papers.

I really don't want to deduct a single point!

As for Hu Yifei's thoughts.

The person involved, Jiangnan, naturally did not know.

He is now...

Eating in the cafeteria.

The school already knew that this exam was not easy and the students were very tired, so they specially ordered the cafeteria to add extra meals, including braised pork, sweet and sour spare ribs, and chicken legs.

Tsk tsk!

The first one to be cheap is Jiangnan.

Oh, it smells so good!

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