Will the students in Class 4 collapse?

Jiangnan didn’t know.

But what he knew was…

He was about to collapse.

Before, he was thinking that if he just translated the essay he wrote, it would be easy.

It would be done in three minutes.

Then he could go back to the classroom.

But the result…

was a slap in the face.


He thought it was too simple.

Not to mention three minutes, even thirty minutes, one hundred and thirty minutes, he couldn’t handle it.

The thirst for knowledge of these Chinese teachers was as strong as Bai Yingying’s, and it was enough to torture people to death.

When Jiangnan was translating the essay.

These Chinese teachers, sitting on small stools and holding small notebooks, asked questions one after another, word by word, like archaeology.

For example: "I have always admired the noble righteousness of Boyi and Shuqi who refused to eat Zhou chestnuts. Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be damaged, bamboo can be broken but its joints cannot be destroyed. A scholar dies for his confidant, and a person lives because of honesty. How can I be willing to eat Wu millet and live in the world?"

There are many allusions involved.

The number of questions is no less than fifty.

In short.

Three minutes.

Another three minutes.

Another three minutes.

Until the end of the evening self-study.

He barely finished explaining the composition.

Among them, Yue Laosan wanted to ask questions.

In the end, the team leader Wu Jiehao couldn't stand it anymore, interrupted Yue Laosan, and suppressed the countless questions accumulated by many teachers, and asked Jiangnan to go back and rest first.

So far.

Jiangnan felt relieved and ran away.


This is simply a huge pit!

The kind that kills people without compensation.

This group of Chinese teachers are devils who eat people without leaving any bones. They are three times more powerful than the female devil Hu Yifei.

"Sure enough!"

"People should be more low-key."

"If it was before, it would never be like this."

"But now..."

"I can't calm down even if I want to."

"It hurts!"

"It's all because of the damn system."


The next day.

The atmosphere of the whole school was a little tense.

Especially the senior class.

Most of the students spent their time in anxiety.

Just because...

The monthly exam is over.

They are all waiting for the results to come out.

Although they all expected that they would not do well in the exam.

But they also want to know how much they have scored, how many places they rank in the class, and how many places they rank in the school.

What is the highest score in the class, and what is the highest score in the school.

Who is the first in the class, and who is the first in the school.


Should be the consensus of all students after every exam.

No matter if they have good grades or average grades.


One class passed.

Two classes passed.

The morning class passed.

The monthly exam results have not come out yet.

Everyone was a little disappointed.

But in the last class in the afternoon.

The results finally came out.

Class 304.

This class was supposed to be a physical education class.

But the class teacher called it up at the last minute.




As soon as the bell rang, Hu Yifei walked into the classroom with a clanging and chaotic step.

Let me make it clear first.

She was not wearing high heels.

But the footsteps were so heavy that they almost covered the bell.


Everyone in the class had a solemn face, tensed body, and didn't even dare to breathe.

Needless to say.

The monthly exam results should be out.

But the test was definitely not good.

So that the deadly female devil is angry?

Wait quietly.

Don't mess with her.


Hu Yifei walked into the classroom without looking at everyone, but stared at Jiangnan behind her meaningfully.

Ten seconds.

Thirty seconds.

One minute.


Hu Yifei didn't speak.

And she didn't speak.

Naturally, other people in the class didn't dare to ask more.

For a while.

The atmosphere in the classroom was very strange, so quiet that you could hear each other's heartbeats, bang bang bang!

In response to this.

Jiangnan's heart was also tight.

He had to secretly lower his head and use his special skills, "Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me..."

Just like that.

It was a stalemate for a long time.

Hu Yifei shifted her gaze, took out the report card and said to everyone: "The results of this monthly exam are out, but I don't need to say more, you also know how you did in the exam, right?"



Many students lowered their heads.


None of them did well in the exam.

They felt ashamed and could not face anyone.

"To be honest."

"I am really ashamed for you."

"Although the questions in this monthly exam are generally difficult, you are notAs for the test results like this, right? "

"Take Chinese, for example."

"Even if the poetry appreciation and classical Chinese parts are difficult, the total score is 150! You can't even get 100 points, and there are not even a few who can pass?"

The whole audience was depressed.

Many people were about to cry.

They can't even get 100 points, they are talking about them!

I hope they can pass.

Otherwise, I will be sad and cry like a river.

"But there is one thing to be happy about."

"That is, in the history of the Chinese exams in the entire No. 3 Middle School, no one has ever been able to get a perfect score, but this time, someone got a perfect score of 150, and it was in our class. "




As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience was shocked.


Full score?

150 points?

Is there anyone who can get 150 points in Chinese?

That's awesome!

Who is this person?

Could it be...

"Shua shua shua!"

Almost subconsciously.

Everyone turned their eyes to Jiangnan's position.

Including Qin Yumo, Su Yu, Zhang Hao and Tang Tiantian.

If there is anyone who can really get full marks, it should be Jiangnan who has been rumored in the past two days, right?

"You are right. The only student in our class who scored more than 100 in Chinese and broke the record of No. 3 Middle School and got a full score of 150 is Jiangnan. "

Hu Yifei made the final decision.



Many people present took a breath of cold air.

They stared with wide eyes.

Looking at Jiangnan in disbelief.


They had already made preparations for this.

Especially Qin Yumo, Su Yu, Zhang Hao and others, who had guessed that Jiangnan would get full marks in Chinese yesterday.


When they got the official confirmation.

They were still shocked.

Except Bai Yingying.

"In terms of Chinese alone, I can't beat Jiangnan, but his total score is only 600, so I still have hope to catch up. "

Qin Yumo was shocked, and secretly clenched her fists to cheer herself up.

This was her only remaining belief.

As for Su Yu, Zhang Hao and others, they had already despaired yesterday and no longer had the courage to compete with Jiangnan.

All they had left.

All they could do was look up to Jiangnan and marvel at him.

"Nan Shen is worthy of being Nan Shen. I didn't expect him to get full marks in Chinese. He is so amazing."

"Full marks in Chinese! I dare not even think about it."

"I was confused when I saw the poetry appreciation and classical Chinese. I didn't expect Jiangnan to do it."

"And the composition is also difficult."

"But Jiangnan even got full marks in the composition?"

"It's incredible!"

"He will be my only idol in the future."



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