
"Everyone, be quiet. Listen to me first."

"Jiangnan not only got full marks in Chinese, but also got 150 in math and 300 in comprehensive science, all full marks."

Just when the classmates were shocked, Hu Yifei knocked on the table again and threw out a trump card.




As soon as this was said, the whole class was shocked again.


"Full marks in math and comprehensive science?"

Except Bai Yingying.

Everyone present began to doubt their ears.

They knew that Jiangnan was a hidden academic master, knew that Jiangnan did very well in the exam this time, and knew that Jiangnan might get full marks.

But they never thought...

Jiangnan was good at Chinese, and got full marks in math and comprehensive science.

After all...

Jiangnan said it last night.

His total score was about 600 points.

600 points is very high.

So high that they all looked up to him.

But the total score of the monthly exam was 750.

Jiangnan's total score is 600, which means that it is impossible for him to get so many full marks.

But now...

Hu Yifei's words confused them.

Jiangnan's total score is 600, and Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science are all full marks, which adds up to 600!

Then how to calculate foreign language?

Could it be that Jiangnan got 0 points in foreign language?

How is that possible?

Jiangnan is so good at Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, even if foreign language is bad, it can't be 0 points!

What's more...

If they remember correctly.

Jiangnan's grades in the past have always been mediocre, and his scores in various subjects are not high, but he seems to be able to pass.

In other words...

Jiangnan's foreign language score is at least 90 points?


A premonition emerged in everyone's mind.

Because Hu Yifei can't lie.

Jiangnan's foreign language score can't be 0 points.

Then excluding these impossibilities, the only possibility left is... Jiangnan lied last night?

Jiangnan's total score is not 600.

And it is very likely to be 700, or even higher?

But why did Jiangnan do that?

"Shua shua shua!"

Except Bai Yingying, everyone cast a puzzled look at Jiangnan again.

As for the class leader Qin Yumo, his body trembled, his face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes looking at Jiangnan were full of complexity.

That was shock, panic, despair and powerlessness.

Plus a little bit of relief.

Just because...

Others don't know why Jiangnan lied.

But she had a kind of understanding in her heart.


Jiangnan did it for her?

If Jiangnan didn't say the total score was 600 last night, but 700, she would have collapsed long ago.

But Jiangnan didn't want to hit her too hard.

So he lied?

Gave her some buffer time?

So now that she knows Jiangnan's real score, she can still keep a little relief?

In fact...

She thinks too much.

Everyone present thinks too much.

Jiangnan didn't lie last night.


He didn't have a chance to explain.

"Teacher, what's Jiangnan's score in Foreign Language?"

"Teacher, Jiangnan got full marks in Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, so he must have done well in Foreign Language, right?"

"He must have done well in Foreign Language, right?"

"He must have done well in Foreign Language, right? I can't say he got full marks, but he must have passed, and he must have passed 100."

"Then the total score is 700?"

"Fuck, 700?"

"What a crazy score!"

"Our school has never had such a high score, right?"

"Teacher, with Jiangnan's grades, he must be the best. Even if he was the top school for three years, Qin Feng, who is called a super school bully, can't compare it this time? "" Oh, Qin Feng must not be better than Jiangnan. "It’ s the first to win the school. "" It is indeed Nan Shen. "" 66666 ... "" ... "Everyone asked himself for a while. Then, he cheered and had glory. One by one was happy. But ... what they didn't find. When they thought it was correct, Jiangnan felt scalp. "Give me quiet!" Once again, Hu Yifei knocked on the table, but it was not until the handle knocked on, and the class was quiet. "Don't guess randomly."

"Jiangnan Foreign Language did not get full marks, not 100, nor 90, but zero."

"So his total score is 600, not one point more, not one point less,Second in the school."





As soon as these words came out, the whole audience once again...


No shock.

Some were just stunned, stunned?

Yes, stunned, even dumbfounded.

In an instant.

The classroom fell into a strange silence.


Did they really hear it right?

Jiangnan scored full marks in Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science, adding up to 600, but the total score was still 600?

Just because...

He got 0 points in foreign language?

How is this possible?

In the three years of high school, no one in the whole class has ever got 0 points in foreign language, right? The lowest score should be more than ten or twenty.

Could it be that...

Jiangnan handed in a blank paper in foreign language?

Did it happen on purpose?


"Why are you all standing there?"

"Although Jiangnan is only the second in the school, he is still the second in the school after all. Isn't it the best result in our class? ”

“Why don’t you applaud, congratulate him, thank him…bring honor to our class…?”


Seeing that everyone was stunned.

Hu Yifei couldn’t help but knocked on the table.

But the words “bring honor to our class” were spoken word by word, as if they jumped out of her throat.

Even a fool could feel that there was great dissatisfaction and even anger in her words.

Jiangnan: “…”

Everyone present: “…”

This is not easy to respond to!

It’s really magical.

Bai Yingying, Fatty Wang, Qin Yumo, Su Yu, Zhang Hao and others all looked at Jiangnan in unison.

Just felt that…

This person is really…very handsome.

“Teacher, is Qin Feng still the first in the school?”


“What is Qin Feng’s total score?”


“Just 2 points more?”

“Yes, just 2 points more.” ”

Someone suddenly mustered up the courage to ask three questions, and Hu Yifei also cooperated and answered directly.

But after the answer, the whole audience was silent.

Jiangnan: “? ? ?”

As the instigator, his face suddenly turned black, and he swore that he really didn’t mean it.


If someone is willing to believe it.

But everyone present: “#¥%#*? ? ? ”

Speechless complaints.

Not on purpose?

Even a fool wouldn’t believe it!

Your foreign language score is 0, and your total score in Chinese, math and science alone is 600, just 2 points less than Qin Feng?

Only 2 points?

A 150-point foreign language test.

Even if you don’t write the composition, don’t fill in the blanks, and just fill in the blanks of the multiple-choice questions, you can get more than 2 points, right?

Isn’t this...

Deliberately mocking someone for being stupid?

Or do you have a grudge against someone?

Deliberately slapping him in the face?


This slap in the face is quite satisfying.

It feels good.

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