On the other side.

In the classroom of Class 301, which is on the same floor as Class 304 but at the other end of the corridor.

At this moment...

Its head teacher Xiao Dawang was also announcing the monthly exam results with a complicated expression, "This time, our class did not perform as well as in the past, but given that the test paper is relatively difficult, it is understandable."

"The first in the school is still in our class."

"That's Qin Feng."

"He scored 105 in Chinese, 108 in mathematics, 259 in comprehensive science, 130 in foreign language, and a total score of 602, which is worthy of praise."


"Pa pa pa!"

As soon as his voice fell.

Warm applause rang out in the class.

This is the routine operation of the class after every exam.

From the first year of high school to the third year of high school.

In every exam, Qin Feng ranked first in the school.


As soon as the head teacher announced the results.

Everyone would applaud Qin Feng.

It was both congratulations and a sense of pride.

Although he was not the first in the school, he was his classmate, so he should be proud of it, right?

In this regard.

Qin Feng, who was sitting in the first row, also looked calm.

After all.

This was expected.

No matter how he took the exam.

He had been the first in the school for the past three years, and he was far ahead of the second place. He could be called the lone warrior.

Even though this exam was more difficult, there were many accidents in the middle, and there was a boy named Jiangnan who was rumored to be very likely to surpass him.


From beginning to end.

He didn't care about Jiangnan at all.

Especially yesterday in the cafeteria, he took the initiative to check answers with Jiangnan, but Jiangnan arrogantly refused.

He didn't regard Jiangnan as an opponent.

In his opinion.

Even if Jiangnan had certain strength.

But it was more exaggerated and superficial.

His opponent.

There would always be only himself.

As for Jiangnan, that boy was not worthy.


The next second.

Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Just because...

After reading out his total score, class teacher Xiao Dawang did not mention his name again, but continued.

"The second place in the class is Luo Min, with 92 in Chinese, 98 in Mathematics, 246 in Science, 121 in Foreign Language, and a total score of 557, ranking fifth in the school. He has made great progress and deserves praise."



"The ninth place in the class is Li Ming, with 85 in Chinese, 55 in Mathematics, 230 in Science, 140 in Foreign Language, and a total score of 510."


"What do you think of this result?"

"Li Ming, your test results this time are a bit unexpected?"

"Chinese and Science are okay, but Mathematics is your best. Even if the test paper is difficult this time, you should not get only 55 points. This is too abnormal. You have to reflect on yourself."


"Foreign languages ​​have always been your weakness. You usually score between 90 and 100 in exams."

"But this time..."

"You actually scored 140."

"All the previous questions were full marks, but the composition was deducted 10 points. The score of this subject ranked first in the school. The rapid progress is incredible and deserves special praise."

"When you have time, come up and share your experience of rapid improvement with everyone for everyone to learn..."



Qin Feng: "???"

He felt something was wrong.

But at first.

He couldn't find out what was wrong.


When the head teacher read out Li Ming's score.

He finally realized that it seemed that when Xiao Dawang announced his score, it seemed too simple.

If it were the past.

In addition to reading out his individual subject scores, total scores, and the first place in the school, Xiao Dawang should also say that his scores in each individual subject are also the first in the school.

Just like Li Ming's foreign language score of 140, ranking first in the school.


This time.

Xiao Dawang didn't say it.

This means...

Although he ranked first in the school in total score, his scores in each individual subject were not the first in the school?

Among them, the first place in foreign language was taken away by Li Ming.


A full ten points more than him.

What about Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science?

Who ranked first in each?

Three years.

It's been three years.

His scores in each individual subject are the first in the school, and no one has ever been able to compete with him, let alone surpass him.

But now...

Except for the total score, which is still the first.

His first place in each subject has been taken away by someone else?

How is this possible?

He would never believe it even if he was beaten to death.

But the facts were before his eyes, and he had to believe it.

"Teacher, tell me, in this exam, am I only the first in the school in terms of total score, but not in any subject?

Qin Feng, who had come to his senses, asked the question impatiently before Xiao Dawang finished reading the scores of the whole class.

Xiao Dawang: "..."

His spiritHis expression was complicated, and he didn't know how to answer.

"If you don't say it, it means you agree. Teacher, tell me, what are the first places in Chinese, mathematics and comprehensive science?"

Xiao Dawang: "..."

His expression was complicated, and it was still difficult to answer.


Qin Feng was also stubborn. He stood up and stared at Xiao Dawang: "Teacher, please tell me, what are the first places in each subject, and who got them?"

"Ahem, Qin Feng, your total score is already the first, so it doesn't matter whether you are the first in a single subject!"

Xiao Dawang coughed and refused politely.

"No, from the first year of high school to now, whether it is the total score or a single subject, I have always been the first, but this time, I lost all the first places in a single subject, so I must know."

Qin Feng's attitude was very firm.


Even his eyes were red.

Obviously he had to know.


I would never give up.


"Qin Feng, you'd better stop asking. Just study!"

"This monthly exam is very difficult, especially Chinese and mathematics, which are much more difficult than the college entrance examination."

"But you can still get 602 points. As long as you keep working hard, you have a great chance of getting into Tsinghua and Peking University. Come on."

Xiao Dawang clenched his fist towards Qin Feng to show encouragement, but he avoided talking about the latter question.


The more he did this.

The more anxious Qin Feng became, the redder his eyes became.


A bad premonition emerged in his heart.

"No, teacher, are you hiding something from me? Please, just tell me!"

"Anyway, even if you don't tell me, I will still know once the scores of the whole school come out, right?"

Xiao Dawang: "..."


This unlucky child.

Why don't you listen to advice?

The teacher doesn't tell you, it's also for your own good!

I have been your class teacher for three years, don't I know you?

Although the grades are very good.

I always take the first place in every exam.

But because I have never met an opponent, I have developed a kind of arrogance in my bones, which can be said to be arrogant.

Of course.

This kind of arrogance has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is.

If I can continue to be undefeated until the college entrance examination, with this kind of arrogance, I may really be able to break the shackles of the entire No. 3 Middle School for nearly ten years and get into the famous universities of Tsinghua and Peking University in one fell swoop.


There are also disadvantages.

Just like now.

If one or two dark horses suddenly appear and take away the first place in a single subject, it will easily cause a blow to you.

If you are not careful.

Your confidence will be completely destroyed, then you are finished.

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