Twisted limbs, terrible face. Never mind being scratched by broken glass.

Mechanical coordination of the strange body, from the bar window, door, crowded in.

Originally a little empty bar, suddenly become crowded.

Human like creatures, with a terrible smell of infiltration.

The eyes of all creatures are focused on Han Zhen.

With the appearance of a companion, the bartender is much more stable. Even if Han Zhen is very strong, he can't escape in front of so many companions.

"You may be staying here, sir. Although there is little sunshine here, there is no pressure in life. " The bartender said with a smile.

"I won't stay here for long. If I ask the questions I want to ask, I will leave." Han Zhen said.

"It's impossible." Bartender no longer hide, "we will not let you leave, you can't leave."

Even if Han Zhen is very strong, the bartender has enough confidence.

"I'll leave." Han Zhen shook his head, the reason why he didn't do it, because he still had a question, "tell me, where is your master?"

"It's impossible, unless I die." The bartender smiles, and the smile is getting bigger and bigger. Open mouth, extend to your ears.

Full of serrated mouth, voice mixed heavy, "give your blood."


The lights are turbulent.

The human body changes and twists, with sharp claws and sharp teeth.

The smell of blood rose.

All kinds of humanoid creatures come at Han Zhen.

Han Zhen holds the glass and swallows the wine.

The high concentration of whisky burns Han Zhen's mouth and is full of discomfort.

Han Zhen wants to spit it out.

Han Zhen stands up.

The clear liquor turns into a little flame when it meets the wind.

Every bit of flame is connected.

In the crowded bar, the red fire lotus is in full bloom.

The texture of Huolian is clearly visible. The flames flow.

Poop, poop!

The blood servant bumps into the fire lotus.

The fire lotus has a very strong flammability.

Boom boom!

The fire on the blood servant burned quickly. Almost ten breaths, stained with fire lotus blood, the servant has been engulfed by the fire.


Only the burning sound of the blood servant.

The rest of the blood servants showed a look of fear. Although the blood servant is close to non-human, he still has reason.

Under the red fire lotus, they feel the crisis of death.


Some of the blood servants jumped on the wall and left with their hands and feet touching the wall.

"I want to escape." Han Zhenyi points to the wind and flicks at Huolian.

Fire lotus soars.

Ejected countless Mars.

Poop, poop, poop.

The bloody servant, who had just escaped from the distance, had Mars on his body and was engulfed by flames.

The silent and dark island of Ratte, several flames rising.

The bar was silent.

Fire lotus burning, the whole bar reflects the texture of red.

The bartender at the back of the bar turned pale. Under the siege of the blood servant, the warrior may fall into disunity. But Han Zhen's means, he gave birth to fear.

This flame seems to be born for them. Even though the blood servant has part of the ability of the blood clan and can't be seriously injured, he is not vulnerable to the fire.

Han Zhen's fingers fell on the bar.

The bartender stopped breathing.

The falling blood seems to be summoned to roll. Follow Han Zhen's fingers and roll up.

Into Han Zhen's wound.

Han Zhen's wound instantly healed.

Han Zhen laughed, "now it's time to tell me where your master is."

The fire lotus burned out.

The bartender's pale face was hidden in the dark.

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