Blood servant, have their own will.

It's just, this will, it's just part of it.

Branded by vampires, their lives are in the hands of their masters. Even if it is claimed that their own will, but also only a part.

In extreme cases, blood servants can even be ordered to commit suicide.

The bartender's face showed a smile. "They're dead, and you're going to die."

Han Zhen nodded and said in a very positive tone: "I know that you still have plans behind you. So, let's go. "

The bartender smiles. In Han Zhen's body, he sees the strong and incomparable self-confidence of the Oriental, but what about that?

He's going to use his life to start the last resort.

The bartender's body looked like a switch on.

His spirit became obscure, and his vigorous body withered rapidly, and his essence seemed to be abstracted invisibly.

It's just the direction of the loss of essence.

The vast night sky.

The essence of red goes up to the sky.

The column of essence Qi rushes to the height of tens of meters, as if encountering an invisible barrier.

Under the impact of the barrier, the essence column scattered in all directions and fell into the earth.

The dark island of Ratte, emerging out of the red chain road.

The range of links is very wide, far away, even thousands of meters away.

Chains emerge.

On the dark earth, the chain is burning with blood.

All the flames, rushing to the location of the bar.

This is the center of the chain.

With the burning of the bloody flame, the island of Ratte is shaking.

There are cracks in the earth.

It's like the end of the day.


The ground breaks and the rocks move.

The bar broke and disappeared.

Han Zhen's position is directly fragmented.

The broken stones fly to the sky, forming a huge cage.

Towards Han Zhen.

This is the preparation of Ratte island for all forces that do not belong to itself.

The whole island of LAT is completely covered by the array. With the power of heaven and earth, everything is locked up.

The blood clan has been on Ratte island for a long time. Naturally, their preparation is extremely sufficient.

The whole island of Ratte is a net.

No matter who comes here, they may not be able to leave at all.

Han Zhen noticed the changes around him, and the strong aura fluctuation was almost equivalent to boiling.

In this strong fluctuation, even Han Zhen is difficult to use the aura around him.

Han Zhen stirred up the Tianhe flying sword in his body.

Tianhe flying sword has a little space attribute, which can launch the power of space in an emergency.

It's just that the cage of stones directly suppresses everything.

Even if it's out of control.

Han Zhen is locked in the center of the array.

Nine days is a prison.

Ten places are cages.

The fragmented earth is not enough to make Han Zhen work.

For the first time after his rebirth, Han Zhen fell into a crisis in a remote polar region.

"So strong." Han Zhen has known for a long time that this is a place of great danger. But still didn't expect, the blood clan can do this step.

It can be seen that after thousands of years of operation, the blood clan has made this place a dead place.

In Han Zhen's body, the golden elixir rotates at high speed, almost producing virtual shadow.

The true element in the meridians causes the vibration of the surrounding aura. The power in the body is instantly extracted by the golden elixir.

Even the energy of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Buzz, buzz!

There are seven colors of light around.

Each light has a different flavor, either bright or dark.

It is the separation of Reiki.

In the seven colors of light, the purple Qi rises.

Congenital purple Qi.

Congenital purple pill.

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