Yue Xinyan is a strong guy in his whole life. When did he admit his advice?

Hua Pengcheng knew this, so he asked him.

Yue Xinyan pointed to Ye Hao and said, "this is Ye Hao, ye Gongzi."

"Ye Hao?" Hua Pengcheng can't help but look at Ye Hao.

At this point, Hua Pengcheng has an impulse to vomit blood.

Hua Pengcheng is not the same as Yue Xinyan.

Hua Pengcheng met Ye Hao when he was in jiuchongtian.

"Mr. Ye." Hua Pengcheng said with a bitter smile.

"Hua zhanxiong, the son of your Chinese family, has been targeting me several times. I don't think he has done anything in your face, but he is grabbing my Koi with his nose on his face." Ye Hao looked bad and said, "who's in my way to invite my friends to dinner?"

"Koi?" Yue Xinyan said in surprise, "but the koi in the Dachuan river?"

"Seven grade Koi." Ye Hao looked at Yue Xinyan and said, "your son-in-law robbed me of my two seven grade Koi without saying hello. I don't have to worry about your identity with them. However, the children of your family should never break into my box. If you want to take away these Koi, they will humiliate my friends in public. I especially want to know one thing. Your disciples in law are so rude and don't tell me Is it reasonable? "

Yue Xinyan smiles bitterly.

The children of Yue's family are not arrogant. He knows it very well.

As a matter of fact, how many disciples of great power are not arrogant? It's just that the disciples of these big powers have great eyesight, and those who can't afford to offend will certainly accompany them with a smile.

But if you can offend it, just trample on it.

Is Yue Qingtian wrong?

What he is wrong is not arrogance, but arrogance and wrong object.

You don't think it's acceptable, but that's what it is.

Dandies can't be stopped at any time.

"It's the wrong thing for my wife's family to do." Yue Xinyan pondered for a while and then said, "my wife's family will take out your satisfactory compensation."

"Then take the man back." Ye Hao said faintly.

It's OK to have Yue Xinyan.

Ye Hao doesn't think Yue Xinyan will give him empty checks.

Yue Xinyan holds Yue Qingtian and Yue Zhixuan in his hand. When he leaves, Ye Hao's voice rings in his ear.

"I don't want the news that I came to quadruple days to leak."

"I understand." Yue Xinyan nodded.

After Yue Xinyan left, Hua Pengcheng also said, "Donghua emperor will take out your satisfactory compensation."

Ye Hao waved.

Hua Pengcheng left with Hua zhanxiong.

Chen Dian's mind moved, and the monks in the immortal tower woke up one by one.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you." At this time, Chen Dian's voice resounded throughout the audience, "in this way, all your consumption today will be 30% off. In addition, we will give you a special dish."

All the diners in Zuixian building were shocked.


Which specialty of zuixianlou can't be more than 100000.

The resentment in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

Chen closed the moon rubbed a little swollen head way, "what happened just now?"

"It's settled." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"How to solve it?"

"After my criticism and education, they realized their mistakes and promised to pay compensation."

Chen closed the moon can't help but stare big eyes, "are you teasing me?"

How can you reason with the existence of Yue Xinyan?

I'm afraid that's only about fists!

"If you don't eat the fish, it won't taste good." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Where's your fish?" Chen closed the moon light voice way.

"I don't eat Koi once or twice." Ye Hao doesn't care.

Chen closed the moon also no longer speech.

Luo Fu hesitated and pushed the koi beside him. "I don't like fish."

Ye Hao was stunned and immediately said, "the taste of koi is great."

What else should Luo Fu say? Ye Hao said, "I have thousands of creations. I don't care about this."

Looking at Luo Fu's disbelieving look, Ye Hao's mind moves, and a space barrier separates the four sides.

"Luo Fu, how much fortune do you have

"I have three hundred and sixty virtues."

"I'll give you some now." When Ye Hao said this, he urged the creation in the sea of knowledge. At the next moment, the void above Luofu's head broke open, and then a series of creations poured out from it.

These lights of creation poured into her sea of knowledge one after another.

64 lights of nature.

"Now your nature is 424." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What is this?" Luo Fu exclaimed.

"I have a destiny." Ye Hao said that the void on the top of Luofu's head was split again, and there was more creation coming out of it than before."You see, you can give it to others." Ye Hao said in a low voice, "if I set foot in the fairyland, I can give you another fortune. At that time, the light of creation will be as high as 256 lights of creation."

"Is there such a creation in the world?" Luo Fu exclaimed.

"Fortune has such a nature." Ye Hao said softly.

"Lucky star?"

"You'll see it in the future."


"Now you can eat Koi safely?"


After Ye Hao removed the space barrier, Chi Lian fairy flashed her big eyes and asked, "what did you two just do?"

"What do you think you can do?"

"What can't be done in such a short time?" Red practice fairy holds chin to think for a while to say.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Fu blushed.

"Luo Fu, you said you were OK. What are you blushing about?" Chi Lian fairy giggled, "did you two really do something just now? Mr. Ye, your time will not be so short? "

"Why don't you try it?" Ye Hao glanced at Chilian fairy.

"Well, well, after dinner, I'll wash the white." What Ye Hao didn't expect was that Chilian fairy said this.

"Stop for a while." Ye Hao shook his head.

When everyone was well fed, Chen invited Ye Hao and his party to the residence of laurel Holy Land in Donghua city.

Ye Hao refused.

"There are two days to go before the competition starts. I will have a good rest in these two days." After Ye Hao said goodbye to Chen closed moon, he took Luo Fu and his party out of Donghua city.

"It won't take long for me to leave the quadruple sky, so if you can't solve something, you can go to xiaoyaoge." Ye Hao patted shisan on the shoulder.

"You should take good care of gongziye." Shi San has some choking passages.

"I will." Ye Hao nods.

Shi San takes a deep look at Ye Hao and jumps onto the main warship that Ye Hao gave him.

After leaving Ye Hao, Shi San is very sad, but after seeing the attractive Li Yan and other women, Shi San turns into a hungry wolf and pours Li Yan down.

"Chi Lian, where are you going Ye Hao looks at the woman in red.

"Didn't you let me sleep?" Chilian asked curiously.

Ye Hao has a big head.

When he moved, he took Luofu to tear up the space and appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

"Take advantage of these two days to learn Qidao." Ye Hao waved his hand in mid air, and Ye Hao's special class warship appeared.

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