Ye Hao's superior warship has the ability of invisibility after Ye Hao's refitting, and Ye Hao's array ability can't be seen through unless the Immortal King is strong.

In addition, there is a spirit of Ye Hao on the warship, which is guarding all the time for 24 hours.

"Refining tools can't be refined in a day or two." Luo Fu hesitated for a moment or said.

"Weapon refining competition needs audition, preliminary competition and final competition." Ye Hao said with a light smile, "how can the end of a month's time come to an end?"

"I forgot that." Luo Fu immediately realized, "as a seeded player, I directly advanced to the final."

"So, a month is not enough time for your promotion?"


"You can always ask me if you have any questions." Ye Hao leads Luo Fu to a luxurious room.


"Here are some of the experience in the battle, I think it should help you." Ye Hao said and left seven or eight secret scripts.

After Ye Hao left, Luo Fu picked up these secret scripts and checked them one by one.

Looking at Luo Fu's face, he became dignified.

All of these secret books describe the essence of refining utensils, and the problems in several books are even more subtle. Luo Fu vaguely feels that it is still on the top of great achievements.

"I don't know who is the master of weapon refining who surpasses the great achievements of the predecessors?" Luo Fu murmured.

However, Luo Fu soon did not have the heart to think about this problem, because her whole mind was immersed in the secret script.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

On the third morning, when Ye Hao appeared on the ship's board, Luo Fu put down his secret script.

"Are you going to the competition?"

Ye Hao nodded gently.

"I'll go with you."

"You'd better keep reading the script." Ye Hao refused.

"All right." Luo Fu also knew that this was the critical moment, so he did not ask for it any more.

When Ye Hao first appeared in Donghua City, the surrounding space was a flash. Then Ye Hao saw a figure coming out of the void space.

"Mr. Ye, I've been looking for you for a while these two days."

"Around." Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"This is the compensation of Donghua Dynasty. Is Mr. Ye satisfied?"

Ye Hao's mind swept for a moment, but he was stunned.

A moment later, Ye Hao looked at Hua Pengcheng and said, "satisfied."

"Since Mr. Ye is satisfied, I don't know if he is interested in cooperating with our Donghua emperor?"

"No interest." Ye Hao refused even though he didn't want to.

"Hua zhanxiong has lost his status as heir to the throne."

Ye Hao's eyes congealed. After a short while, he said, "let's talk about it later."

What does Hua Pengcheng mean? Ye Hao knows it clearly.

Because Hua Pengcheng's compensation to himself is to refine the medicinal materials of Jiupin Zun advanced Dan and du'erdan.

Hua Pengcheng's eyes showed a trace of disappointment.

If Ye Hao was willing to cooperate with him, the power of the Donghua emperor would increase in an instant.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao refused to cooperate.

"Mr. Ye, are you going to take part in the trial?" Even if Hua Pengcheng is not happy in his heart, he still has a smile on his face.

"Well." Ye Hao nodded.

"With the strength of Mr. Ye, where can I use to participate in the selection competition?" Hua Pengcheng immediately said, "I think you are fully qualified to be the judge of this competition."

"I'm going to the trials to win the first place."

"First place?" Hua Pengcheng immediately realized what, "Mr. Ye, is running for the statue of time?"

"Well." There's nothing to hide.

"I'll send Mr. Ye there." Hua Pengcheng continued.

"No more." After Ye Hao refused Hua Pengcheng's good intentions, he went to the audition position alone.

After about a dozen breaths, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe appeared beside Hua Pengcheng.

"Grandfather, how are you?"

"This one is still worried about huazhan Xiong."

"I have abolished Hua zhanxiong's right to take the throne."

"Even if we kill Hua zhanxiong, we still have a grudge in his heart." Hua Pengcheng shook his head gently.

"What about that?"

"This one is running for the statue of time." Hua Pengcheng pondered for a while and said, "I mean the open supply."

"Will affect the amount of crystal supply."

"I believe that Ye Hao's giving will be far more than that given by time crystal."

"Let me see." Yellow robe middle-aged silent.

Hua Pengcheng did not urge.

Because in front of him is the contemporary emperor of Donghua Dynasty. His cultivation has reached the earth shaking level.For a long time, Huang Pao's middle-aged eyes showed a firm color, "gambling."


Let's talk about Ye Hao here.

Ye Hao didn't go far. The space around him was just a whirl. Then Yue Xinyan's figure appeared in front of him. Beside Yue Xinyan, there was a girl. Who was that girl who was not Yue Zhixuan?

Yue Xinyan handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth and said softly, "this is the compensation of our Yue family."

Ye Hao's mind swept a little and then he couldn't help laughing. "Your family in law has a routine with Donghua emperor."

"What the old man Hua Pengcheng gave you is also medicinal materials?" Yue Xinyan was surprised.

"Not bad." Ye Hao said here and said, "Hua Pengcheng wants to cooperate with me, but I refused."

"Er." Yue Xinyan opened his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say.

But immediately Yue Xinyan pointed to the girl beside her and said, "this is my granddaughter Yue Zhixuan."

Ye Hao glances at Yue Zhixuan and doesn't understand what medicine is sold in the gourd of the old fox.

"Zhi Xuan, don't you apologize to Mr. Ye?" Yue Xinyan touched Yue Zhixuan and said.

Wen Yanyue's pretty face turned white, and then he saluted Ye Hao, "Mr. Ye, the last thing was caused by my gluttony. Zhixuan here says sorry to you."

"There's nothing wrong with being greedy." Ye Hao said faintly, "but it's bandit's behavior to take other people's things as already. In fact, in my heart, you are as hateful as your brother. Because when your brother swaggered into my box, there was a look of jokes in your eyes

Yue Zhixuan looks flustered and looks at Yue Xinyan at a loss.

Yue Xinyan sighed slightly.

He knew that Ye Hao saw through his tricks, but it was impossible to match them up.

"Mr. Ye, you can summon me if you can't solve the problems in quadruple days." Yue Xinyan looked at Ye Hao and whispered, "I will arrive at the first time."

Ye Hao did not comment.

"I'm off." Yue Xinyan said to leave, leaving Yue Zhixuan in place.

Yue Zhixuan takes a look at Ye Hao and quickly drops his head.

Ye Hao didn't even look at Yue Zhixuan, but his figure flashed to the scene of the audition. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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