There are too many friars who refine the utensils in the sky.

It seems that it's a shame not to be able to make utensils.

Luo Fu, Chilian Xianzi, Chen Xiuyue, and even shisan, whom Ye Hao knew, were all craftsmen.

So you can imagine how many weapon refiners have participated in the audition.

"I'm afraid there are more than eight million craftsmen participating this time?"

"In fact, if it wasn't for the restrictions on registration, tens of millions of candidates would have participated in the audition."

"In fact, it's not necessarily useful to sign up. It's not the seed players who really compete for supremacy."

"It can't be said like this. The first one in these years is not necessarily the seed player. Don't you know that there are black horses in every competition?"

"There must be a black horse, but I don't know how dark it is?"

Just as Ye Hao quietly listened to the monks' discussion around him, a middle-aged man with a strong back came to Ye Hao's side.

"Are you here for the audition, too?"

"That's right."

"Are you interested in joining my team?"

"Team?" Ye Hao has doubts in his eyes.

He would like to know whether auditions need to join the team?

"It seems that you are a new man." How does that middle-aged person see Ye Hao's appearance still don't understand?

"It's my first time to compete." Ye Hao said frankly.

"It's not easy to select a really valuable master from millions of monks?" "Therefore, if you want to select a valuable and potential craftsman, you have to go through a lot of screening."

"And then?"

"Then you just have to join my team and you can go further."

"I don't understand."

"I have someone up there who can get the test questions."

"True or false?"

"Do you think I can cheat you about that?" The middle-aged man looked around cautiously and said, "I told you that there are three gold level smelters in my team. They will analyze the test questions as soon as they get them. Think about it. You know what magic weapon to refine in advance. Will you be able to stand out at that time?"

"It sounds good."

"Would you like to join us?"

"Unfortunately not interested."

"I want to tell you that the whole quadruple sky doesn't know how many forces are looking at the smelters who are being evaluated. If you join my team, you have a great chance to be selected by some aristocratic families. Once you are selected by those aristocratic families, you will wait for the hot and spicy ones?"

"I'm not interested in those families."

"You are not interested in those aristocratic families, but they can provide you with resources. With these resources, you can go further."

"You'd better have another one."

Borers are everywhere.

Ye Hao believes that the top management is also aware of this situation.

But there is no need to ask too much.

Because it's impossible to brush down those who are really capable.

Don't talk about a master level weapon refiner like Luo Fu, even if it is a master level weapon refiner, it can be brushed down?

"You boy, you join my team, you will regret it." When Chen Dazhuang saw Ye Hao's indifference, he was the first to suffer from heart disease.

Just after Chen Dazhuang left, a young man with thin lips came to Ye Hao.

"I have auditions here. Do you want to?"


"Don't you want to be famous?"

"I don't want to."

The young man didn't seem to expect that Ye Hao would answer like this, so he made a sign in the dark not far away, and suddenly three or four young people surrounded Ye Hao in the middle.

"Two thousand fairy stones, take away the test questions." The young man glanced at Ye Hao and whispered.

"No interest."

"Boy, you don't seem to see the situation clearly." The young man said that there was a dagger in his hand, and the dagger kept changing patterns in his hand, "do you want me to bleed you?"

"Montaigne, what do you do?" Chen Dazhuang, who had just advised Ye Hao to join his team, returned. When he came to Ye Hao, he pushed one of the young men's younger brothers aside.

"Chen Dazhuang, do you care too much?"

"I just can't stand you buying and selling." Chen Dazhuang pointed to Montaigne and said, "believe it or not, I'll call the law enforcement team now."

"Chen Dazhuang, you have seed." Montaigne changed his color and left with some of his younger brothers.

"Are you all right?" Chen Dazhuang looks at Ye Hao.

"Thank you very much." Ye Hao said softly.

Although Nai Meng can't deny that Ye Hao is helping Chen Da Zhuang.

"Whether the business is clean or not, we have to follow the rules." Chen Dazhuang said indifferently, "Montaigne's grandson has been breaking the rules. If it wasn't for fear that he had a brother who was the head of the forbidden army, I would have broken his legs.""It seems that your identity is not simple either."

"I know a master craftsman."

"It seems that master smelter is not qualified to contact the examination questions?"

"This master is one of the examiners of this competition."

"No wonder." Ye Hao's eyes showed a clear color.

"Why, are you interested in joining my team?" Chen Dazhuang invited again.

"All right." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

"There are some rules I have to tell you in advance." Chen Dazhuang looked at Ye Hao and said, "first of all, if the test question is successful, you have to pay me two thousand immortal stones. In addition, you also need to pay another three thousand immortal stones, because these three thousand immortal stones are for the three gold level weapon refiners. After all, you can't let others work hard to deduce them in vain, can't you? And if you don't have a bet on the exam questions, you just have to pay 3000 immortal stones. "

"How many rounds are there in the trials?"

"Nine rounds."

"Is it not that I have to prepare a stone of forty or fifty thousand immortals in nine rounds?"

"You think too much." Hearing this, Chen Dazhuang laughed. "It's unknown whether our gold level smelter can pass nine rounds, let alone you are not even a gold level smelter."

"All right."

"Come on, I'll take you to meet your teammates." Chen Dazhuang put his arm around Ye Hao's shoulder and walked not far away.

It wasn't long before Ye Hao saw more than 30 young men and women communicating with each other, but these more than 30 young men and women were surrounded by two men and a woman like a crowd of stars.

Ye Hao's mind swept once and knew that the two men and one woman were the three gold level weapon refiners in Chen Dazhuang's mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the new members." Speaking of this, Chen Dazhuang suddenly thought that he did not know Ye Hao's name.

"Ye Tian." Ye Hao said faintly.

This is the name Ye Hao used when he applied for the exam.

"Ye Tian is a new member. You should pay more attention to it." Chen Dazhuang introduced the team members to Ye Hao and left.

"Which clan are you from?" Asked one of the three gold smelters.

"Loose repair." Ye Hao replied.

Hearing Ye Hao's reply, the monks, including the young man, looked at Ye Hao's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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