
Not to mention the attention of the public.

After Wu Weizhong announced the end of the competition, the audience in the field turned to the 8000 artificemakers.

They want to know how many of the 8000 craftsmen can be promoted.

The significance of this promotion is quite different.

As long as the promotion means that the other side has the strength of the master smelter.

No matter how strong the master smelter is, he is not as good as the master.

Because the master smelter has been involved in the field of space.

Ye Hao's face turned white when he got up.

"Are you cheating me?" Yu Han points to Ye Hao angrily.

"Who let you provoke me?" Ye Hao said faintly, "take ten million."

"Repudiation?" Ye Hao sneered, "believe it or not, I'm going to bring you down."

"No, no, I'll give it." Yu Han is busy.

Now is a critical period for Yu Han.

If his reputation stinks, who dares to recruit him?

"Here you are." Yu Han handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

Ye Hao's mind swept a frown and said, "it's still five million less."

"Wait a minute." Yu Han turned for a while and then handed Ye Hao a heaven and earth bag. "The contents of this heaven and earth bag should be worth five million."

Ye Hao took a look, nodded his head, "cheap you."

"You --"

"Go out in the future and keep a low profile." Ye Hao said lightly, "this is just a small punishment for you. If you encounter a cruel one, you can't end up with ten million immortal stones."

Ye Hao doesn't care about ten million immortal stones.

Ye Hao just felt it necessary to teach Yu Han a lesson.

Seeing Ye Hao leave, a faint cold light flashed in Yu Han's eyes.

In order to collect ten million immortal stones, he even mortgaged the immortal sword and armor to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's figure twinkled as he approached the door. The next moment, Ye Hao appeared hundreds of meters away from the door. Even Hua Qiusheng did not capture the speed.

When Hua Qiusheng diffuses around, Ye Hao's figure can no longer be found.

What Hua Qiusheng didn't know was that Ye Hao had already changed into another appearance.

When Hua Rongguang stretched out his neck and looked at the craftsmen who came out, Hua Qiusheng's voice rang out in his ear, "Rongguang, my mind has not locked on each other."

"What? Dad, are you a fairyland Hua Rongguang was shocked.

"The other side's mind strength is stronger than mine." Hua Qiusheng said in a deep voice.

"How could it be?"

"Nothing is impossible." Hua Qiusheng said in a dignified tone, "demons can do it."

"Demon?" Hua Rong's heart trembled.

Demons are a very special group.

Xianzunjing has the fighting power of xianwangjing.

Hua Rongguang had always thought it was a legend, but now he realized that it was not only a legend, but also that the fighting power of the demons had reached such a terrible level.

He knows Hua Qiusheng's accomplishments.

Fairy King three layers!

Such a strong mind can not lock the other side.

What does that mean?

This shows that the cultivation of the other side is still above his father.

Fairy King middle rank!

Hua Rongguang has a feeling of wailing when he thinks of it.

How can it be so powerful?

Now the situation can't be clearer. Ye Hao doesn't meet them at all.

In other words, Haoye doesn't want to forgive.

Reading this, Hua Rongguang couldn't help but shiver.

Do you have to pay for your life just because you're pretending to be a match?

What Hua Rongguang didn't know was that Ji's father and daughter were waiting for Ye Hao at the entrance of the examination room. Unfortunately, they didn't see Ye Hao until the last one came out.

"Childe Ye intentionally concealed his body shape, which is not what we can see through by our cultivation." Angel sighed.

"Don't you want to see me, Mr. Ye?" Ji Shilan's heart is full of bitterness.

When I think of the way I used to treat ye Haoji Shilan, I regret it.

Ye Hao casually gave himself a Jiupin tranquilizing pearl. If they get along happily, there will be some benefits. In case he is lucky enough to be Ye Hao's maid, he will not have to worry about food and drink in this life.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao didn't want to see her at all.

What Ji Shilan doesn't know is that she thinks too much.

The reason why Ye Hao changed his figure was to avoid Hua Rongguang.

It has nothing to do with her.


"What's the matter with you? Why haven't you done it yet? " Zhang yanlei asked the shopkeeper after coming to a wine shop with sun Bing.

"Yinsha pavilion has already played." The shopkeeper took a look at Zhang yanlei."Can you explain to me why he is still alive?" Zhang yanlei stares at the shopkeeper and asks.

"We sent a golden immortal 16 turn killer to assassinate, but the killer didn't come back." The shopkeeper said faintly, "we can kill even those who are one level higher than him in the case of sneak attack, and those who are faced with two higher levels can retreat even if they are defeated." After a pause, the shopkeeper's voice cooled down, "we haven't investigated your responsibility for providing false information yet. You're good enough to question us."

Hearing this, Zhang yanlei's face changed.

To achieve 18 turns is quasi Tianjiao.

Is Ye Hao a quasi Tianjiao?

"I want to know what you will do next?" After a short period of time, Zhang yanlei said.

"No one can kill the killers of our Yinsha Pavilion, and it's safe." The shopkeeper said coldly, "because the information you provided is wrong, you need to pay us some more fees."

"How much?" Zhang yanlei asked.

"Four hundred thousand."

"So much?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't give it." The shopkeeper showed his white teeth to Zhang yanlei.

"I'll give it." Zhang yanlei couldn't help shivering.

Yin Sha Ge is the No.1 killer organization of four times heaven.

They can't afford to offend such forces.

After leaving the restaurant, they rushed to the venue of the competition, and Zhang yanlei's face changed after seeing the promotion quota.

"Is this the master craftsman?" Zhang yanlei's face is full of disbelief.

"If you can refine a magic weapon in the early stage of the main level, the real strength of this one is afraid to be even higher in the middle stage of jade level." Sun Bing's face was ugly and said, "I'm worried about whether the hidden killing Pavilion will kill Ye Tian?"

"Didn't he say that the killer of Yinsha pavilion would not die in vain?" Zhang yanlei asked.

"It's also selective to kill people in secret killing Pavilion, otherwise they would have been attacked by the masses." Sun Bing said anxiously, "I'm worried about the reconciliation between Yinsha Pavilion and ye Tian."

"Reconciliation?" Zhang yanlei's face changed.

"Well." Sun Bing nodded.

"I want to know whether Yinsha Pavilion will betray us if it reconciles with Ye Tian?" Zhang yanlei suddenly thought of it.

"Not normally." Sun Bing thought for a while. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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