Champion building!

When Chen Dazhuang, Shi Haiyan, Su Yifei and Mo Rongqiu arrived at the number one scholar building, they saw Ye Hao waiting at the door.

At this time, they looked at Ye Hao with respectful expression.

What does it mean for Ye Hao to refine a magic weapon at the early stage of the main level?

They know it.

This means that Ye Hao has the medium-term and even high-level refining power of the main level.

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye."

"Mr. Ye." Chen Dazhuang said hello to Ye Hao one after another.

Ye Hao responded with a smile.

After arriving at the box, the atmosphere was pleasant.

But in the middle of their meal, a man in green opened the door of the box.

"Who are you?" Mo Rongqiu could not help but stand up and scold.

The dinner was invited by Mo Rongqiu.

He is a landlord who needs to stand up.

The man in Green took a look at Mo Rongqiu and threw out a token, half of which was inlaid in the table.

"Hidden order."

After seeing the words on the token, Mo Rongqiu's face changed wildly.

Chen Dazhuang, Shi Haiyan and Su Yifei are equally shocked.

Only the killers of the hidden killing pavilion are eligible to have the order.

There are five levels of hidden killing token: jade, gold, Lord, Zun and king. The token on the table is exactly the master level hidden killing order. In other words, the man in green is a main level killer.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Are you the killer of our secret killing pavilion?"

"You mean the bastard who attacked me yesterday?"

"What do you say?"

"Don't I make myself clear?"

"Boy, do you know what it means to provoke us to kill the cabinet?"

Ye Hao holds up his glass and pours it at the man in green.

As soon as the wine poured out, it was filled with blazing heat. When it fell on the man's face, it was like magma. The man in green covered his cheek and howled bitterly.

By the time his hands were down, the whole face was almost destroyed.

"When does the killer dare to come to the door with justice?"

"I'm going to kill you." The man in green pounced on Ye Hao.

The cup in Ye Hao's hand broke in an instant, and then turned into pieces, which ran through his body mercilessly.

Before he fell to the ground, the man in Tsing Yi suddenly tore the space and ran away.

"How did you let him escape?" Chen Dazhuang saw Ye Hao did not track down, said busy.

"He doesn't have much time to live." Ye Hao said lightly, "it's good to let him go back and report a letter."

"Aren't you afraid of the hidden killing Pavilion against you?"

"Yinsha Pavilion is not as brainless as you think." Ye Hao said with a smile, "if the high-level of Yinsha Pavilion comes here, do you believe it will be killed in minutes."

"Who dares to move the hidden pavilion?"

"Donghua city is the base of Donghua Dynasty. The high-level of Yinsha Pavilion dare not come here. Otherwise, Donghua imperial court will definitely take action." Ye Hao said faintly.

"But you can't hide in Donghua city all the time, can you?" Su Yifei said anxiously.

"I never wanted to hide." Ye Hao looked at Su Yifei and said, "OK, don't talk about it. Let's continue to eat."

Chen Dazhuang hesitated for a moment and then stood up and said, "I suddenly remembered that I have a friend who is coming to Donghua city. I have to go to the gate to meet him now. Mr. Ye, let's make an appointment next time."

Chen Dazhuang said to leave without hesitation.

Shi Haiyan was stunned and immediately understood the reason why Chen Dazhuang left.

Since Ye Hao has a feud with Yinsha Pavilion, they are not suitable to approach Ye Hao, otherwise they may be involved.

"Mr. Ye, I just had a flash of inspiration and a sense of breakthrough. Now I have to rush to my resting place." Shi Haiyan stood up, looked at Ye Hao and apologized.

"Go ahead. There's not much chance of a flash." Ye Hao seems to have failed to recognize the deep meaning of Shi HaiYan's words.

Mo Rongqiu saw that Shi Haiyan had also left. After pondering for a while, he stood up and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm just an ordinary gold level weapon refiner. I can't afford to be provoked by such forces as Yinsha Pavilion, and I dare not provoke them."

"I'm sorry, but I'm leaving too."

"By the way, I have already paid for the meal. I wish you a happy meal."

Mo Rongqiu was about to leave when he was called by Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye, what else can I do for you?" Mo Rongqiu turns and looks at Ye Hao.

"Here you are." Ye Hao threw a bag of heaven and earth to Mo Rongqiu.

Mo Rongqiu's mind swept his eyes and his face was startled.

"You and I owe each other." Ye Hao said faintly.Mo Rongqiu took a deep look at Ye Hao and turned around and left.

Ye Hao gave all the immortal stones that Mo Rongqiu gave to Su Yifei and others.

"Don't you see that they are all protecting themselves?" Su Yifei looks at Ye Hao and whispers.

"There's nothing wrong with being wise and protecting yourself?" Ye Hao said, looking at Su Yifei, "why don't you leave?"

"I didn't do it again." Su Yifei said.

"The people in Yinsha pavilion are not as virtuous as you think." Ye Hao slightly shook his head and said, "you should also leave."

"Leave you here alone?"

"In fact, if I can't deal with the killer, you are just a burden here."

"Have you ever said that?" Su Yifei blushed.

"Ha ha." Ye Hao said with a laugh, "I don't want to tease you. To tell you the truth, my background is bigger than you imagined, and Yinsha Pavilion can't deal with me."

"Who are you lying to?" Su Yifei is not Xiaobai who doesn't know anything.

The hidden killing Pavilion is a very afraid existence of Donghua emperor.

"Eat it." Ye Hao did not go on with the topic.


When Ye Hao and Su Yifei are having dinner, the man in green appears in the restaurant where Zhang yanlei appeared before.

The middle-aged shopkeeper's face changed greatly when he saw the man in green.

"How are you?" The shopkeeper checked his injuries as he spoke.

The man in green pressed the shopkeeper's hand, "I know my situation very well, I can't persist for long." After a pause, the man in green then said, "I'll make a long story short. Ye Tian's cultivation is very high. When I face him, I can't resist him. I suspect that this immortal master has more than five levels of strength."

"The fifth floor of the immortal Lord." A cold light flashed in the shopkeeper's eyes.

"I've killed a lot of people for the sake of the organization in my life. I just want the organization to treat my family well." The man in green clutched the shopkeeper's big hand and said, "what I can't let go is my little sister."

"You can rest assured that I will take care of your family in the future."

"Thank you very much." The man in Green said that at this time his big hand fell down powerlessly.

"Ye Tian, I will tear you to pieces." The shopkeeper said word by word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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