In the early morning of the next day, Hua Rongguang had not been able to guard Ye Hao, and then his face became anxious.

He knew that the emperor could not give him much time.

If Ye Hao can't understand him today, he will be dead.

"Mr. Ye." In the examination room, when Ye Hao is bored, a voice suddenly rings in his ear.

Ye Hao did not respond.

The man had no choice but to say, "let me have a way of life for my father's sake."

"Is that why you use your mind to spy on me?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"I just want to inform Rongguang to make a good apology to you." Hua Qiusheng said with a bitter smile.

"Do you know Yinsha pavilion?" Ye Hao said with a deep thought.


"Let Hua Rongguang take action to uproot the power of Yinsha Pavilion in Donghua city." Ye Hao looked calmly at Hua Qiusheng's direction and said slowly.

Hua Qiusheng's face changed and said, "Yinsha Pavilion is the first killer organization of the fourth heaven."

"Are you afraid of killing the imperial court in Donghua?"

"We are not afraid of it if we bump into a hard one. The problem is that the hidden nature of the hidden Pavilion is too deep."

"That's your problem."

Hua Qiusheng pondered for a moment and then said, "I'll let Rongguang do it immediately."

It is unrealistic to pull out all the positions of Yinsha Pavilion in Donghua city with the strength of Hua Rongguang. Only by relying on the intelligence organization of Donghua emperor and cooperating with his forces can it be possible.

But in the name of glory.

This is what Ye Hao asked.

Hua Qiusheng knew that after Hua Rongguang did this, he would wait for his whole life to be chased and killed unless the Yinsha pavilion was destroyed.

But is it better to be pursued than to be killed now?

What's more, this incident can still carry the flag of the imperial court!

Hua Qiusheng and Hua Rongguang came to the study of the big boss of the eastern China Dynasty, and said Ye Hao's request again.

"It seems that the killers of Yinsha pavilion are looking for this one." The emperor seems to have thought of something.

"What now?" Hua Qiusheng asked.

"Of course, according to his request, all the yinshazong's strongholds in Donghua Dynasty were pulled out." The emperor said calmly.

"But you will surely get revenge for this."

"Revenge means revenge. Who are you afraid of?" The emperor said lightly.

A decadent restaurant.

The manager lay lazily on the cane chair, and the whole person looked listless.

At this time, the door was suddenly kicked open, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, but it was soon closed away.

"Old thing."

As soon as the shopkeeper stood up, he was slapped.

His eyes suddenly flashed a fierce killing intention.

"Whatever your background, you're dead." The shopkeeper looked at the young man with Chinese robes coming in.

"I don't believe it." Hua Pao youth said, a dagger appeared in his hand, and then stabbed at the shopkeeper's heart.

When the shopkeeper was about to pinch his bright wrist, he suddenly found that a terrible mental force had imprisoned his whole body.

Can't move!

"Stop it."

But the dagger in the young man's hand was still deep into his heart.

The powerful destructive power contained in the dagger crazily strangled his vitality.

"Do you know who I am?"

"The little head of Yinsha Pavilion." Hua Pao youth said lightly, "I Hua Rongguang killed you."

"Hua Rongguang? Little prince? We didn't offend you The pupil of the shopkeeper shrinks.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

The problem is that his father is a fairy king.

As long as anything involves the fairy king, it is not a small matter.

"But you have offended those who should not have offended." Hua Rongguang drew out the dagger and then ran through his eyebrows.

With the dagger penetrating his aura, the shopkeeper's fire of life was extinguished in an instant.

"Little Lord." See Huarong light silent standing behind him, the old man said.

Hua Rongguang looked at the shopkeeper in the pool of blood for a long time before he said, "go."

Hua Rongguang is a dandy, not bad.

But I haven't killed many people these years.

Today, he killed thousands of people in order to survive.

He killed all the killers in Yinsha Pavilion.

Hua Rongguang is very clear that this matter can not be concealed from the Yinsha Pavilion. It can be imagined that after this incident is exposed, he will become the key target of Yinsha pavilion's assassination.

If you can't improve your strength as soon as possible, the possibility of falling is very high.

What Hua Rongguang didn't know was that while he was slaughtering the killers of the Yinsha Pavilion, the powerful men and offerings of the eastern China imperial court were rushing towards their garrison cities.Hua Rongguang's killing immediately attracted the attention of the high-level of yinshazong.

Through all kinds of intelligence analysis, the high-level of Yinsha sect realized that it was all because of a young man.

"Donghua emperor dares to fight against us because of a young man?"

"The masters of the Donghua Dynasty have been sent to the major cities, and the gods of those masters have turned into a terrible Skynet, which has quickly penetrated the territory of Donghua Dynasty."

"The emperor of Donghua showed that he would not hesitate to fight against us."

"In fact, I want to know who is Ye Tian

"I'm still looking for information about that one."

"Do you still need to find out about that one? The one who killed so many of our disciples, can we let him live? "

"Not bad."

Looking at the indignant appearance of the elders, the owner of the Yinsha Pavilion pondered for a long time and said, "immediately start our chess pieces in Donghua City, and kill Ye Tian at all costs."

A storm is brewing.

However, Ye Hao, as the party concerned, watched Xiaonan plant fairy medicine in the medicine garden of xiaotiandi.

"The growth cycle of fairy medicine is too long." Little girl's appearance has not changed much. She wears a colorful skirt and shuttles in the medicine garden. She is as smart as an elf.

"Only through the years of wind and frost can we have a strong medicine." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Don't you have the power of time Little girl suddenly thought of something, "or you use a hundred and eighty years old."

Ye Hao couldn't help but curl his mouth.

"Thirty or fifty years old?" Seeing Ye Hao ignore his little girl, he looks at Ye Hao pitifully and says, "how about ten years and eight years?"

"The power of time can only be used at the right time." Ye Hao looked at Xiaonan and said, "I don't need the power of time now."

"Use it? Use it? How about it? " Xiao Nan waved Ye Hao's arm.

"Well, use it, will you?" Ye Hao said helplessly.

"Yes." The little girl jumped up excitedly.

The management of medicine garden is a boring job.

Little girl likes this job.

Ye Hao is also happy to give Xiaonan the medicine garden.

However, it is reasonable that Xiaonan likes to manage the medicine garden. After all, Xiaonan is a king level fairy medicine with wisdom. She is naturally close to medicinal materials.

Ye Hao accompanied Xiaonan for a while and then went back to the warship.

At the next moment, a figure rushed towards Ye Hao.

Ye Hao slapped the figure to one side.

Xiao Qi rubbed his head and said, "don't you know it's lighter?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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